“What are you looking at?”

In the dim space, a sound swept across his ears, like a clear spring flowing in the desert, giving the lost walker a last chance.

Then at the next moment, Dahlicia felt only one arm resting on her shoulder, and she woke her up.

“I am still alive?”

She woke suddenly, subconsciously looking towards the direction of the sound.

In front of her, a boy stood silently, one arm resting on her shoulder, and her eyes were looking at her.

This person is no stranger to her. She is an ordinary student in this class. She behaves mediocrely in normal and has no noticeable place.

But at this moment, in this ordinary boy, there is a shocking Strength emerging.

It was a very unique temperament, and there was a huge momentum like the sea water, but for a moment, the ordinary boy seemed to have become a person, showing off one’s ability, people were seeing him At that moment, I can’t move my eyes.

Obviously the same person, still wearing the worn and patched school uniform on his body, but the whole person is different, the breath exuded is touching and shocking.


Glancing at the boy in front of him, Dahlicia just felt a bit dull throat, but suddenly she lost her voice and didn’t know what to say.

But only at this moment, the curse erupting on her body was suppressed, and it seemed that a horrible Strength struck and forcibly suppressed the curse that broke out.

Faintly, she seemed to hear the sorrow of a woman, and a thin but powerful arm, who pressed the terror curse relentlessly.

Suppressing the things on Dahlicia by hand, Adier not at all interested in understanding the complex emotions in the other person’s heart at this moment.

But at this time, he had no meaning to cover up. The Spirit power that had been suppressed by him broke out, and the accompanying natural phenomenon attracted the attention of the rest of the audience.

However, he didn’t care about this. Under the eyes of everyone, he walked directly to the door of the classroom.


Looking at the movement of Adier, Coos woke up like a dream, looking at this friend who now seems to be a person, and subconsciously said, “Can’t the door be …”

bump! !!

Tone barely fell, a crisp crackling sound erupted in place.

In the shocking eyes of everyone, they saw a scene.

A huge grimace phantom condensed and blocked the door firmly. At this moment, it was directly stepped on by Adier’s thin silhouette and stepped out of the huge grimace.

The light of the silver was shining all around, and countless ghost hands were shining ahead, but at this moment they were all mourning. They couldn’t stop the seemingly thin silhouette, which was simply suppressed.

Secretly, the crowd seemed to hear the sorrow of the ghost, with a fearful despair and malice, but at this time they were all stepped on with one foot, not even a splash.

This domineering scene made Dahlicia behind him stunned, and his heart was shocked. Looking at Adier’s back going away, only one thought remained in his heart.

“What the hell is he?”

At this moment, more than one person, including Dahlicia, flashed the thought in his heart, looking at the silhouette of the moonlight shrouded in the distance, leaving only a shock in his heart.


“Damn, what the hell is this !!”

On the spacious playground, a corpse lay quietly around.

In the middle of the playground, a large pit with a length of ten meters appeared, which was filled with scarlet blood.

A strong bloody smell is spreading, which can be seen from all walks of life.

In the vicinity of the playground, several men in a black uniform, complexion ashen, were leading a group of policemen in gray coats to watch out for them.

“Evacuation, it’s almost impossible to stop here!”

Among the crowd, a middle-aged man with a big, burly, bearded face and a rough complexion yelled, his face looked very red, as if under tremendous pressure.

The Strength of Scarlet on his body is diffused, but it is very weak. At this time, a barrier is formed, and together with the people behind, it blocks the shadow that constantly appears in front.

“No! My daughter is still inside!” In the crowd, there was someone in Roar.

It was an ordinary decadent man. Looking at the clothes on his body, he should be an ordinary police officer. At this moment, his face was a little excited, and he looked a little desperate at the dense silhouette in the playground in front.

This is Corral. As a local police officer, I have been investigating near this Academy for the past two days. I did not expect that this happened today.

“Evacuate now!”

Ahead, for the roar of Corral, the middle-aged man has no reason to directly emphasize.

“Master Xino, the road outside is blocked !!” At this moment, an anxious voice came from behind: “We can’t get out!”

“Damn!” Xino complexion greatly changed, and he wanted to turn subconsciously.

“Be careful!” A cry came from a distance.

A bloody head suddenly appeared, and at this moment rushed in, a huge bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl opened, biting Xino’s neck.

