“It turned out to be such a thing.”

A spacious room, sitting on a sofa, Adier flipped through a few books in his hand, and then his face became a little weird.

It’s been a while since the day Lyon approached.

After agreeing to the conditions of the other party, within a few days, the mist outside began to dissipate, and then Adier’s body family was properly settled.

Corral took his appointment and became a sheriff with great joy, realizing a great counterattack in life, and suddenly changed from the lowest rank police officer to the highest sheriff, making his countless old friends all old. Dropped glasses.

Dilly is similar. After depositing the huge amount of money he got into the bank, Lyon hasn’t arranged the best aristocratic private Academy in the local area for her to go to school.

As for Adier, at his own request, he entered the largest library in the local area, where he constantly browsed various materials.

Every day, under Lyon’s order and search, many new books are sent in, including the deep secrets of this world, and the research on curses and spirit connecting people.

“The so-called spirit connecting person turned out to be such a thing.”

Gently closing a book in his hand, Adier shook his head, his face a little disappointed.

This world ’s extraordinary system is unique and seems to be completely cursed.

In many countries around the world, many spiritual events erupt every day. These events are classified as curses and classified according to their formidable power.

As for the main force against this curse in this world, the so-called spirit connecting person also makes Adier feel a little disappointed.

The spirit connecting person of this world mainly depends on the Strength of Bloodline. However, the spirit connecting person must be an awakening person. Therefore, relative to the ordinary person, some of the Awakening Strength is inherited from the blood, that is, The so-called spiritual power.

Nourish the spiritual power of within the body continuously through mysteries. After the spiritual power of within the body is strong to a certain degree, you can search for some special cursed things, and then use your own spiritual power to surrender the curse to obtain the curse. Part of the Strength, became a powerful spirit connecting person.

This is where this world spirit connecting people come from, and why Adier is disappointed.

“The so-called spiritual power is the Strength passed from Bloodline at the source, and ordinary people can’t get it through learning at all.”

“Those so-called spirit connecting people rely entirely on the Strength of the foreign object. If they want to become stronger, they can only continue to look for stronger curses to replace. There is no learning value at all.”

Shook the head, thinking of the information in his head, Adier was a little disappointed.

This unique and extraordinary system is completely fatal. Whether a person can become a powerful spirit connecting person or not depends entirely on his Bloodline and the curses on his hands. There is not much to learn.

Although the wizard and Knight strictly speaking also give instructions, at least the Early Stage also has qualification requirements, but the wizard and Knight have at least a complete system supporting them. As long as the conditions are sufficient, they can go all the way to Peak, which is relatively complete compared to the spirit connecting person. For a life-saving system, it is better.

The Spirit connecting person ’s own Bloodline has its limits. The spiritual power within the body is nourished and no longer stronger than the first-generation awakening. As for the cursed thing, it is rare. It can be born only in the curse. Not only is it rare, but it is extremely difficult to obtain.

This restricts the quality and quantity of this world spirit connecting person. It can only linger at one level and cannot break through a certain level.

“But then, it makes sense for Lyon to care so much about my awakening person.”

Standing up silently, watching the sunlight outside the room, Adier raised his head silently.

Obviously, some of the previous performances of Adier, to some people in this world, are the performance of the awakening.

Only the first-born awakened can not rely on the cursed, only rely on their Strength can fight the curse.

“It’s kind of crooked.”

With this in mind, he has nothing to say.

Bang … Bang … Bang …

At this moment, a slight knock came from outside the door, accompanied by the knock, and a slight and soft voice of the girl.

“Mr. Sim, Governor Lyon invites you there.”

“Tell the Governor, I’ll be right there.” Adier turned slightly, listening to that, and it was no surprise to Adier.

After walking around for a while, he put down a few books neatly, then straightened his shirt and looked away.

It was necessary for the servants and maids to move along the corridor along the road, and when they saw Adier, they bowed their heads slightly, for fear that they would attract his attention.

This section of the road didn’t go long, and after a few minutes, he walked to a spacious living room.

In the living room, Lyon was wearing a black trench coat. At this time, his face looked very serious, and he was discussing something seriously with a middle age person beside him.

In conversational discourse, through his keen Spirit, Adier captured something that seemed to be related to forbidden grounds and curses.

“Sim, you are here.”

Seeing Adier coming in from the outside, Sim stopped talking and looked at him kindly, seeming to get along well.

“Come, introduce you, this is Venus Baron, you can call him Mr. Venus.”

He looked at the middle age person standing beside him, and was enthusiastically introduced to Adier.

“Hello, Sim.”

Venus had a stiff smile on his face, and looked at Adier seriously, as if he wanted to remember his face.

He looks about 40 years old, wearing a big red robe, with a stiff expression on his face, with some long beards. He looks like a normal middle age person with no glance.

However, despite the appearance, Adier does not underestimate each other.

In the counterpart within the body, there is a unique Strength flowing, similar to the Strength of Dahlicia within the body, but far more powerful than Dahlicia.

“A spirit connecting person?”

This thought flashed in my mind, but on the surface, Adier was still politely laughed, looking like an ordinary sloppy boy.

“This time let you come over, there is one thing I hope you can help me.”

Looking at Adier, Lyon had no unnecessary nonsense and went straight to the point: “We are going to go to a place, it may be a bit dangerous.”

“In order to ensure safety, I hope that after three days, you will go with us. Is there a problem?”

He lowered his body, looked at Adier, and asked earnestly.


Gently skimming Venus aside, Adier didn’t hesitate and went directly nodded.

