At night, two silhouettes of an old house in Yantai sit quietly, staring silently into the distance.

In the distance, a drastic change is taking place.

The night is gradually dispersed. On the dim sky, the moon flashed with blood color slowly rises, with some unique Strength, constantly echoing in the air, it looks very strange.

At this moment, Adier seemed to be sensing something, and the whole person was holding it directly.

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of a heartbeat was ringing, continually swirling in his mind.

In his depth of one’s soul, a purple crystal blooms and seems to catch something in the upheaval of the outside world.

Every scene came to mind, and at this time it was constantly displayed, and a complete picture continued in Adier’s mind.

Those are some pictures of the future of this world.

In the picture, Adier saw a blood moon rising in the sky, which lasted for several days.

Within these days, a drastic change is taking place throughout the World.

Everywhere darkness began to spread, and horrible curses began to recover, as if awakened by some unknown Strength, and began to recover, searching for food throughout the World.

In the picture, Adier also sees the final fate of the city.

In the not-too-distant future, at some point, a pale-faced teenager walked through the city, wearing an ancient black clothed body, and his appearance could only be regarded as ordinary, exuding a sense of dullness and despair.

He was like a walking dead who had lost his soul. He walked across the city in front of him, but only a scent of black breath erupted, leaving the whole city’s life completely dead.


Plenty of information poured from my mind, feeling the continuous pictures in my head, and the shock of the soul’s core, Adier covered his head and muttered to himself.

Silencer, this is part of the information he got from the Cycle of Destiny in this world, from the boy he saw.

“Just looking at the Cycle of Destiny, it cost a whole thousand Boundary Energy.”

Touching his head and looking at the Boundary Energy left on him, he shook the head and felt his poverty deeply.

However, you can get a glimpse of the Cycle of Destiny in this world and get some information about the future. These Boundary Energy are not wrong.

“In the pictures I saw, the pictures of the not at all Sim family wanted to come in the original destiny. Without my arrival, the Sim family should have died of a certain curse.” Touching his head, looking The blood moon high in the sky, Adier thought quietly.

Perhaps because he is located in the city at this time, most of the pictures he saw in the Cycle of Destiny are about the city. As for the rest of the pictures, except for some world-class events that have a wide range, How much do the rest not at all see.

However, this alone is enough.

Adier looked up and looked into the distance.

Somewhere there, a little change is happening.

A pair of scarlet’s eyes light up instantly, and in the darkness, a huge silhouette came out quickly.

It was a monster about three or four meters high. Although it looked human, its face was rotten, and its arms were slender and pale, like a corpse.

He walked forward step by step, every step, a little bit of carrion dripped on his face, and a pair of scarlet eyes kept staring at a certain house.

boom! boom! boom!

A light heartbeat kept ringing, echoing in my ears.

Sitting next to Adier, Corral suddenly felt a strong drowsiness, which dominated his body in an instant, making his arm holding the gun unable to lower down a bit, like losing all his strength instantly.


Cursing secretly, Corral felt that his eyelids were unprecedentedly heavy, and the firm willpower in normally seemed to have lost its effect.

The sleeping instinct is constantly fermenting, and his intellect is constantly colliding.

Until the next moment, a cool sensation came from the top of the head, and Zhujiang conveyed to the whole body, dissipating all the drowsiness in his body in an instant.

Jingjing’s eyes opened, and I don’t know when Adier had already stepped in front of him, facing his back at this moment.

“It’s a little different from when it came that day, is it because of World’s mutation?”

Looking at the monster standing in the distance, Adier thought indifferently.

This world has a unique law and cycle. Whenever the blood moon rises, it means that various curses are active, plundering the life of the entire World, and putting the entire World into a dead silence.

And when the active period brought by the Blood Moon has passed, it will enter a quiet period, and World will instinctively suppress the curse, allowing the strength of various curses to begin to weaken and even die.

The previous time in the Adier Academy, and the monster in front of it, was obviously the product of the curse becoming active.

Thinking of this, Adier looked up and quietly looked towards the blood moon of the sky.

In his body, a little mana that was barely condensed these days slowly spread, and launched in conjunction with his bottomless Spirit force, which inspired spell.

Moon God’s Light began to bloom, continually swirling around his head, slowly condensing into a small moon, lighting up the darkness of the surrounding several hundred meters.

Roar! !

what! !

A sound of wailing kept ringing in the place, carrying the malice and resentment deep into the bone marrow, and the real pain.

Not only was the monster outside the house, but at the moment someone in the house also heard a mournful sound, as if something was being severely tortured.


The broken pieces of silver spread out in the air, and rushed towards all around in Corral’s dull eyes, scanning every corner around them accurately.

The monster that was standing in front of the house was also included in this list. Half of his body was broken up by Adier, leaving only a strand of black gas spreading away, and gradually dispersed to the distance.

“Are you looking for the next host?”

Watching the black weather in the distance drift away, feeling the imprint of Corral and Dilly on the house slowly disappearing, Adier stood silently, muttering to himself.

“It’s over?” Corral said a little uncertainly next to him, looking at Adier in front of her, holding the old pistol in his hand, wondering what to say.

“Go back to sleep well.”

Adier looked up slightly, looking at the blood moon in the sky: “Relax, nothing will happen tonight.”

Having said this, he looked at Corral in front of him and returned to the room together.

“The curse of the Nightmare Statue was so easily solved by him.”

Inside the room, quietly lying on the bed, feeling the ill-intentioned dissipation outside his heart, she couldn’t help touching her chest and muttering to herself: “This kind of Strength, even if it is a nightmare estate, may not break through . “

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