Quiet classroom, everyone’s eyes are staring at the front of the classroom.

There, a very beautiful little girl walked into the classroom from the outside.

She looks very beautiful, wearing a long red dress, big black eyes, and soft long hair, but her skin looks pale.

Next to the little girl, there were several girls who were with her and talked to her from time to time.

In this regard, the girl seemed a little impatient, but due to politeness, there was still one to talk with the female companion around her.

They walked past the classroom, quickly sat down in one spot, and quickly left after putting down something.

“see that.”

Looking at the girl’s back, Coos was intoxicated: “What a beautiful girl.”

Adier was speechless: “So, this is why you waited here early in the morning?”

“Of course.” Coos whispered, “Do you know who she is?”

“This is a daughter of an influential figure, and it is said that it is a famous character even in the entire Violetgold Kingdom.”

“That being the case, why should this come to our Academy to study?” Adier was puzzled: “In her capacity, shouldn’t she go to the private noble Academy?”

“Who knows?” Coos shrugged: “Maybe it’s to maintain the image of a people? Or is it an agreement with Academy?”

“Anyway, people think of others, but we just don’t know.”

“However, this is our chance.”

He looked up and looked excited at the silhouette that the girl had disappeared.

“You want to fight her?” Listening to Coos, Adier frowned slightly. “Aren’t you afraid of anything?”

Although not too old, Coos, who is fourteen years old this year, is no longer an ignorant child.

This father, who is relying on his father, is the local sheriff. He often goes to hook up with various girls everywhere, and has done a lot of things so far.

Just a few months ago, this guy hooked up with a young girl and directly enlarged his stomach. It made a lot of things for a while, but he was suppressed by his father.

However, despite this bad behavior, it is good for Adier’s physical predecessor, and often invites Sim to play outside.

So, despite being inconspicuous about Coos’ past, Adier reminded him aloud because of his previous physical relationship.

I looked at Adier with a surprised look, and Coos said with a smile in an instant: “Of course I wouldn’t be so stupid, an daughter of an influential figure. If I dare to start, I’m afraid I will be sunk.”

“This kind of girl is not something we can enjoy.”

His eyes flickered and he seemed a little excited: “However, you can’t start directly, but there should be no problem in pulling the relationship.”

“I suggest going to the barbecue on the weekend. What do you think, Sim?”

“I have no opinion.” Adier gently nodded in accordance with past habits, agreeing.

“Good.” Seeing Adier agree, Coos hammered his thigh, then got up and walked in front of the other students, and began lobbying for each and everyone.

Watching Coos’ busy silhouette, Adier shook his head secretly, then took out a book from the desk and spread it out on the table.

The name of this book is the history of Violetgold Kingdom, which records the history of Violetgold Kingdom, a series of major events that have occurred since the founding of the PRC.

Opening this book at will, it didn’t take long for him to read this book again, and all the content in it was recorded by him using a chip.

“The history of Violetgold Kingdom, appreciation of poetry, ancient court art … how are all such impractical things?”

Turning over all the books on the desk, Adier was speechless: “Just these things, what can you do after learning?”

These are the basic courses of Sheng’en Academy. They belong to the Academy’s enlightenment education and can be regarded as basic.

In addition to these courses, those slightly more practical courses basically have a lot of requirements, either with excellent grades or with money.

“Let me think, this Academy also has Knight’s course, just don’t know if it has anything to do with the extraordinary Strength.” Thinking of everything in memory, Adier was lost in thought.

The Knight course at the Academy actually refers to a series of force training.

There are traditional weapon training, high-intensity force training, and even some firearm training.

Such a course can be said to be set up specifically for the training of officers. Compared to the student of the basic course, once Knight’s course graduates, he can immediately become a basic officer, which is higher than Adier’s physical father.

“It’s still a long time, so let’s try it first.”

Putting down the book in his hand, Adier thought about it.

Although the strength of World is similar, the time flow rate of this world is greater than that of Knight World.

Adier had previously felt that if the time ratio between Knight World and Wizard World was ten to one, then this world would be thirty to one.

