A faint light shone constantly in the spacious basement.

Opening his eyes slightly, feeling the changes on his body, Adier got up and looked subconsciously towards his attribute panel.

On the attribute panel, the original amount of Boundary Energy, which had a total of 50,000, has shrunk greatly at this time, leaving only about 4,000.

“It took me a little more than 40,000 Boundary Energy for a small transformation.”

Looking at the remaining Boundary Energy on his body, Adier was a little speechless.

More than 40,000 Boundary Energy, this is not a small number.

In the Destiny World dedicated to the runner, even if it involves something like Level 4, most of them are just thousands of Boundary Energy that’s all.

More than 40,000 Boundary Energy, even at Destiny World, is a huge sum. Except for a few seniors, few people can get it.

“It cost so much Boundary Energy and I don’t know what will change.”

Glancing at the remaining Boundary Energy, Adier closed his eyes quietly, feeling the changes on his body.

Consuming that many Boundary Energy, Adier’s body not at all changed so much, it was the same as not at all before.

What really transforms is the core of in the depth of one’s soul, and also his shuttle ability.

With his indulgence, soon, in the depth of one’s soul, a little instinctual information was returned.

“It seems … one more choice.”

Feeling the information returned in the depth of one’s soul, Adier eyes opened, and I was a little surprised: “Can I go without the body?”

In the past, the shuttle World, no matter what World, must travel to itself.

However, this time after the power evolved, it gave Adier a new choice, allowing his soul to shuttle alone and go to other worlds alone.

The benefits are obvious.

Traveling to Strange World encounters many dangers in itself, the most direct of which is the exclusion of World.

This exclusion of Strength, Adier has already experienced in the previous World, making him directly in danger several times, almost unable to return.

However, if you do not use your own body, but use the soul shuttle, then this exclusion of the World can be avoided.

Without the burden of the body, the soul shuttles the realm. Under the action of the shuttle power, the instinctual will find a suitable identity to cover up, so that he has a suitable identity.

“What the hell does that sound a little wicked?”

Feeling the message conveyed in the depth of one’s soul, Adier frowned slightly, speechless.

“Forget it, it just happens that there is still some time, come back and find a chance to try it out.”

Thinking of the recent situation, looking at the Boundary Energy left on him, he shook the head and turned to leave the basement.

Leaving the basement, he quickly left his residence, led by a few servants, and walked to a distant manor.

In the manor, more than a dozen people were standing there at this time, all holding their hands or holding farm implements, or bows and arrows, all doing their own things.

“Sir, you are here.” A voice came from the front, and it sounded old.

Adier looked up slightly, just to see the distance. An old man in a white robe came from a distance, holding a gray iron-wood crutch in his hand.

“I heard someone say, do you have something to find me?” He looked at the old man walking in the distance, and gently opened the mouth and said.

The old man was called Yaled, the current patriarch of the Yarl family, and the only third-class apprentice in the family.

There is a slight wave of energy particles on the opponent’s body, which represents the identity of a third-class apprentice, but in the current view of Adier, this is not the case.


When he came to Adier, Yalide’s face was vicissitudes, and he saluted Adier solemnly: “Thank you for your care.”

“I should do it.” Looking at the old old man in front of him, Adier gently nodded: “My teacher let me take care of you.”

“I’ve heard it.” Yalid sighed softly, with vicissitudes and sorrows in her eyes: “Etis, if she knows your present achievements, she will be very happy.”

Listening to this, Adier was silent.

At the time, Wlardo College relocated to the no-man’s land to open up. As a mentor of Academy, Edith also followed. There has been no news for many years.

In recent years, in addition to inquiring about the Yarl family, he has also sent people to inquire about the location of Wlardo College’s relocation, but because the no-man’s land is too extensive, there is no specific news so far.

After being promoted to Level 3 Wizard, he had thought about personally looking for the location of Academy after the relocation, but considering the current situation in the Mason area, he still did not leave.

With this in mind, he temporarily put aside all the affairs at hand and talked with the old man in front of him.

They talked for a long time, from recent developments in various places, to the history of the Yarl family, to the events of Edith that year.

From the chat, Adier also learned some of what happened.

The Yale family was not weak at that time. Although there were not many clansmans, there were also formal wizards in the clan. It was a small wizard family in the Maison area.

Things were very simple back then. It was nothing more than love and hate between two young geniuses. Edith and one of the geniuses of the Yarl family clansman had close relationships. The two sisters were commensurate with each other, but they turned into hatred.

In the end, it was only for decades that the Yarl family was targeted and the power gradually declined. The original genius clansman also died.

Edith went far from Northern Territory, from the Mason area to the Northern Territory, a small place to explore, and finally went to teach student at Wlardo College.

