Wu Yuehua continued to spread in place.

In the awe of countless people, Adier, wearing a silver robe, walked straight up to the high platform, before King Kast and Kolar.

“very good.”

King Kast smiled and looked kind.

The same goes for Kolar, with a smile on his face and a look of encouragement in Adier’s eyes.

There were people standing up from below, cheers of faintly discernable were diffused, the reality was faint, and then gradually boiled. It kept ringing in the spacious palace.

Looking at this scene, King Kast and Kolar looked at each other, both nodded.

This ceremony has been held until now, and it has been considered a success.

As Adier expected, the mixed underground creatures were deliberately put in by King Kast and Kolar, in order to show him his strength and enjoy his strength.

Judging from the situation in this scene, the effect seems to be very good.

At this point, ceremony is not over.

As the king of elf, King Kast ordered that several young girls wearing sacrifice robes approached and held some unique sacred ceremony for Adier.

Sitting calmly on a chair, looking down at the nobles below, Adier covered the silver glory, calmly looking down, with a calm temperament.

He sat there, letting the side sacrifice, keep his posture still.

It wasn’t until seven or eight hours later that the ceremony was declared over, and guests who had originally filled the palace gradually left, and the fiery atmosphere gradually cooled.

Taking off his solemn and solemn gown, and watching the declining crowd around him, Adier gently sighed in relief, after saying goodbye to King Kast and Kolar, he left here and headed towards his residence.

“Another day wasted.”

Horse riding on the road, just outside the thick night, thinking about today ’s day, Adier shook his head slightly, feeling a little speechless about today’s long ceremony.

The celemon of the elf family has always been known for its cumbersome solemnity. As the elf prince and the next high priest ordered by Kolar, the celemony held by the elf is naturally more cumbersome, making Adier, a very patient man, feel a little impatient.

This is why he has repeatedly asked for simplification. Otherwise, if the original ceremony is really made, I am afraid it cannot be completed for three consecutive days.

“From the latest information, it seems that there is still more than two years before the isolation between the underground world and the surface world disappears.”

Quietly riding a horse, thinking of recent news from Kolar, Adier lowered his head and thought: “At that time, it’s time for the underground world to attack aggressively.”

Over time, nowadays, in the entire Mason region, more and more rare underground creatures have appeared, and powerful underground creatures have appeared everywhere, which has caused some impact on the existing order.

These shocks are just a prelude, and although they have a certain impact, they are actually nothing.

Until the isolation of the Underground World from the Surface World completely disappears, that’s when the Underground World invades aggressively.

At that time, the existing order will be strongly impacted, and even if it is not careful, it is not impossible for the entire Maison region to be occupied by the underground world.

At this time, it was about two or three years from the ground world to attack aggressively.

“It will take about two or three years for the isolated Strength to disappear, but it will take a short time for the two sides to decide on a victory.”

“Whether it is in the underground world or the Mason region, it is not a soft persimmon. Once the two parties fight, it is impossible to decide the outcome immediately. It will definitely take a long time to buffer.”

Thinking of this, Adier looked up: “And this time is my opportunity.”

Looking at the dark world in the distance, Adier murmured.

With the ability to cross, in many cases, Adier has the right to choose. Once the situation is not good, you can immediately go to other Worlds.

However, the traversal ability belongs to him alone, and his relatives and friends, including his biological mother and wife, and Solana and the others, cannot leave at all.

Faced with the disaster that affected the entire Mason region, they had no way to escape, but to accept it.

These are all concerns.

Adier doesn’t want to leave these people alone, so he has to become stronger until he has Strength to protect everything.

“When you’re done with this, let’s start.”

Silently, he rode a horse and walked towards his residence, the thought in his heart kept ringing.

One day after a few months.

In the setting sun, Adier locked himself in his laboratory, carefully prepared himself, and then sat on a stone platform, closing his eyes silently.

“Try it.”

This thought flashed through his mind, and then he was indulged in the depth of one’s soul, and contacted the purple crystal at the core of the soul.

At this moment, a glimmer of purple shrouded the surrounding, covering the entire silhouette of Adier.

But different from the past, this time his body did not change at all, only a pure soul disappeared from the place and was enveloped by the rays of light of the purple in an instant.

A stream of transparent rivers flowed in front of me.

At a certain moment, Adier eyes opened, but found that the landscape in front of him had begun to change.

A huge river flows continuously from the eyes, and on the other side of the river, stars flash in it, emitting different rays of light.

“this is···”

Unfamiliar scenes surprised and surprised Adier.

In the river, he was surrounded by a purple Strength, and he continued to surge forward along the long river to an unknown distance.

At this moment, a scarlet star passed by in front of him, exuding a strong appeal, and instantly attracted Adier’s attention.

It was a scarlet star, it didn’t look too big, and it was not conspicuous among many stars.

As Adier approaches the star, this star instinctively emits a traction, and seems to want to pull Adier instinctively into his world.

Feeling this feeling, Adier solidified the star, and after he felt it carefully, he hesitated to stay away from the star.

This star is indeed a World, but it is not strong in Adier’s induction, and it is only ordinary in many Worlds.

In addition to this star, the following time, along the river in front of him, Adier also encountered many stars one after another, but most of them were not as good as the original one, and naturally he would not be chosen by him.

In the process, Adier also found that his Boundary Energy was decreasing, and that the river was moving forward, and the speed of passing was getting faster and faster.

Just a few moments later, Boundary Energy on Adier consumed hundreds of them, and he could not help frowning.

At this time, a white star was introduced into Adier’s eyes, with a huge momentum, being blocked in the river ahead. The traction was much stronger than other stars that Adier had encountered before.

In induction, the strength of this star is also very strong, almost equivalent to Knight World.

Without the slightest hesitation, next moment, Adier turned into a light and went straight into the star.

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