Early in the morning, just as the sun was rising, Adier set out from home and walked outside.

This time is still very early. The dawn has just appeared and there are not many pedestrians on the road yet.

“If you remember correctly, this should be the direction.”

Walking all the way from an alley, looking at the familiar and unfamiliar road in front of her, Adier thought.

He went out from home early in the morning, not to go to school, but to have his own plan, ready to search for resources in this world, in preparation for the restoration of Strength.

All the way around, after a while, he walked to a remote alley.

The alley here is very remote, and there are few shops inside, but unlike other places, even in the early morning, there are still many pedestrians here, but they look a little different.

Most of these pedestrians are wearing large black clothed or robes, and many have masks on their faces that seem to be preventing something.

When seeing Adier coming out, a few pedestrians gave a surprised look.

But in their sight, Adier’s appearance completely changed, from the appearance of a ten-year-old child to an adult with a mask.

After seeing nothing for a while, they regained their sight and continued to walk forward, looking very quiet.

In this case, Adier is not surprised.

This place is the old street of the city, and it is also a place where dirt and dirt are hidden.

Traffickers, prostitutes, drug traffickers, killers … Many ordinary people’s fears or vigilance can be found here more or less.

The reason Adier was able to find this place was to drag Corral’s blessing.

As an old policeman who has been in the local area for decades, Corral is very clear about the various places in the local area.

Corral has warned Sim more than once in the past to keep him as far away from this place as possible.

Lifting his head slightly, looking at the calm old street in front of him, Adier’s face was calm, and he continued to move forward.

There are many things in this old street that are very old. The street lights are scarce, and the age of various houses and buildings looks long and messy.

There are many beggars around on the ground, but unlike other places, the beggars here are mostly disabled, and they have traces of being cut by swords.


Along the way, to a corner somewhere, Adier’s footsteps stopped, his gaze looked in a certain direction.

In that corner, a person fell silently there, wearing a messy body, a large piece of rotten meat on the original clean skin, red and white liquid flowing on it, and even worms constantly crawling.

On the man’s body, there was a large group of red insects crawling on him, sucking his flesh there.

If you see this scene usually, it will be enough to make your scalp numb, and you will not be able to eat all day long.

“This feeling···”

Looking at the corpse in the distance, Adier was somewhat surprised.

In spite of his miserable appearance, in his induction, the person in the distance actually did not die at all, but now, he is not far from death.

There is a strange entanglement in the other person’s body, with deep maliciousness, is constantly devouring the other person’s vitality, allowing himself to continue to grow.

It can be seen that this situation has been going on for a long time, and now, that breath has completely eroded the opponent’s body, and only the last point can completely swallow the opponent.

If there is no accident, in a few days, the other party will completely become a dead body and it will never be recovered.

But now, there is still a chance.

I thought a lot in my heart, hesitated a bit, in the end, Adier still chose to move forward.

This is also an opportunity.

Now that this person has reached this point, it is clear that he has touched something before.

Through this person, you may be able to access the extraordinary Strength of this world.

“I advise you not to go up.” A husky voice suddenly sounded. Although the voice was husky, the tone was very high, and it seemed abrupt in this quiet street.

It was an old man wearing a red long-sleeved coat with rough skin, like a layer of dry bark.

He stood in front of a row of shops and watched Adier’s action exit prompt: “This person’s body is not something ordinary people can touch.”

“Before you, there were three bad luck eggs trying to hit this guy’s idea, and they were all dead in the last day.”

Listening to this sentence, Adier was a little surprised, could not help but look back at the old man.

“No vitality exists?”

At first glance, Adier noticed something wrong.

Vitality, which is something that every living being has, like Spirit, is the most basic kinds of strengths that a living person has.

If a person does not have the slightest vitality, it means that the other party is dead and has lost the Strength that supports the survival of the body. The result can only be death.

But in this old man, the situation is completely different.

The vitality of the other party within the body has completely disappeared, and even the function of the entire body has mostly stopped.

However, there is another totally different Strength in the opponent’s within the body, which replaces the existence of vitality and supports the opponent’s body to continue to move.

“Living dead like a corpse, but maintaining its own consciousness?”

Looking at the old man in front of him, Adier came to this conclusion.

But on the surface, he was still laughed, and thanked politely: “Thank you for your reminder.”

As the words fell, he continued to move forward, attracting the attention of many people.