This generation of things passed, and it was not until Wlardo College moved away again that it was about to be far away from this area, and Edith let go of her burden and gave her original concern to her student to end it.

And until today, Adier has found the clansman of the Yarl family and fulfilled his promise.

“When Lord Edith had a good relationship with us, he often came to stay in our family and left a lot of things.”

The old man shook his arm and moved out a lot of things that had already been arranged. Cautiously put it in front of Adier: “You are the student of Lord Edith. These things will be transferred to you.”

Adier was silent, then nodded.

He glanced at the stacked items, there were several small boxes on it, and it looked like how many things were not at all.

Inside the pile, Adier saw a jade carving.

The jade carving is not at all special, it just sculpts two different people.

They are two young girls. They are dressed differently and dressed differently, but they look the same, they are full of youthful vitality, they look lifelike and charming.

One of them was Edith when he was young. As for the other, most of them were friends who turned against him at that time.

Accept these things silently, Adier let people engraved Wizard Array on these things, and then use the special Magic Transformed Item to protect them from further damage.

In addition to protection, there is a serious consideration in doing so.

He wants to find Edith, he wants to know how his teacher is doing now. If there is an opportunity, he hopes to repay his teacher and Academy.

These things are clues, and when there is enough strength in the future, maybe you can start with these things and lock Edith’s position at this time to find her.

After thinking about it for a long time, if he accepted these things, he would have no other meaning here.

In the previous conversation, he has properly handled the batch of Jarl clansman, ready to send these people to a manor not far from his residence, and then give them a lot of land for survival.

In this way, with Adier by their side, the safety of these people is somewhat guaranteed.

After sorting out these things, he got out of here, ready to return to his residence, and prepare for the next place.

The next few days will be witnessed by Ceremony, which was organized by Kolar specifically for Adier to celebrate his promotion to Level 2 Wizard.

The news of this testimony has been making a lot of noise because of recent bad news everywhere.

After all, when this bad news keeps coming, this is the good news of rarely seen. It can not only divert the attention of many nobles, but also can slightly boost everyone’s morale. Naturally, we must publicize it.

“It seems a lot of people.”

At noon, surrounded by a group of guards, Adier walked into a large and magnificent palace, and then a moment later.

In the hall, countless seats were neatly arranged there, and at a glance it looked like there were at least thousands of people.

These people are male and female, all are gorgeously dressed and have exquisite faces, and many of them have some kind of breath, either Knight or Wizard.

This wasn’t what surprised Adier. What surprised him was that in the crowd, a kind of dissonance was coming from it. Although hidden deep, it was as conspicuous to Adier as a torch in the dark.

Here is a testimony held by the elf royal family for him. In order to show their importance, King Kast and Kolar are two heavyweights. They should not make such low-level mistakes.

“Did you find it?” A familiar vicissitudes sounded in my ear.

Adier lifted his head and saw exactly at the end of the palace, Kolar was sitting on a silver throne, wearing a silver robe, smiling at him.

“Just do what you think.” He looked at Adier nodded and encouraged him.

Adier instantly understood what he meant.

So, surrounded by the guards around him, he gently moved forward.

Stepping out, the crisp footsteps were particularly loud, attracting everyone’s attention.

With everyone looking forward, or excited, or zealous, Adier gently moved forward.

As the scene of Bloodline’s trial road reappeared, Adier slowly moved forward, and everything around him began to change.

The brilliance of silver shines on the world and spreads throughout the palace at this moment, turning the sea into a sea of ​​moonlight.

In Adier within the body, the blood of silver is boiling, the core of the heart is trembling, no longer suppressing its own nature, but stimulating all Strength to completely recover.

The majestic Bloodline majesty is emerging at this moment, walking in the palace by himself, as if Adier is incarnation as the mythical God’s Son, from the earth to the cloud, and then from the cloud to the earth, the footsteps never stop, the moonlight never goes out.

He has a handsome appearance, the whole person is enveloped in the moonlight, and a calm and calm temperament emerges from all over his body, with the breath attached by Moon Elf Bloodline, making everyone’s blood boiled under the traction of Moon Elf Bloodline Involuntary Bloodline arrogant, fanatic looking towards the central Adier.

At this moment, no one dared to speak, the entire palace became silent for a moment, and then quickly became cluttered.

Several miserable screams came from all around, with extreme fear, were directly suppressed by Strength on Adier, and had to be exposed.


They yelled, holding back the pain of their bodies and the hostile eyes of the people around them, subconsciously trying to escape from this place.

It’s just that they haven’t waited for these underground creatures to leave, or the elf around them, and a dim but calm moonlight swept directly.

“No!” The screams of fear and miserable ceaselessly, and then soon returned to peace, swallowed directly by the moonlight, and melted in the moonlight of silver, leaving no corpse.

In the awe of the people around him, Adier walked to the top.

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