“I’ve been behind you since I left, is there anything wrong?”

Looking at Dahlicia behind him, even though he was emotional, but on the surface, Adier still didn’t understand, but just stood in place, staring at the other side with a gaze, giving the other side great pressure.

At this moment, Dahlicia stunned God, and consciousness seemed to disappear from its place.

The surrounding scenery began to change constantly, and at this moment all flowed around, and instantly changed into the most profound scene in her memory.

An old castle, a huge sacrifice, a little girl wept quietly, and behind it was a middle-aged person with a gloomy face.

The next moment, the scene in the place began to change, all the pictures were broken together, and then a hazy consciousness returned.


The consciousness returned in an instant, and Dahlicia’s eyes instantly became frightened, and looking at Adier’s eyes became more awesome.

At the moment, she took a deep breath, and then she said, “I want to ask your Excellency to do something.”

“What’s the matter?” Withdrawing his gaze, Adier asked calmly on the surface.

“I don’t know if you have heard of the Nightmare Manor?” Looking at Adier, Dahlicia solemnly said, “I want to ask your Excellency to pick up something for me.”

“Nightmare Manor?” Adier frowned slightly at the name.

“Yes.” Dahlicia nodded: “That place is a bit dangerous for ordinary people, but it shouldn’t be too much for a spirit connecting person like you.”

“Spirit connecting person? The extraordinary strength of this world?” Listening to this somewhat strange vocabulary, Adier was calm on the surface, but just secretly remembered.

“Since sir will go to the previous street, there should be no need.”

On the opposite side, watching Adier not say a word, Dahlicia quickly opened the mouth and said: “In Violetgold Kingdom, my family has some power. If you have any needs, we will try our best to satisfy you.

“Some materials for spirit connecting people, we can also provide.”

Her attitude seemed respectful, with a kind of awe from her heart.


Opposite, looking at Dahlicia’s attitude, Adier laughed.

The opponent did guess correctly.

Just coming to this world, Adier can currently be described as poor and poor. Except for some of the Spirit force and the chip, the rest is missing.

In this case, Adier is in a most embarrassing time. If there are some local forces that can help, he will certainly not refuse.

Of course, the most important thing about this is Dahlicia’s sincerity.

In this sense of classmates, Adier not at all felt too many emotions, only anxiety and excitement emerged.

“At this time in ten days, I will stay here for a while, and I will give you an answer when that happens.”

Turning around slightly and looking at Dahlicia in front of him, Adier said he would consider it for a while.

This is not a delay, but it takes some time to understand.

After all, if the devil’s manor is too dangerous, it might be a little trouble to go in his current state.

The voice fell, and the silhouette of his entire person disappeared in situ, and the powerful Spirit directly covered everything in front of him, leaving no trace.

Behind him, watching Adier’s disappearing silhouette, Dahlicia was relaxed gently, with some regrets and some congratulations.

I have to say that Adier, the spirit connecting person, puts a lot of pressure on her.

After all, in her past understanding, those true spirit connecting people, each and everyone, are dangerous and horrible. Not only do they not care about the laws of the world and the names of ordinary people, they are also cruel and horrifying.

Most of the weird legends circulated in the mortal world were made by unscrupulous spirit connecting people.

In this case, in the face of Adier, her pressure is actually very high. After all, the Strength of the two parties is not directly proportional to each other. Once the other party really wants to do something, she can’t resist at all in her current situation.

Fortunately, it seems that the spirit connecting person in front of him should belong to the more righteous sect type, and he won’t kill people like some spirit connecting person.

“I’ve done everything I can. What happens next is up to luck.”

Looking at Adier’s disappearing back, Dahlicia shook her head slightly, then walked in the direction it came.

On the other side, I went a long way all the way. Adier first found a house not far from his home, put down the person in his arms, and then adjusted his school uniform. He walked towards the school as usual. .

The old Academy, just entered here, Adier felt wrong for a while.

At this time in the early morning, around the Academy, some Academy are walking inside, and some employees are cleaning around with a broom in their hands.