In the rear, looking at the movement of Adier, the old man’s face was dull, but he just shook the head and wanted to turn away.

As soon as he walked, he stopped and was attracted by the changes ahead.

Ahead, as Adier walked forward, on the corpse, the sky’s red spots were flying.

If the line of sight is enlarged many times, the true appearance of these spots can be clearly seen, and it is a fine small insect that is only red.

These insects are horrible, with red wings and sharp fangs, which is not easy to see at first glance.

Only after feeling the arrival of Adier, these red insects seemed to run into some natural enemies and flew backwards, afraid to stay in place.

“Are these Biting Life Insects scared?”

Looking at the scene in front of him, the old man instantly widened his eyes, feeling a little incredible for a moment.

He couldn’t understand anything like Biting Life Insect.

It is a horror creature that breeds from the curse. Although it usually looks harmless, just like an ordinary fly, as long as one of them falls on you, it will breed tens of thousands in a blink of an eye and devour your entire body .

This horrible thing, even if he is, it is also difficult to solve, and it is impossible to do the expulsion with no difficulty like Adier.

What surprised him was still behind.

Ahead, in front of the corpse, looking at the red insects flying in front of him, Adier raised his head gently, and his pure black eyes were deep. At this moment, there seemed to be some kind of light spreading.

Then at the next moment, in countless people’s horrified eyes, the group of red insects were mourning and glowing, and at this moment they were all ignited, exuding bursts of low noise.

Each insect burned to the ground and turned into pure ashes.

With each insect falling down completely, a deep mourn sounded, with a horrifying maliciousness, as if someone whispered in your ear, send cold shivers down one’s spine.

However, even so, these things are still burning and falling, they can’t stand a little wind and waves in front of the person in front of them, and they just disappear.

Watching this scene quietly, at this moment, I don’t know how many people were scared, sucked in a breath of cold air.

“This is the true spirit connecting …”

At this moment, when I saw this scene, in a certain corner, there was a person to be wild with joy. Looking at the image of Adier’s back, I found some rare treasures.

Feeling these gazes, Adier didn’t care, just squatted silently and looked closely at the situation on the other side.

After examining the other person’s body, Adier was somewhat surprised.

Because the person who fell to the ground is just a woman, even depending on the situation, the age will not be very large.

Of course, although it is a woman, at the point where it is now, there is actually no difference. All parts of the body are rotten, but it is just a mess.

Utilizing the meager mana gathered during this time, Adier cleans up several wounds on the other side, and then suppresses the deep malicious maliciousness on the other side, and the operation is over.

This is also the reason for the limited conditions. Due to the existing conditions, many complicated methods cannot be used. They can only be dealt with briefly and barely keep the other’s life that’s all.

But just this one is enough to surprise many interested people.

Among the people watching on the street, it was clear that the eyes of several people lit up and felt the final result.

After doing this, Adier got up and looked at the person still lying on the ground, frowning for a moment.

The other party is too weak, even if the strangeness on his body is suppressed by him, he is still weak at this time, and I may not be able to wake up without a period of cultivation.

Thinking of this, he sighed secretly, picked up this person directly under the eyes of everyone, and then went out.

Behind him, everyone in the street stared at Adier’s movements, watching the person in Adier’s arms frowning, and he dared not follow.

However, a few people did not hesitate. After seeing Adier leave, they moved forward quickly and followed Adier far behind.

Around the old alley was a complex and empty long street. Adier walked left and right, and quickly flung most of the people who followed him away.

“Come out.” Adier turned around and looked towards a certain direction behind him when he reached an empty place somewhere, holding the person in his arms.

There, a breath is coming from there, at this time hanging far behind, even if Adier has been around for so long and still hasn’t lost it.

“This gentleman …” A woman’s voice came from a distance, making Adier suddenly familiar.

In that corner, a young girl wearing a black trench coat, exquisite looks, and tall body came from there. The body’s breath made Adier very familiar.

Looking at this young girl, Adier was suddenly surprised.

This person has his confirmation, and during these days, he will see it basically every day.

It was Dahlicia, a classmate of Adier, said to be a daughter of an influential figure.

But at this time, compared with the quiet and elegant image in Normally, Dahlicia’s appearance has changed slightly. Not only complexion grave and stern, but also the whole body’s breath is icy, with some unique Strength.

This situation is what surprised Adier.

When he came to this world, he thought about contacting the extraordinary Strength of this world all day, but he did not expect to have one just around him.

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