“It’s completely gone.”

Taking a group of people back to that humble home, ignoring the others looking towards their own eyes, Adier stepped forward, groping around all around, as if looking for something.

He kept silent, but kept turning around all around, so Corral couldn’t help but say, “What are you looking for?”

Today, after seeing Adier’s Strength, only he and Dilly can talk to Adier like this.

Their after all is this physical loved one, who has been around day and night for the past ten years or so, the kind of familiarity and intimacy cannot be wiped out anyway, even if Adier looks a little strange at this time, it will not make them feel Afraid.


Adier said quietly, his face looking a little gloomy: “The statue is gone.”

“What statue?” Corral stunned first, then as if suddenly remembered something: “Is the statue I brought back that day?”

He looked puzzled and wondered what the ordinary statue was for.

“That’s not an ordinary statue.” Seeming to see through his thoughts, Adier said, “The night you brought the statue back, something came over.”

As the voice fell, a sliver of Spirit force was volatilized in place, and a picture was instantly formed in everyone’s mind.

The shabby and old streets were covered in dim night.

Outside a seemingly old house, a humanoid monster with a height of more than three meters stood quietly in front of the door, and a pair of scarlet eyes were staring inside the house. The malicious image in it was to engulf all beings in the world.

And on the balcony of the house, a silhouetted boy stood silently, a pair of silver eyes staring at each other.


The next moment, the scene in my mind is broken, and the end of Spirit’s retrospective picture is over.

“Damn !!” At this moment, the complexion of Corral and Dilly was greatly changed, and a thrill and fear involuntarily emerged in their hearts.

Just a short time ago, they had just experienced a thrilling curse, but did not expect that in their own home, without their knowledge, there was also a curse that broke out.

It is conceivable that if Adier was there that night, their family would never be pleased.

“Statue! Where is that statue?”

Corral shuddered at the thought of the scene that night, watching side Dilly asking loudly.

In this home, Corral is usually busy with various dangerous tasks, and Sim is still young, and all the chores in the house in Normally naturally fall on Dilly.

If anyone is most likely to know where that statue is, it is naturally her too.

“No, I don’t know.” Facing Corral’s inquiries, Dilly’s face was pale, and he seemed to be losing one’s head out of fear, then he waved quickly: “I haven’t touched the statue.”

“This morning, the statue is still on the table.”

“Look.” Corral seemed decisive at this time, and immediately pulled the side daughter, ready to go upstairs to find.

“Don’t look for it.” Adier’s voice sounded beside him.

He stepped out of the corner and looked at Corral in front of him, his face was a little gloomy: “The statue is not in the house, maybe it was stolen before.”

This is also a possibility.

Nearby is the slum area, and there are many thieves and so on around.

When the Adiers left, if the thief really patronized, it would be normal to run the statue down.

“But tonight, we have to be careful.”

Raising his head slightly, looking through the window at the dim sky outside, Adier murmured.

It was near night, and the surrounding light gradually dissipated.

When the last glimmer of the outside world disappeared, the flashed with blood color moon began to emerge from the sky.

“Nothing wrong, that statue … is a nightmare statue.”

At night, Dahlicia and Dilly slept together on a large uncomfortable bed, thinking about her mind.

Earlier, Adier used Spirit to trace back. She also saw it. She was very impressed by the statue and the appearance of the monster, which reminded of a legend that she had heard.

“The nightmare statue is one of the three most terrifying and weird curses that were legendary to be taken out of the nightmare mansion hundreds of years ago.” Quietly lying on the bed, thinking about the legend about this item in his mind, Dahlicia All I felt was chilling: “Everyone who has seen a nightmare statue eventually sinks into the nightmare and is devoured by the evil spirit into the darkness.”

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help looking sideways, looking towards the side.

Beside her, Dilly was wearing loose pajamas, and her body was so embossed that she couldn’t cover her eyes. At this time, her eyes were closed tightly, she looked like she was sleeping soundly, and she had no consciousness in terror.

“What a lucky man.”

Looking at Dilly’s peaceful sleep, Dahlicia shook her head and smiled: “there is a person The top awakener is the younger brother. Even if you are involved in the curse, someone will carry it for you. You do n’t need to bear the pain and despair. . “

She felt more and more sad when she thought of her more than ten years of painful experience.

“Father, are you still asleep?”

Standing quietly on the balcony, watching the silhouette of the man behind him, Adier was somewhat surprised.

On the balcony, Corral was wearing a gray uniform with an old-fashioned pistol in his hand, his face looked very cold, and there was no meaning to sleep: “That thing is coming tonight, isn’t it?”

For a moment, Adier silently nodded, and had no choice to deny.

Although not explicitly stated, his previous arrangement was not concealed, including letting everyone go to sleep, but he stood on the balcony waiting, which is enough to make people aware of something.

“Since I’m coming, there’s no difference in what I do.” Corral waved his hand: “I know that thing is not something an ordinary person can handle, but let me see you working hard with this thing alone, I still can’t do it Here. “

“I’m here. If you can’t stop that thing, you will die anyway.”

“Since then, let me watch it here.”

He moved a chair and sat down here, complexion grave and stern, and said a lot in one breath.

Adier is not surprised by Corral’s attitude.

In the memory of Sim’s past, Corral has always been such a person. He has a tough personality and never shrinks from fear.

Under such circumstances, it is unlikely that such a person would let him lie down on the bed.

In this way, two people sat together on the balcony of the old house while sitting, and occasionally talked about the past.

While waiting, new changes began to appear on the distant streets.

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