“What are your plans for the future?”

Sitting in the car while driving, Dahlicia asked.

However, although he was asking everyone, his eyes were on Adier, apparently he was most concerned about his ideas.

“I want to go back first and tell me what is happening today to see if I can persuade him to leave the city.”

Sitting next to Dahlicia, Coos took the lead in opening the mouth and said. At this time, it seemed that he hadn’t eased from the previous things. There was some shadow in his heart, and he wanted to stay away from this Academy, or even away from the city.

“It’s okay to leave.” Dahlicia nodded, saying a few more words: “The curse that appeared this time is very strong. Once it is not contained in Early-Stage, I am afraid that it will swell in a few months, and finally the whole The cities are devoured. “

“So scary?” Listening to Dahlicia’s words, beside Adier, Corral complexion changed, it seemed to be remembering something.

“Yes, this is the curse of this kind.” It seemed to be remembered, Dahlicia’s face was solemn: “You all know the tomb incident 30 years ago …”

“I know this.” Coos nodded: “It is said that the troops of other kingdoms entered the cemetery of the kingdom, not only blasting the entire mausoleum, but also causing huge chaos and causing huge losses to the entire city.”

“The army is fighting, this is just an excuse.” Dahlicia sighed, his expression a little heavy: “Actually, that incident was similar to what we encountered today.”

“Don’t …” Listening to this, the people present suddenly changed color.

“That’s right.” Dahlicia gently nodded: “At that time, a typical curse broke out. In the mausoleum, affected by the curse, all the corpses accumulated in the past have become monsters, killing people throughout the city, and finally even the entire The cities were slaughtered, and hundreds of thousands of people died in the process. “

“Things have evolved to the end, and the scope of the curse has once again expanded, even forcing Violetgold Kingdom to join the Ganguo Kingdom and send troops to clean up, only to repress the curse that broke out.”

Listening to Dahlicia’s commentary, there was a moment of silence.

Coos’ scalp was numb, thinking of the familiar Academy in his memory, and he felt a little heavy breathing.

“Don’t worry too much.” In the back seat of the car, Adier’s eyes were closed tightly, and then suddenly plugged in: “The curse was hit by me, and most of the Strength I had saved before was consumed, and nothing will happen in a short time.”

Ahead, listening to these words, several people were quietly nodded, remembering the scene that happened before.

Before Adier collided directly with the curse, they could see the grand scene caused by it, and they still had a lot of fear for the huge Strength that enveloped the entire city at that moment, and they dared not imagine that it was something that was done by one person.

Under the suppression of such a huge Strength, the cursed body has lost even the Strength that trapped the whole Academy, and must have suffered a huge loss.

“Speaking of which, this kind of curse is not uncommon. Although it is rare similar to today’s scale, those smaller ones are not uncommon.”

Ahead, Dahlicia looked back towards Corral: “This gentleman, as a police officer, should know a lot.”

The words fell, and everyone’s eyes fell on Corral.

Under the gaze of a few people, Corral’s face became dignified, and after careful recall, he solemnly nodded: “It’s quite a lot.”

He is not a new police officer, but an old fritter that has been around for decades.

In the decades-long career of a police officer, he has experienced many things, including many strange things. Even though he still thinks of it, he still feels scared, frightened and frightened, and dare not remember.

Although there are not many such incidents, but they are definitely a lot. Basically, they can be encountered once or twice a year. Each encounter is regarded as a taboo by the local police chief, and they dare not take the initiative to touch it.

“Originally by our side, these things still exist.” Looking at Corral, Coos murmured, thinking of these things in his heart, he felt cold all over.

“Sim, are you okay?” Sitting in the back seat of the car, Dilly said suddenly.

She looked at Side Adier with a worried expression on her face.

On the surface, Adier’s condition at this time was very wrong. Not only was his face pale and bloodless, but he had also closed his eyes since he got on the bus and looked a little weak.

“I’m okay.” Adier eyes opened, looking at side Dilly laughed: “It’s just a little helpless. It’s nothing.”

After speaking, he continued to close his eyes and looked very tired.

Adier is really bad at this time.

The curse that appeared this time is different from the previous one. Not only Strength is too powerful, but vitality makes Adier feel terrible.

In the face of the cursed body, Adier had previously suppressed the opponent and had already done his best. At this time, there was a tingling in his mind, and Spirit’s power was exhausted.

Of course, compared to other aspects of the harvest, this is no longer important.

“Boundary Energy has grown again.”

Closing his eyes, feeling the growth of Boundary Energy on his body, Adier couldn’t help talking to himself, with some joy and surprise.

Earlier, when the curse was hit hard, Boundary Energy on his body suddenly increased rapidly, and he was clearly aware of it.

This unexpected gain not only surprised him, but also caused him to think about a problem.

“What the hell are these curses?”

Thinking of all the experiences after coming to this world, Adier was puzzled, and said to himself.

The growth of Boundary Energy, in addition to the treasures such as World Stone, which naturally contain the power of Great World, can only be harvested when Adier’s actions make the power of World volatile.

In the previous Knight World, whether it was influencing the Child of Destiny or expanding its influence, it was based on this characteristic.

But now, in this world, it can have a similar effect by having a significant impact on the curse.

“Does the curse of this world itself exist like Child of Destiny?”

Sitting in the back seat of the vehicle, Adier thought quietly: “Or is it because I have hit the curse hard, and in a sense, it has saved other people in this city, so will the power of World instinct drop?”

Both of these assumptions have some possibilities, but of these two possibilities, Adier is relatively more inclined to the latter.

In any case, he is ready to go back and find a chance to test it and see if Boundary Energy’s growth is related to these curses.

If it is true, then his purpose of coming to this world may be changed.

“Just right, it looks like at home, and now there is a cursed carrier lying down …”

Not knowing what he thought of, he opened his eyes silently, his eyes flashing fiercely.

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