It’s just that compared to the previous few days, the people in the Academy are not looking right at this time. Each and everyone looks more gloomy and looks a bit unsightly.

“what happened?”

Perceived the strange atmosphere of Academy, Adier was a little puzzled, so he stopped a middle-aged woman who was cleaning the corner garbage and asked.

“Someone is dead.” The middle-aged woman looked at Adier in front of her with a broom, her face looked a little unsightly: “Student died in the classroom last night, and the body was just pulled out this morning.”

Having said this, she ignored Adier and left with a broom.

In situ, looking at the woman’s back, Adier frowned, and finally walked towards her classroom.

As soon as he entered the classroom, the eyes of the people around him gazed, only to relax after seeing Adier.

“Sim, have you heard?”

Sitting in his place, Coos had a somber face that seemed to be in a bad mood.

“What the hell is going on?” Looking at Coos, Adier was a little confused.

Although the technology of this world is stronger, but strictly speaking, it is not a peaceful world. Although few people die normally, it is not rare, but it is not rare.

If just a student died in Academy, it shouldn’t be a major event.

“You don’t know yet.”

Coos had a somber face: “Not one dead, but a dozen.”

Listening to this, Adier froze.

“Academy has been dead since more than half a month ago, one day a day, and now there are nineteen dead.”

Speaking of this, Coos’ face was a bit frightened: “These dead people are all students of our Academy. They are both senior and lower grades like us. The place of death is not all school. Some people are on their way home. Some people are at home, but without exception, they die at night. “

“This news has been suppressed by Academy before, and I don’t want to make it public, but now more and more people are dying, and finally I can’t stop it, and it was choked out by several newspapers in the newspaper.

He looked terrified, and looked a little scared.

Aside, hearing the news, Adier frowned.

It’s no wonder that people around are so frightened.

Unlike the Academy of Adier I, who has not yet reached that level in this world, going to school is still a great burden for the Chang Family. Most of the families who can go to school are wealthy, even if it is Adier. It looks as though the steward is broken, but father is also a serious police officer, usually desperately performing tasks, which can barely afford Sim to school.

In this case, plus those private noble Academy students, the students in this Academy are actually not too many, even if teachers are included, there will be less than a thousand people that’s all.

And in just half a month, students with less than a thousand people died directly of 19 people, the ratio was close to fifty to one, and there was no tendency to stop at all.

In this case, student fear in Academy is a normal thing.

If it weren’t for leaving Academy, it would be useless, I’m afraid there are many students who don’t come to Academy now.

“Any clues?” Thoughts flashed through his mind, but on the surface, Adier’s complexion remained calm, and Coos looked at him, asking.

“It’s not clear.” Coos shook the head with some concern: “The matter has just been exposed and there is no time to investigate.”

“But according to my father, the police officers will come to investigate at the latest tonight.”

“That’s good.” Adier nodded, then seemed to say a bit casually: “Right, Coos, do you know the nightmare estate?”

“Nightmare Manor?” Coos wondered, “I know this, it’s a horror story.”

“What do you ask for this?”

“A horror story?” Adier froze as Coos answered.

He originally just asked for the idea of ​​trying it out, not at all was really ready to find clues from Coos.

But did not expect the other party to really know.

“It’s a legend circulating around here.” Thinking for a moment, looking at Adier, Coos opened the mouth and said.

“Legend that in the Mikefula Area, there is a very beautiful manor, standing in a sea of ​​flowers, with countless treasures hidden in it.”

“The garden only appears on the night of the full moon. After it appears, everyone who enters the manor stays there for three days and can take one thing out of it.”

“But if you don’t live in the manor for three days and leave without permission, that life will be entangled with the curse of the manor. From then on, you will not only be cursed, you will also be affected.

“How to break the curse?” Listening to the legend, Adier asked thoughtfully.

“Take the token to the manor and hold the ceremony in the manor?” After thinking about it carefully, Coos replied with some uncertainty: “There are many versions of this legend, and I’m a little not sure.”

“But what do you ask this for?”

“Nothing, I just heard the legend recently, so I asked.” Adier shook his head and said nothing about the issue.

At this time, footsteps came from outside.

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