“It’s almost impossible to return.”

In a quiet laboratory, Adier’s silhouette appeared quietly, sitting on the stone platform, thinking about the previous scene.

The scene just before was really urgent.

Herama arrogantly detonated the seeds of the Kaiyuan within the body, and even introduced some of the Turing Emperor Strength to the body to explode together, which is pretty good to say.

As a Level 3 wizard, Adier is confident that he can survive this explosion, even if it may be seriously injured, but as long as it does not fall directly, he will have the opportunity to return.

What really killed him was World’s exclusion.

That World was always repelling Adier, and at the moment Herama fell, it reached a Peak, directly breaking through Adier’s soul defense line, causing horrible consequences.

So just before Herama fell, Adier took a moment and immediately retreated from that World and returned to his old nest.

“Six years, is it just six months here?”

Open the Wizard Array at will, and after receiving the feedback from the Wizard Array, Adier gently sighed in relief.

Although I know in advance that the time lapses of the two Worlds are different, but Adier after all is the first time I have a bit of a panic.

Until now, after returning to the Mason region, his original nagging mood was relieved, and he was much relaxed in an instant.

Standing in place, he then looked at his attribute panel.

At this point in his body, after Herama’s self-explosion, Boundary Energy on Adier grew again, this time jumping directly to the number of nine thousand.

Nine Thousand Boundary Energy.

This is undoubtedly a huge sum, even if some of this huge sum needs to be handed to Solar, but the remaining part is enough, so that Adier does not have to worry about Boundary Energy for a long time.

Thinking about this, even with Adier’s character, he couldn’t help smiling.

This time when he entered Knight World, he gained a lot.

In addition to the gains from Boundary Energy and various rare resources, he also gained a lot of knowledge about the Knight system, and even successfully promoted Level 3 wizards, in a short period of time, he has achieved achievements that many people cannot achieve in a lifetime.

Level 3 wizards, even if they are placed in the entire Maison area, they are definitely the top group of people who can dominate the rise and fall of a race.

In addition to being promoted to Level 3 Wizard, Adier is also a Source Awakening Knight. The Strength of the two is superimposed, but in terms of combat effectiveness, I am afraid it will not be weaker than his teacher Kolar.

If you count Moon King’s Sword, the unique magic weapon of Moon Elf, even if at this time facing Kolar, the elf high priest, Adier has the confidence to win.

After all, compared to him, Kolar is old, and the remaining lifespan is not much, it is difficult to say how much Strength can be retained.

“Although I have just been promoted now, but purely in terms of combat effectiveness, I am not inferior to Level 3 veterans. If you count Moon King’s Sword as a magic weapon, the strength that can be played is even lower than that of Level 3. Peak. “

Standing in place, Adier meditated silently.

He has many advantages.

Level 3 Wizard, Source Awakening Knight, Moon Elf Bloodline, Moon King’s Sword ····

These items, taken individually, are comparable to Level 3 wizards. If they are taken together, they are enough to make Adier’s combat power reach a horrible level.

“It’s time to go out.”

Looking up, feeling the movement of the surrounding Wizard Array, Adier whispered to himself, and then walked outward.

It didn’t take long before the moment when we just stepped out of the laboratory door, someone in the distance sensed it and was coming quickly.

Feeling this, Adier stood still, waiting silently.

Not long after, in sight, a beautiful elf woman came from afar, wearing a silver gown and holding a little girl five or six years old.


Holding Solana, looking at the distant place, Adier looked pale, and Edice smiled.

“Yeah, it’s finally over.” Adier smiled, looking at Edice in front of him, gently nodded.


“It looks like you have learned a lot this time.”

A spacious and bright quiet room, sitting above, Kolar laughed.

“A lot of gains,” Adier admitted frankly, gently nodded.

Beside him, Edice and Solana were sitting there, silently beside him.

Since returning this time, Adier’s relationship with Edith seems to have gone a step further. Now, it’s inseparable, and they are followed by them no matter where they are.

Not surprising at this time.