Thirty to one time flow rate, which means that in the past year in the Mason region, thirty years have passed.

With such ample time, Adier naturally doesn’t have to worry too much, many things can be explored slowly.

The waiting time passed quickly, and after a while, outside the classroom, a middle-aged man came from outside, looking plain, wearing a long-sleeved coat and a thick book in his hand, looking His face was a little pale.

This is the teacher here, who is responsible for teaching the history of Violetgold Kingdom. Normally there is very little talk and it seems very indifferent.

But even the normally indifferent teacher, when she saw a girl sitting below, she couldn’t help showing a smile on her face, and she looked much kinder.

“Let me introduce it to everyone.”

He walked to the pretty girl and watched the girl loudly introduced: “This is Dahlicia, the student who transferred from Syphly City.”

“Hello everyone.” Under the gaze of the people, the girl in the red dress stood up from her seat and looked at the many students present, with a kind and polite smile on her face.

This was just an episode, and she sat down shortly afterwards, and then a class officially started.

Sitting in his own position, Adier could feel that in the spacious classroom, many students were secretly looking in the direction of Dahlicia, including even the middle-aged teacher in front.

Shook the head gently. For these things, Adier disinclined to pay attention, but just quietly picked up a book, pretending to be a serious class.

But secretly, he was doing his little moves.

“This body doesn’t have a Life Seed, but it should be fine to activate Life Energy with a strong Spirit and even re-aggregate a Life Seed.”

Feeling his own situation, Adier thought to himself: “But to do this, we must first have enough vitality.”

After a long time of research, Adier has researched and understood something like Life Seed.

It is nothing more than a miniature organ condensed within the body when the baby is born. It may be troublesome for others, but it is not a big problem for Adier today.

But even if it can be done in theory, it needs to meet the conditions.

“It looks like we need to take care of ourselves.”

With a book in his hand, Adier was calm and thought to himself.

After a while, a lesson was over, and then Coos came over excitedly.

“Sim, Dahlicia agreed to party together on the weekend.”

He was sitting next to Sim, with some excitement said with a big smile.

“Congratulations.” In this regard, Adier’s performance was very calm, just said with a smile quietly.

“You’re too bland reaction.” Coos looked a little disappointed looking at Adier’s expression. “Forget it, just remember to come over then.”

“She will come out this time. Most of the time, she still doesn’t want to be too stiff with her new classmates. It’s difficult to make an appointment after this time.” He whispered, “So whether you want to show it or want Let ’s pull in a relationship and give it a chance. ”

“I just listen to you.” Quietly stretched, watching Coos, Adier casually opened the mouth and said, showing too much interest in not at all.

Seeing this, Coos shrugged and walked away.

Sheng’en Academy is far from Adier’s home.

By the time Adier returned home from Academy, it was almost evening.

Walking through strange streets and looking at his own home, Adier has an inexplicable feeling of palpitations, and it seems that something important is happening.

Feeling this feeling, he frowned and moved forward, but then found something wrong.

It’s too quiet.

No sound came from the old streets.

Although there are some lights around, but no one on the road is moving, it looks extremely abnormal.

According to this body’s previous memory, at this point in time, people in various places should be on their way home without sound at one point.

Feeling all this, he frowned and walked towards his home.

“···············” A sudden sound, stopped Adier’s footsteps.

He looked up and looked towards the direction of his home, but there was a sound coming from there.

It was a vague woman’s voice, which sounded a little messy and anxious: “Quickly … he’s coming back …”

“If we don’t leave, all of us … will die …”


As if the glass was broken, a crisp sound sounded all around.

Standing in front of his room door, Adier’s face was calm, but his palms clenched, as if holding something.

A tingling sensation came from the palms of his hands, as if his palms had been scratched by something, and blood was bleeding from it.

The streets in the rear are back to normal again at this time. The pedestrians hurried and busy each other for their lives, bringing new popularity to the ancient street in front of them.


Feeling the tingling sensation in the palm of his hand, thinking of everything that just happened, Adier could not help but laughed, and then opened the door without the slightest hesitation and rushed in.

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