He could have imagined that most of what the other person said was another Cursed Land, and most of it contained terrifying curses.

However, this is just fine.

For others, and even spirit connecting people, the curse is of course a color change, but for Adier, this thing is a bit useful, at least it can be used to harvest Boundary Energy.

But in spite of his thoughts, on the surface, he was still indifferent, but after being quietly nodded, he turned and walked out, leaving no meaning here.

“Twelve-year-old awakenings are rare.”

In the living room behind, watching Adier’s back disappear from the realization, Venus was a little emotional.

“When I got the news, I was also surprised.” Lyon looked up, with a smile on his face: “No, although it is younger, it is also an advantage in a way.”

“Compared to those awakenings who are inexplicably hostile to us, this child is much more cute.”

“Indeed.” Listening to this, Venus nodded in agreement.

The awakening’s awakening has no regularity at all, and it is only related to Constitution and will.

In recent years, as the curse has become more active, the kingdoms have gradually begun to show some awakeners, and Violetgold Kingdom is no exception.

However, because of the awakening, these awakenings are all uncontrollable. Depending on the Strength they have after awakening, they even dared to directly resist the rule of various countries, causing a lot of bloody cases in a while.

A few months ago, in the capital of Violetgold Kingdom, there was such a case of the awakening.

A small family member who was oppressed suddenly awakened. After gaining a strong Strength, the first thing he did was to kill his own family’s enemies, a hereditary Viscount, and let the other clansman escape, and then absconded. No trace has been found so far.

Relatively speaking, Adier, the awakener, is much more satisfying. He is not from a family of other nobles, but he is only twelve years old this year.

“Yes, how is the situation there?”

Standing there for a while, Lyon seemed to suddenly think of something, and looked at Venus and asked.

“Somewhat bad.” Venus shook the head: “Your Majesty is seriously ill, and his Highnesses are fighting with each other again. For a while, they can’t spare Strength to suppress the forbidden area …”

“It seems that we can only rely on ourselves.” Lyon sneered, “But that’s just the right thing to save.”

“There is another news.” Venus hesitated on his face. “As far as the current situation is concerned, it is not far from the next opening of the Nightmare Manor, should we send someone in?”

“Certainly.” Lyd without the slightest hesitation: “Nightmare Manor, there are many curses in this forbidden area. If you run into it, you must not miss it.”

“But then we will be short of staff …”


The intermittent words fluttered from ear to ear, gradually becoming blurred and slight.

Standing on the balcony, using the powerful Spirit power, he secretly listened to some parts of Lyon and Venus’s spy agent. Adier’s face remained unchanged: “Nightmare Manor … It’s a familiar name.”

Before the curse of Sheng’en Academy erupted, he had contacted Dahlicia once and reached an initial cooperation on that occasion.

At that time, the other party hoped that he could enter the nightmare manor once and take something out of it.

Now it seems that what the other party hopes that he takes out may be a curse.


Thinking of the legend of the Nightmare Manor, he murmured, then turned and left the balcony.

At noon the next day, on the spacious road, several black police cars were driving on the road, driving along the long road to the distance.

“Have you been there?”

Sitting in the front police car, looking at the surrounding terrain, Corral looked at the map on the opponent and asked the police officer on the side.

Corral looks much different than it did in the past. Not only was the police officer wearing a black dress subduing the imperial city, the whole person looked more like Spirit Yiyi, with a look of majesty on his originally cold and gloomy face.

He was sitting in the back seat of the car looking at the terrain, and beside him was a little boy who was about ten years old.

“Master Corral, it’s almost there.” In front, comparing the terrain, the police officer in charge of the car responded.

“Well.” Corral complexion grave and stern’s nodded, then turned and looked towards the boy aside, his expression eased slightly; “Sim, do you feel anything?”

Listening to his words, the boy had a little reflection, no longer looked towards the window, and stared at Corral: “No.”

“Not yet?” Corral murmured. “It looks like we have to go in a little bit more.”


A burst of crackling sounded suddenly, like a burst of explosives, causing a strong noise around.

In the sky, countless flying stones fell from the sky with endless dust, and the goal seemed to be Corral.

With countless horrified eyes watching, these flying stones and dust quickly fell, and they were about to hit the vehicle in front of them.

oh la la …

A faint ripple emerged from mid-air. At this moment, a brilliance of silver diffused, in which a boiling reaction of energy particles was generated, and a small enchantment was formed in an instant, and all the materials hitting it here were bounced off.

Warping Barrier!

This is the first spell that Adier has solidified, and the first level of spell that Adier masters. At this time, I reluctantly emphasized a little mana and recast it.

In the sky, all the dust and falling rocks disappeared, and were instantly distorted by a huge Strength that came in an instant, and smashed directly in the direction of the time, without causing damage to anyone.

Pat … pat … pat …

Loud applause came from behind.

Behind Adier, Lyon wore a black trench coat and applauded as he approached Adier: “The response was timely, otherwise it would be troublesome.”

“This is what Sim should do.” Looking at Lyon coming behind him, Corral said, slightly bowing his head.

“It seems that someone is not welcome to come in here.” After walking to Corral and nodded towards him, Lyon went to Adier and looked up towards the front.

In his field of vision, there was a cloud of smoke and darkness in front of him, and a black strength surrounded him, hovering from time to time and rushing into the sky, staining the entire sky with a bit of black.

Here is what looks like Ancient Remains.

On the ground, patches of ancient buildings are still left, covered with wind and sand, blowing constantly there, with the sound of low winds.

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