In the middle of the two, looking at the white hair in front of them, like a kind old Kolar, Solana seemed very restless, moving from time to time, doing small movements behind Adier and Edice’s cover.

A few people didn’t care about her little movement, just laughed.

“How have you been all around recently?”

Sitting still for a while, looking at Kolar in front of him, Adier asked.

Not seen for half a year, Kolar’s appearance changed noticeably, and the breath on the whole person seemed a little weak, which made Adier frown secretly.

“It’s messy.” Kolar shook his head, at this time looking like an ordinary old man: “Everywhere is in turmoil, underground creatures everywhere are pouring out, causing a lot of deaths and injuries to elf everywhere.”

Looking at Adier in front of him, he spoke after one after another, telling the latest situation of Maison Region.

The situation in the Mason region is very bad.

The boundary between the ground world and the ground world has begun to decline, and many primers of underground creatures have appeared everywhere, causing riots everywhere.

Silver Fog Forest is okay. After all, it is remote, sparsely populated, and there are complete Wizard Array guards in each area. Therefore, although the losses are heavy, the basic positions can still be maintained.

But other places are bad. In the middle of the Mason region, several top wizarding organizations have collapsed, and they were directly attacked by underground creatures.

Listening to these news, Adier also sighed lightly.

“I’m going to hold a testimony for you.” Looking at Adier, Kolar opened the mouth and said: “You have not been fully announced about the promotion of the Level 2 Wizard, but just by taking this opportunity now. “

“There is too much bad news these days, and we need some good news to reconcile them so that the nobles will not lose confidence.”

“I have no opinion.” Adier gently nodded, agreeing.

“In addition, the few things you asked me to ask about before, are now eyebrows.” Looking at Adier, Kolar then opened the mouth and said: “The clansman of the Yale family has been found, and now there are still some Clansman, has been temporarily settled by the king. “

“Someone came before, and their patriarch wants to see you.”

Listening to this, Adier was silent for a moment.

The Yall family, this is a very distant word.

When he was studying at Wlardo College, Adier had a teacher who helped him a lot when he was weak.

At a later time, Wlardo College relocated as a whole. The teacher from Adier also moved away with Academy, and currently has no idea where he is going.

Before leaving, Adier promised to promise to marry and search for the Yal family after taking the Mason area.

Adier has never forgotten this promise. Whether in the Hand of Jadeite or the Black Wizard Alliance, he has paid a high price to find this family.

Later, after entering the Silver Fog Forest, he launched the Strength of the elf family, looking for the trace of this family throughout the Maison area.

For so many years, Adier thought the family had completely disappeared, but did not expect to hear the news now.

“Their lives are very bad. The whole family is almost reduced to mortals, and they live in a village in disgrace. Except for a few apprentices, they look just like those mortal families.

Looking at Adier, Kolar opened the mouth and said: “They seem to offend somebody, so the whole family dare not go out at random, and have been living in that town in seclusion until now.”

“Is that so?” After a moment of silence, Adier opened the mouth and said, with some sighs in his voice, seeming to remember the former teacher.

“These people are now settled in the King City. If you have time later, you can go and see them.” Kolar continued: “Besides, you asked me to talk to the Black Wizard Alliance, and now you have something to look forward to. Now. “

“Natasha promised to give us the Emerald Stone.”

“Really?” Adier was agitated and excited at the news.

“It’s not an entire emerald stone, it’s just a shard.” Looking at the image of Adier, Kolar also laughed, and his breath was very kind: “That shard, I have sent it to your place, You will see it later when you return. “

“Trouble teacher.” Looking at Kolar, Adier thanked him heartily.

This is the benefit of leaning against a powerful force.

As long as your status is high enough, whether it is looking for resources or other things, someone will help you do it, even faster than you can do it yourself.

With the news of the Emerald Stone, Adier couldn’t bear the excitement in his heart. After a while, he left Kolar’s residence and returned to his manor.

Just stepping into the basement of the manor, a familiar throbbing movement came from him, accompanied by the desire to in the depth of one’s soul.

