
Standing in front of a ruin, looking at the sand that was gradually diffused in front of me, Lyon turned and looked kindly towards Adier: “How do you feel?”

“Here, it seems very old.” Looking up at the scenery in front of him, after a while, Adier lightly said.

“Good.” Lyon nodded: “This ruin is at least 3,000 years away.”

“For three thousand years, the original city here was gradually buried underground, and the residents who originally lived there began to migrate, making this place a dead place.”

“Historical research shows that this ruin was a famous forbidden land as long as two thousand years ago. It is known as the Lost City, but only now, it has begun to decline.”

“Is this the Lost City?” Listening to Lyon’s remarks, and looking at the ruins of the city where the wreckage can be seen, Adier murmured.

Lost City, this is a legend that has spread widely in Violetgold Kingdom.

The ancient city collapsed overnight, and all its inhabitants died out. Its dead soul lodged on the city, telling the world its past history and stories.

In folklore, this is a city that ordinary people cannot find. Everyone who can find it is either the former master of the city or the dying.

This is the world of the dead, and it is impossible for anyone to enter the world after entering the city.

Of course, these are just folk legends.

In the past period, after reading various documents sent by Lyon, Adier also had some understanding of the message of this lost city.

In fact, in the past, there have been occasional people who strayed into the city and left their mark on it.

Ten years ago, there was such a record in Violetgold Kingdom.

A team of officially dispatched archaeologists was ordered to visit this generation, but accidentally entered the lost city by accident. As a result, the entire archaeological regiment was almost dead, leaving only the then deputy chief and a young professor who reluctantly stepped out of it .

However, in fact, the young professor was not alone.

Thinking back to these past stories, Lyon also took a black and white photo from his chest pocket ahead.

The color of the photo is very monotonous. The shooting technology of that year, not at all, is so convenient now, and the result of this old photo is not very good.

In the photo, a young man with horror on his face is quickly walking out of a ruined city, his expression on his face is extremely distorted, as if frightened.

On the back of the young man, a black body, like an air-dried body, lay quietly on his back, and a weird face was stuck on the neck of the young man, as if stuck.

“Oh … do the curses of the past spread along the Bloodline …”

Looking at the ruins in front of him, he folded the black and white photo in his hand, Lyon sneered, then looked up towards him.

“The place has arrived, Sim and I go in, others are waiting for us.”

He looked at all around, and after giving the order, he looked at Sim again: “Sim, is it okay?”

“As long as it’s not too long, there should be no problem.” Looking back at Lyon, Adier also knew about what he was about to do next, so there was no hesitation about nodded.

“Let’s go.” He looked up and looked at the ruined city in front of him. Lyon took a deep breath, then led Adier and walked forward.

With the eyes of everyone behind them, they walked forward step by step, and gradually approached the city ahead.

Before walking to the ruins, the city seemed to know their intentions, and no longer emits a strong wind and sand, making the surroundings instantly quiet.

After a while, they walked before a huge city gate.

This city gate is made of stone, looks very sturdy and huge, is well preserved, and the remaining body is full of mottled breath of years.

However, although the city gate is intact, the city wall and the attic supporting the city gate are left with only wreckage, and only the city gate is still standing, which seems to represent the last glimmer of the past era.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Standing in front of this city gate, Adier always feels that many people are standing opposite, at this time each and everyone is watching him with a weird meaning.

He leaned slightly to the side, looking towards side Lyon.

Strong Spirit made him keenly aware that the blood flow in Lyon within the body was accelerating, and cold sweat was appearing in many parts of his body, which seemed to be very tense.

Perceived Adier’s gaze, he turned around and barely laughed, then clenched Adier’s hand and walked forward.

As they walked into the city gate, in the eyes of those who remained behind, a strange scene appeared.

Above the ruins, as the two newcomers entered, the original mottled old city gate seemed to have regained some vitality and closed slowly and firmly.


The crisp sound rang slowly around all around, accompanied by a loud noise.

“Hey, don’t stand silly.”

A voice came from the ear, with an impatience.

Listening to the sound, Adier eyes opened and then a moment.

It was like a moment of shuttle through a World, at which point he was standing inside a spacious gate.

The gate is made of stone, which is similar to the city gate on the previous ruins, except that the nuances are slightly different.

The surrounding buildings are also the same. If you look closely, you can see that it is similar to the previous ruins.

But at this time, the city that had been ruined was once again full of lively atmosphere.

each and everyone Pedestrians walked through the city, wearing thin clothing and walking constantly in it.

The old man is holding a cane, the child is running around with the beating of the sand, and the woman is holding the baby and chatting with the neighbors, a lively scene.

“Aren’t you leaving?” At this moment, the impatient voice sounded again.

Adier looked up and saw in front of him that a young warrior in rattan armor was standing there, watching him a little impatient: “Would you like to go in? Don’t block the way behind.”

“I …” Adier opened his mouth, trying to move forward.

“Sorry sorry!” Behind him, an anxious voice suddenly sounded, and then a hurrying silhouette came out from behind, and rushed to grab Adier’s hand.

“Amlee, I finally found you.” Holding Adier’s hand firmly, the silhouette looked relaxed, and then stopped.

Listening to the voice, looking at the suddenly emerging silhouette in front of him, Adier froze.

This is a fairly tall silhouette, wearing a coarse gown, at this time carrying a large bag on the left, right hand holding Adier.

However, what made Adier faint is the look of this man, which is quite similar to Corral, almost the same as the twin brother.

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