There are cracks everywhere on the huge Academy playground.

On the playground, a huge woman phantom slowly condensed, with layers of cracks on her body, like a cracked porcelain doll, which could break at any time.

This is the result of a previous frontal collision with Adier. Even though Adier consumes a lot, the body of the curse is not good. The roots of the carrier are directly broken, and the breath has been reduced by more than half.

Of course, this injury is very serious for people, but for this type of curse, it may not be anything. As long as the past period, the curse will swallow up the entire Academy, or it may not only be restored. And will even get stronger.

By that time, the entire Academy will turn into a ghost, and will be regarded as a forbidden place by ordinary people.

After struggling for a while, looking at Adier in front of him, the monster snarled and hesitated on his face.

The curse itself does not have too strong an IQ, but only has an instinctive desire to devour. The instinct is to devour everything around it and continuously strengthen itself.

But again, the curse also has a vague instinct for survival. In this case, he would not hesitate to die with Adier.

It didn’t take long for a faint cloud of black gas to linger around, and then on both Corral and Dilly, the force field that had restrained them disappeared.


Feeling the bondage on his body disappeared, Corral didn’t hesitate and drew side Dilly to run towards Adier, without wanting to stay in this place at all.

“No! Save me !!!”

“Corral, help me, there are children in my family waiting for me …”

“Dilly, aren’t we friends!”

Watching the silhouette of Corral’s distant, there was a burst of sorrow in the place, and at the moment of begging and despair, they all began to pray.

They looked sincere, looking at Corral’s back, their faces were a little distorted, with a last glimmer of hope in their eyes.

Listening to their petitions, Corral didn’t say anything, and still ran forward expressionlessly. Only Dilly couldn’t bear it, and looked back frequently, hesitating.

The people standing behind are basically her classmates. Not everyone is in a good relationship, but there are also some friends who have a good relationship and often help her often.

In the past, because Corral’s position changed, the entire family was struggling, and many people helped her during that time, and several of them were inside.


After thinking about it for a long time, she finally looked a little bit unbearable towards Corral, and her steps couldn’t stop.

“Ignore those people!”

Corral looked disdainful for her daughter: “Useless kindness will only stop you from moving forward. What do these people have to do with us? Why should we risk angering this monster to save them?”

“Don’t forget, we can escape now, it’s already the result of your younger brother’s desperate effort. In this case, we have to save other people. Do you think Sim’s danger is not big enough now?” Said Dilly coldly.

Listening to these words, Dilly stopped talking.

Normally, she is the one who loves Sim the most. Even if she usually saves money, she must keep her younger brother full and drink, and she always keeps an absolute concern for Sim.

The friends of the past are important, but compared with the safety of their family, they are nothing.

Thinking of this, she sighed softly, and didn’t say anything, she could only cooperate with Corral charge ahead silently.

After a while, they went to Adier’s side and stood behind him.

“let’s go.”

Turning around and looking at the side Corral, Adier began to step back, and the strong Spirit dissipated, enveloped them, and then walked outward along the path he had previously opened.

On the playground behind him, looking at Adier’s back, the female monster yelled from time to time, and the colors of hesitation and jealousy in Scarlet’s eyes continued to pass, but in the end, nothing was done.

“He actually … rescued people from Evil Spirit!”

In the corner, with a few police officers around, watching the previous performance of Adier, Xino was unbelievable.

For ordinary people, the strength that Adier showed before can be described as a demon.

In one blow, the cohesion of Yuehuahua deterred Evil Spirit and allowed its glory to be seen in most cities.

This terrifying Strength, even Xino, as a spirit connecting person, has never seen it.

“A new awakening, with an unknown position, must let the kingdom know.”

Watching Adier stepping out in the distance, Xino gritted his teeth, then ignored the matter here and ran away.


Walking all the way out, when he walked outside the Academy door, a familiar anxious voice came and made Adier look down.

In the direction of the sound, he raised his head slightly, just looking at the door, Coos’ face looked anxious.

“You figure it out.”

When he saw Adier, Coos sighed in relief lightly, and his anxious complexion became relieved.

Looking at Adier and Corral in front of him, he resisted the tension and fear in his heart, pretending to be relaxed, and asked, as in the past, “how, has everything been resolved?”

Gently glanced at his friend, Adier shook his head: “There is no way to solve it, I can barely lead someone to escape.”

“Okay, let’s go.” Looking at the restless expression on Coos’s face, he opened the mouth and said again, not wanting to stop in this place.

Just outside the Academy, with a little surprised look from Adier and the others, a car drove from a distance.

“Get in the car.” A soft voice came, and a beautiful woman probed from the inside.

It was Dahlicia. He didn’t leave at this time, but drove over.

“I watched you walking towards the playground before, and I felt that you would definitely bring someone out later, so wait here.” It seemed to feel the confusion in the hearts of everyone, and Dahlicia said gently, explaining to Adier.

“Thank you.” For her kindness, Adier didn’t postpone it. She acted directly and got in from the back door.

“You’re welcome.” Dahlicia smiled, and seemed thankful for Adier’s gratitude: “I want to thank you.”

“Many thanks that time in the classroom.”

Sitting in the driver’s seat, she watched Adier speak solemnly behind her.

This attitude made Coos greatly envious.

Earlier, after inquiring about Dahlicia’s background, he tried to please each other and wanted to establish a relationship with each other, but the result was very little, put a lot of energy, but did not achieve any results.

But now, facing Adier, the other party is not only adventurously waiting for risks, but also has a very different attitude from others.

Of course, in fact, he himself is the same.

Earlier, when Adier fought with the cursed body, the Academy ’s seal had been broken, and he could just like everyone else leave at that time without encountering any danger.

But in order to please the relationship, he was risking to wait in the Academy, waiting for Adier to come out before leaving.

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