The thick black gas was flashing, and a deep hissing sound continued to accompany the woman’s faintly discernable cry.

It was only when Adier opened the door that all this disappeared, and the place was still the dilapidated old house, and it looked normal.

Just looking at the scene in front of him, Adier frowned, his eyes fixed on the statue on the wooden table.

“This statue, at noon, doesn’t look like this.”

He looked at the statue of a woman on the wooden table, his eyes cold.

I saw on the wooden table that iron statue of black was still there, but it was slightly different from Adier’s departure at noon.

Compared with the statue as a whole, this change is very subtle, and even in the eyes of ordinary people, what changes at not at all looks the same as before.

But in Adier’s eyes, this slight change is very obvious, and it is impossible to hide him.

“The look of this woman has changed a little.”

Stepped forward gently and looked at the statue on the wooden table. Adier extended the hand without any fear and picked up the statue.

A coolness came from the palm of his hand, accompanied by a very deep malicious intention, which made Adier feel familiar.

This malicious Adier has also experienced it before. At first it was on this body, and then on this body of father, there were similar things.

However, compared with the breath spreading on the statue at this time, the maliciousness remaining on the two men can only be regarded as frivolous.

“The reason why the original owner of this body will die is because it was because he touched the statue before his death.”

Looking at the statue in his hand, Adier frowned. “What the hell is this?”

I thought of all kinds of thoughts in my heart, but in front of him, Adier didn’t hesitate, he was immediately moved, the powerful Spirit force forcibly condensed a little mana, and carved a simple seal on this statue.

Due to the current embarrassment, this seal does not completely seal the statue. It can only suppress the statue for a short time, and it will become invalid after the mana consumption above is over.

After doing this, Adier lowered the statue in his hand and was about to go out.

A squeak came from outside, accompanied by the sound of fine footsteps.

Adier glanced out the door and saw a young girl coming out.

This young girl looked young, only about fifteen or sixteen years old, and she wasn’t amazing, but she was pretty. At this moment, she was looking tired with the parcel in her hand.

She was wearing a long gray dress, and when she saw Adier, her eyes flashed with surprise, and her tired face smiled at the same time: “Sim, are you in good health?”

“It’s almost all right.” Adier was surprised when he saw the girl in front of her. “Why come back so late?”

“It took a while to make up for a classmate.” Dilly looked tired, looked at Adier, put the package in his hand on the table, and opened it, revealing the contents inside.

Those were clean little breads, with some meat in them, and some honey.

“This is for you.”

Looking at Adier, Dilly’s face was soft, and he touched Adier’s head: “Come on, eat early, rest early, and go to class tomorrow.”

“Okay.” Looking at Dilly, Adier showed nothing unusual, just quietly nodded, then picked up these little loaves and walked to the room aside.

Watching his silhouette disappear from sight, Dilly got up, forcing his exhaustion into the humble kitchen and started preparing dinner for himself and others.

After a busy day, Corral returned to his home, still wearing his humble gray uniform.

He was complexion grave and stern, and the whole person exuded a breath of strangeness. After entering the door at this time, he watched Dilly frowned walking around in the kitchen, but in the end it was just sighed.

The technology in this world is pretty good. The TV and so on have been invented, but it is expensive and cannot be used in Sim’s home.

Coupled with a busy day, several people were tired, so they fell asleep shortly after dinner and no more entertainment.

at night.

As time went into the night, most of the lights on the streets were turned off on the streets. Only one or two lights were still on, barely lighting the entire road.

The surrounding seemed quiet. At this time, all the residents fell into a deep sleep and did not make a sound.

It is only in this quiet and serene environment that a little anomaly has begun to appear, and it is constantly expanding with time.

Huh … hh …

The sound of heavy breathing sounded in place.

On the road in the distance, a giant humanoid monster appeared when he did not know when, holding a large broken knife in his hand.

It had no clothes on it, pale skin and no blood, and a face was stiff and horrifying, as scary as a rotten body.

Even so, his eyes were bright and full of some mysterious luster, and he was standing on the side of the road and walking towards a certain house.

Although the body is huge and is three or four meters high, it does not spread the slightest sound of footsteps along the way, only a burst of black breath continues to dissipate, spreading toward all around.

It didn’t take long before it walked to an old house, but finally hesitated and stopped.

Because at this time, in that old house, there was also a glare from it.

It was a pair of pure black eyes, but at this moment there was a silver light gathering inside, looking at the monster.

Although it is just a sight, it seems to contain the strong Strength, which makes the monster in the distance unable to stop, standing outside the house door for a long time.

This stalemate has been going on for a long, long time, and finally came to an end.

Standing in front of the door of the house, being expelled by a share of Strength, the silhouette of the monster gradually faded, and eventually disappeared.


Standing on the balcony and watching the monster’s fading silhouette, Adier finally raised his head, his face was a little unsightly: “It’s not a spirit or an illusion. What’s this?”

Although it seems easy, in fact, Adier has used all the Strengths that can be used in the face-to-face look.

If the monster is not calmed down, it really does not care about rushing to evolve. Adier can’t necessarily suppress the opponent based on the current strength.

After all, he can now be regarded as the weakest time. Although the strong Spirit power still exists, he does not have enough mana to cooperate. It is a loss to fight against people based on the Spirit power alone, which is equivalent to being greatly weakened in Strength.

“It has to be restored as soon as possible.”

Feeling the lingering breath around him, Adier turned back to his room.

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