Outside the gate, a slight footstep came from outside.

Dahlicia, wearing a long red dress, looked particularly bright in the early morning, and walked in with everyone’s gaze.

The expression on her face was calm, and she didn’t seem to be affected by the atmosphere of Academy. She sat down comfortably in her position.

After a while, the Academy’s teacher also came in, but today his face looks very bad, and it seems to have been affected a little.

It’s no wonder that although the students who are currently dead in Academy are all students, as long as the killers are not caught, it is hard to guarantee that they will pay attention to these teachers.

In this case, these teachers came to Academy to teach, and they were also under a lot of pressure.

In fact, in the current atmosphere, neither the teacher nor the student has focused on their studies.

Touch … touch …

Halfway through a class, when the time was close to noon, a muffled sound suddenly came from a distance, as if something was constantly hitting the ground, and the sound changed the complexion of everyone present.

“what happened?”

“What happened?”

The student complexion changed at the scene, and some depressive emotions erupted at this moment, making their faces paler and a little messy for a while.

“Quiet!” The teacher on the stage yelled at the student on the stage, and after all the voices at the scene were suppressed, he quickly got out of the classroom and was ready to see the situation outside.

It didn’t take long for the teacher to walk back from the complexion ashen: “Today this class ends here, everyone is studying in the classroom!”

Leaving this sentence, he hurried out, looking anxious and fearful.

“What happened?”

Next to Adier, Coos’ face was a little unsightly, and he shook his feet a little uneasily to divert his attention.

“Someone is dead again.” Adier frowned, at this moment gently looking towards a certain direction, a feeling of discomfort rose in his heart.

This is an intuition brought about by the power of Spirit. It seems that something bad is waking up, making him instinctively feel threatened.

Moreover, with the passage of time, this feeling of discomfort not only did not diminish in the slightest, but grew stronger.

“This is really a twist and turn!”

Thinking of everything that has happened recently, feeling the threatened feeling, even Adier’s temperament, can’t help feeling a little irritable at this time.

Shuttle to this world, now he is the weakest time, the honesty is the truth, and he never thought to take the initiative to cause trouble.

But he did not take the initiative to cause trouble, but the trouble came one after another.

what! ! ! !

A sharp scream suddenly sounded, with endless misery and grievances, making everyone on the scene feel a horror.

In the meditation, there seemed to be a hazy sensation, with some strange Strength, so that everyone present saw a scene.

It was a bloody scene. On the spacious playground, a corpse fell to the ground, including both a student in a school uniform and a police officer in a gray police uniform.

On top of the corpses, a huge shadow enveloped the entire playground, slowly condensing into a huge woman phantom more than ten meters high.

It seemed to feel the peep of the crowd. In the image, the woman’s body was motionless, but a huge head slowly turned around, revealing the horrible bloody face.

“Aaahhhhhhh! !!!”

At this moment, countless screams erupted. When the woman’s face was seen, the emotions of many students present were out of control, and the inner fear broke out completely, turning into a sharp scream.

If you listen carefully, you can find out. At this moment, it was not only the class in which Adier was screaming, but also screams from other places, and it sounded through the entire Academy at this moment.


At this moment, Adier stood up sharply, and an uneasy premonition rose in his heart.

“That image, if I read it right, not only me, but also the body’s father and elder sister.”

He straightened up, his face was a bit ugly at this moment, his eyes stared straight in one direction.

In his field of vision, a malicious rise in that direction made him frightened.


Around him, at this moment, Coos woke up as if in a dream, and then left everything else and rushed to the outside, desperate to leave the classroom desperately, leaving this strange Academy at this time.

“Do not!!”

“Can’t get out of the gate!”

Several students moved quickly, rushing towards the gate at this time, but in the end, all were bounced back by an invisible Strength.

Standing in front of the gate, looking at the clear scene outside the door, Coos unwillingly extended the hand, but scaredly touched a barrier at the gate, locking the entire gate like a transparent glass, and let no one else Go out.

“Try the window !!” At this moment, someone woke up and quickly changed his mind.

“No! The windows can’t go out either!”


A wailing sound came from the classroom, and at this moment, it kept echoing, making the entire classroom as messy as a vegetable market.

“We’re done …” Sitting next to Adier, Coos stared dullly, with despair in his eyes: “What the hell is this?”

“The entire classroom is locked!” In the corner of the classroom, at this moment, Dahlicia’s face was also not good-looking, and for the first time, I felt that things were not under my control.

Compared with those ordinary people around, she can see more.

In her induction, the entire classroom was enveloped by an invisible enchantment at this time. The enchantment was so strong that even she couldn’t break it.

“Who the hell is it !!” She opened her eyes wide and felt the deep malicious evil gradually eroding, her eyes could not help but bring a little fear.

At this moment, she remembered her childhood.

The same was true at that time. In a sudden accident, her mother was entangled in her life in order to protect her, and even turned into a curse after death.

For this reason, she did not hesitate to come here, preparing to risk her life to enter the Nightmare Manor, but she encountered this kind of thing again.

Various thoughts flashed in her mind. In front of her eyes, her consciousness gradually fell into ignorance. It seemed that an invisible pair of hands were shaking in front of her eyes, constantly covering her eyes.

“I’m back …” A soft female voice sounded in her ear, making her eyes wide open.

In front of him, a bloody phantom appeared.

It was a young woman in a long white dress with long black hair, which looked similar to Dahlicia and looked beautiful.

She was covered in blood, a delicate face covered with scars, blood shed from it, and her long skirt was dyed red.

“Dahlicia … I’m back …”

Looking at Dahlicia, she smiled softly, a pale smile on her face that looked like a corpse.

“Am I going to die …” Dahlicia stared at the woman walking in the distance, murmuring with fear in her eyes.

For many years, this curse has followed her, and every night as soon as she closes, she can see the silhouette that fell in front of her.

Only this time, she had no other way but to look at the person who was looking at her and walked towards her.

“I am back···”

In sight, the woman walked in front of Dahlicia with a smile, and every step came as if she stepped in Dahlicia’s heart, making her feel tingling and terrible.

Finally, the woman walked up to her, a bloody arm slowly stretched out, like mother stroking the child, and gradually placed it on her head.

At this point, the curse had erupted completely, and her consciousness gradually subsided, as if she had a big dream and could no longer wake up.

“What are you looking at?”

A sound suddenly sounded, like the moonlight illuminating the night, with a resolute Strength, making her originally sober with the sinking consciousness.

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