A unique scent came from not far away, where the seductive scent slowly spread out, and Adier could not help but be a little intoxicated.

Following this breath, he opened the door of the basement and walked into it.

The light azure shines into my eyes.

In the center of the basement, an emerald-like fragment is lying there quietly, slowly emitting bursts of emerald-colored rays of light.

In the vicinity of this shard, Wizard Array shrouded around it, covering the fragments of this emerald stone to prevent it from leaking breath.

“very beautiful.”

Looking at the fragment in front of him, Adier was a little excited and couldn’t settle for a long time.

After a while, when his mood was about calm, he strode forward, extended his hand along the induction in his heart, and placed it gently on the emerald shard.

As the arm came in contact with the debris, a cool sensation came from the palm of the hand, which was faint at first, and then quickly became strong.

At this moment, deep in my heart, there seemed to be a warm current, which caused a deep throbbing feeling in his depth of one’s soul.

Feeling this kind of feeling, Adier looked towards his attribute panel, watching the column that belongs to Boundary Energy keeps increasing.

Ten thousand, twenty thousand, thirty thousand …

In just a few minutes, Boundary Energy on Adier quickly reached 50,000, and then the growth rate began to slow down and became much slower.

With this, in front of Adier’s eyes, the piece of emerald color also began to fade, and the emerald color above began to disappear and gradually became transparent.

This process is fast. Only ten minutes later, the fragment in front of the eyes completely changed. The emerald color on it completely disappeared, and it looked like an ordinary transparent spar, without the slightest Strength.

The Boundary Energy on Adier is also growing rapidly. With the complete disappearance of the fragment Strength, it has grown to 40,000 at this time.

“Just such a piece of debris brought me more than 30,000 points of Boundary Energy.”

Gently lowering his arm and looking at the Boundary Energy on his body, Adier was a little surprised and a little surprised.

This is indeed an unexpected delight.

At Knight World, he spent six years in contact with Child of Destiny, and even risked World Backlash several times before finally collecting thousands of Boundary Energy.

And here, just an ordinary World Stone shard brought him tens of thousands of Boundary Energy.

The gap between them makes Adier can’t help but sigh, even feel worthless for his previous adventure.

“I knew I could get Boundary Energy so safely, so why bother taking risks?”

Thinking of what happened in Knight World, Adier shook the head, a little speechless.

“However, with this Boundary Energy, this time the energy that the shuttle ability has evolved again should be almost the same.”

Looking at Boundary Energy on himself, feeling the throbbing motion in the depth of one’s soul, Adier whispered to himself.

In his depth of one’s soul, the core of a little purple is flashing, it seems to feel something, an instinctive desire is constantly conveyed, which makes Adier clearly sense.

“Try it.” Adier frowned slightly, thinking about the desire deep inside.

With a decision in his heart, he slowly closed his eyes and drowned all his mind in the depth of one’s soul.

In the depth of one’s soul, the core of a little purple is flashing, and at this moment he feels his thoughts and starts to shine.

Strands of purple’s strength pour into it and are sucked into it.

On Adier’s attribute panel, the amount of Boundary Energy began to decrease at a rate visible to naked eyes, and it began to decrease from the original 40,000. The rapid decline rate made Adier feel a little distressed.

It was only at this juncture that he could not care about the pain, because in his depth of one’s soul, a violent sense of pain came, exhausting all his mind for a while.

This pain is very strong, acting on the soul, the pain is much more intense than the body.

While suffering, an inexplicable change is also occurring.

In Adier’s in the depth of one’s soul, the strength of a little purple constantly emerges, and it starts to converge toward the core of the soul, which seems to have produced some unique changes.

An inexplicable feeling began to come to my mind, as if the pedestrians in the desert were about to die of thirst and met the oasis, revived a strong vitality, bringing an unprecedented satisfaction.

Along with this unique feeling, a purple crystal emerges from in the depth of one’s soul, and is quietly displayed in the depths of the soul, blooming a spiritual brilliance.

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