Xino just felt his head sink, and most of his strength was gone. He could barely use up the last Strength to keep his consciousness from sinking.

A faint layer of black gas enveloped.

Without the strength of Xino, the barrier of the scarlet layer on the spot became fragile and was directly broken by a big black hand.

“Come … Come …” A faint voice sounded in place, with a sense of obscurity that gradually blurred the consciousness.

Vaguely, the crowd seemed to see a silhouette coming from a distance, beckoning to them.

“Father ···” At this moment, someone muttered to himself, and seemed to see a silhouette of someone, his face with an excited expression.

“Dilly, are you?” Corral stood up, yelling at this moment, and then rushed forward desperately towards the playground.

Not only he did it alone, at this moment, several people rushed out together, seemingly affected by what Strength, rushed forward regardless of everything.

“Don’t go !!! It’s all fake!”

Watching the performance of others around him, Xino resisted the intense pain in his head and stopped loudly.

It’s a pity that what he used to stop not at all.

Affected by the unknown Strength, the consciousness of the people at the scene was close to sinking, each and everyone was all confused, forgetting the dangerous environment they were in, but just desperate to rush to the playground ahead.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xino was getting cold, looking at the increasingly thick black shadow in front of him. For the first time, he felt fear: “We are finished.”

He looked at fewer and fewer people around him, completely desperate.

This change was so hasty and sudden that the city couldn’t deal with it for a while, which caused the current result.

In terms of the level of the disaster at hand, if it is called as usual, at least the entire Violetgold Kingdom needs to mobilize its human and material resources to resolve it.

But now, in a hurry, there isn’t that much time to move, so that this curse is beyond control.

As a spirit connecting person who has been dealing with the curse all year round, Xino knows the consequences of the disaster now.

That is a disaster that will inevitably affect the entire city. After the people in this school die, the cursed Strength will grow stronger and gradually spread outwards until the entire city is destroyed.

Want to avoid this result, unless Violetgold Kingdom reacts immediately, and immediately mobilize personnel to suppress.

All kinds of thoughts flashed in my heart. In front of my eyes, Xino’s vision gradually became blurred, and the entire consciousness was swallowed up by the darkness around him, and he was about to sink.

This was the moment when he was closest to death. The memories in his mind were constantly emerging, like a long movie, slowly reflecting in his mind.

From the happiness of his childhood to the scenes of constant struggle against the curse, his consciousness became increasingly blurred.

But at this moment, in the darkness surrounding it, a little silver light suddenly lighted up, as if it was the light that illuminates the darkness, and looked extremely dazzling in sight.

“Hehe, I am really dying. At this time, I still have hallucinations.”

Covered with a layer of black shadow, looking at the flashing silver light in the distance, Xino showed a self-deprecating smile.

But next moment, he suddenly woke up, a pair of deep brown eyes widened sharply: “No !!!!”

“This is not an illusion!”

The voice dropped, and the scene ahead suddenly changed.

In the deep darkness, a sliver of the silver moon slowly rises from the sky and instantly illuminates the surroundings.

A sharp silver sword glow slashed from the air, like the punishment of a god, with a sharp and irresistible force to cut it down.

Just moments later, the dark world was split mercilessly, and then a silhouette gradually appeared, walking slowly from a distance.

At this moment, Xino stared wide-eyed, trying to see the silhouette in the distance.

Under his gaze, a silhouette came quietly from there.

It was a very thin boy, looking ordinary, wearing a patched black school uniform, short hair messy, and looked like an ordinary little boy.

But at this moment, in the boy, there is a thrilling Strength emerging.

A large amount of silver light continued to dissipate, all around him at this moment. Space seems to be unable to withstand this strong Strength. At this moment, there are constant ripples, and you can see the bloody hands that are constantly shaking.

In countless wailing sounds, the boy stepped forward step by step, as if the shrine came to the sacred and mighty shore, and forcibly walked a solid path under the strange Strength package.


Looking at this scene quietly, Xino looked dull, and looked at the scene in front of him unbelievably.

In his induction, rays of divine light continued to shine, and throughout the playground, a heavy mourning continued to sound in his ears, as if bearing some fatal blow.

“Follow him!”

Came back to his senses from the previous shock, he observed all around, then gritted his teeth, while running forward along the path Adier went out, while being loudly shouted.

The wailing in the ear continued and echoed in the ear, but the influence continued to weaken.

On the road before Adier, at this time there is still a strong Strength remaining, which will briefly expel all the surrounding malicious evils, protecting Xino and the others from being temporarily eroded.

“Come out!”

Along the Bloodline induction, walking all the way deep into the playground, Adier finally saw the person he wanted to see.

In the middle of the playground, a large pit ten meters wide was quietly placed there, filled with scarlet liquid, with a strong bloody smell.

On the side of this big pit, there are still many people standing.

Some of these were students from Academy, and some were police officers who had ran in before, but at this time they all seemed to be standing in a military position, standing straight there, and the standing posture looked very neat.

Their bodies were bound by what Strength was, and they stood there forcibly at this time, but the expressions on their faces were pale, with deep fear, and screamed from time to time.

“It’s Sim !!!”

In the crowd, looking at the moonlight bathing in the distance, as if the familiar silhouette of the gods came to life, Dilly’s face changed instantly.

Next to her, Corral was wearing a gray uniform, looking at the familiar and unfamiliar silhouette in the distance, and her expression on the face changed as well.

With the gaze of both of them, Adier stepped forward.


A strong Spirit force broke out in this, and a desperate Strength broke out in Adier’s thin body, and then collided with a huge black hand in front, bursting into a deafening sound.

Roar! !

A roar came from a distance, and on the playground, a stream of black gas emerged from the pool of blood, and then slowly formed a shape.

It was the image of a huge woman, with pale skin and long black hair, with only scarlet eyes, emitting bloodthirsty light.

He growled, looking at Adier’s thin silhouette, and the bloodthirsty and madness in his eyes made him scalp.

bump! !!

A huge muffled sound came from the front, next moment. With the shocking eyes of countless people, this huge monster was split directly into the air, and his body was broken in half directly in front of Adier.

Silver Moon Moon is exploding, and a raging killing intent is rioting, as if the entire World is tilting, smashing all Strength towards all, and colliding with that black gas.


The ground seemed to tremble. On the wide Academy playground, countless bloody pale arms slammed out from the ground, and then it was cut off directly by what Strength did.

At this moment, Adier no longer conceals his Strength, and the Spirit power of Level 3 wizards fully erupts, forcibly consolidating mana from the surrounding space, thereby condensing a spell.

Over the entire Academy, a little silver particles continue to condense, slowly condensing into a huge silver light cluster, like a small moon, at this moment to illuminate the entire Academy.

Not only Academy, at this moment, more than half of the cities can feel the anomaly in this direction, and faintly feel the sacred and horrible huge Strength.

The next moment, the moonlight of silver shone. With the shocking eyes of the Academy, this small moon directly fell, and it was pressed down with a huge and unstoppable Strength, and its momentum made anyone who could feel it change. .

Roar! !

In place, a low roar erupted.

Above the pool of blood, strands of black gas condensed, and then the silhouette of the giant woman appeared again, and the arm, which had been like a corpse, extended upward, as if trying to stop the blow from falling.


Two different Strength began to collide. At this moment, the entire Earth’s earth was trembling. The black enchantment that originally enveloped the entire Academy was shattered by more than half, revealing a huge mouth.

On the playground, the ground cracked, and the blood pool, which was more than ten meters wide, also appeared dim at this time, and the area was reduced by half.

The silhouette of that huge woman still exists, but compared to before, the appearance at this time is extremely miserable, the whole body is full of cracks, like a porcelain doll that may crack at any time is half fragile.

Of course, confronting this wide range of curses directly, Adier is also uncomfortable, and the Spirit power of within the body has been exhausted more than half of the moment.

But on the surface, he still looks intact, just that his face has turned paler.

“I don’t care about the others.”

Standing in place, looking at the monster that was constantly cracking on the opposite body, Adier was pale, pointing at two people in the distant crowd: “I only want these two people!”

“Let them leave and the others belong to you!”

He pointed at the distant Corral and Dilly, solemnly speaking, with a kind of determination in his tone, as if he might hit again at any time.

Roar! !

The voice fell, and in response to Adier, the other person roared, but compared to the previous one, although the voice was still violent and horrible, it rarely brought a bit of fear.

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