“Amlee, why did you come here, I looked for you for a long time.”

Standing at the city gate, the middle-aged man who came from a distance holding Adier’s hand was relaxed and turned to the soldiers who looked towards him: “Let’s go!”

At this moment, the expression of anxiety and panic on his face had faded and replaced with majesty, making Adier look a little bit.

“It turned out to be the child sacrificed by Senge.” The vinegar soldiers guarding the city looked down and bowed their heads to Adier, apologizing.

“Well, Amlee, let’s go in.”

Holding Adier’s hand, Senge put a smile on his face, and then took Adier forward.

Pieces of buildings are constantly passing in front of them, and most of them are familiar with the pattern and appearance of Adier.

“It’s exactly the same pattern as the previous ruin.”

Carefully observing the roads and buildings all around, Adier flashed this thought in his mind.

I don’t know why. When I arrived here, a sense of familiarity was constantly emerging from my heart. It was clear that the surroundings were all strange scenery, but he had a strange sense of familiarity, as if he had lived here.

Feeling this, Adier’s face was a bit ugly: “I can’t even detect the fault, this illusion …”

As he walked, he was checking his own way about the scenery that was constantly passing by.

But no matter whether it is his powerful Spirit or the chip in the depth of one’s soul, there is no abnormality found at this time, as if all this is true.

“We’re here.” Beside him, Senge’s distinctive husky voice sounded.

Holding Adier, he walked to an old manor and looked at the manor covered with weeds in front of him, smiling happily: “Finally at home …”

He looked up, looking at the old manor that seemed to be left unattended for a long time, his face looked a little bad, and it seemed to remember something.

Standing next to him, looking at the dilapidated and primitive manor, Adier froze.

It seems to be encountering some key. At this moment, an unusual sense of familiarity came to mind, accompanied by a memory fragment.

It seemed like he was born again, and a lot of memories popped up in his heart somehow.

Following these memories, he subconsciously walked to the door of the manor and looked at a black wooden board in front of the door of the manor.

On the black wooden board, a trace was engraved on it, and in the center, there were some handwritings, written in a strange and familiar text of Adier.

“Happy birthday, Amlee. Yarra.”

Looking at the handwriting carved on the wooden board, an inexplicable familiarity came from his heart, making him subconsciously read the line.

“Yara …” Looking at the surname after the first name, Adier looked a bit sideways: “It’s exactly the same as the surname of my body.”

“Amur, stop playing.” A rough palm was placed under Adier’s head.

Aside, looking at Adier, Senge kept a smile on his face: “We should go in.”

“Okay.” Gently turning around and taking a deep look at Senge, Adier’s face remained calm, just silently nodded.

With a light sound, the wooden door was quickly opened, and then the two walked in slowly.

It was noon at this time. On the sky, the golden sun was shining all around, spreading a ray of light golden sunlight, and shining on the black land.

And around, next to an old house that looked quite large, weeds survived stubbornly, covering the surrounding soil in the past.

These scenes should be very strange to Adier, but at this time he seems to have a strange sense of familiarity.

Even at this moment, Adier had a feeling in his mind.

He seems to have grown up here since he was a child, and everything around him has no secret to him. Even if he walks with his eyes closed, he can know where he is without any fear or anxiety.

This feeling should have been good, but at this time, Adier only felt cold in his heart.

“Did it even affect my memories and feelings?”

He flashed the thought inside, and then he was attracted by something outside.

Wang …

A deep hissing came from outside.

Under Adier’s gaze, outside the open wooden door of the manor, a fluffy, skinny black dirt dog ran in from the outside, shouting directly on the threshold, as if calling something.

“Wild dog?”

Listening to the bark of the dog outside the door, Adier whispered to himself, then his body got up subconsciously, and walked towards the skinny black dirt dog.

“Du …”

Walking gently to the threshold, watching the black dirt dog standing in front of him, following the induction in his heart, Adier slowly spoke a name.

The voice dropped, the dog in front of me screamed again, his head dropped slightly, and he touched Adier’s hand, as if expressing his emotions.

“Injured again.”

Gently touching the dog’s head, Adier keenly saw a few scars on it, and a touch of blood that had not dried up.

“Come with me.” Adier got up from where he was and followed the reaction in his heart. Adier walked into his house, found some bones and meat, and placed them directly outside.

This seems to have become a habit. After seeing the bones piled up outside the door, the black dog no longer barked, but squatted quietly while drinking clean water while eating the bones and minced meat.

Touching the hair of the black dog quietly, feeling this kind of subconscious movement, Adier was thinking about the current situation while frowning.

“The legendary lost city cannot be found by ordinary people. Only the former master of the city or the mortal can enter.”

With this in mind, Adier bowed his head and thought: “This legend should be true, but when I came in with Lyon, I didn’t feel any obstacles, and went into this place very smoothly.”

“There is no obstruction, which means that Lyon and I are both qualified to meet the entry criteria … also known as the former owner of this city …”

Sitting still, thinking about the information about the Lost City in his head, the chill in Adier’s eyes grew stronger.

His body is still very healthy. Not only is he only twelve years old now, but he has no injuries on his body. It doesn’t meet the standards of a dying person.

Then the only one that meets the conditions is undoubtedly another.

“The former curse will spread along the Bloodline …” Inexplicably, Adier remembered this sentence suddenly.

When he first checked this sentence, he was still a little puzzled, but now, after he actually entered here, he probably knew what was going on.

“Amour Yarra, Sim Yarra, and Gerson and Corral have similar looks.”

Thinking of the known clues, Adier lost his thoughts: “The former Master of this city, literally, should be a former resident of this city.”

“Only the owners of this city can enter. This condition may refer to Bloodline.”

He slowly raised his head: “Only Bloodline, a descendant of the city’s residents, can follow the Bloodline’s traction and enter the city.”

“And Lyon and I should have met this condition.”

This is just a rough inference, but at present it seems that the possibility is not small.

It is easy to verify this inference, you just need to find another entrant.

It can be said that it is a coincidence to meet the conditions once, but if it is twice in a row, the accuracy of the inference will undoubtedly improve a lot.

“Lyon’s last name, Calandis …”

Thoughts flashed through his mind, he touched the injured forehead of the black dog, then stood up and walked towards the room.

In the old house, Senge was busy inside, turning from box to box from time to time to arrange some dusty chores neatly.

“Calandis, this last name is rare in the local area, it should be living in Xixiang, north of the city.”

Inside the room, listening to Adier’s question, Senge was a little surprised: “What do you ask this for?”

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. At the moment Adier asked, his expression seemed to change slightly, and his eyes became much colder.

This change is very small, and completely disappears at the next moment, which is difficult to detect under normal circumstances.

Looking at these changes silently, Adier frowned secretly, but apparently laughed: “I’ve definitely heard this last name before, so I came over and asked, I didn’t expect that there really was …”

“No! You’re lying!” Adier’s words were forcibly disrupted by a strong husky voice.

At this moment, the complexion of Senge greatly changed, and the original mild expression on his face instantly brought a strong resentment and hatred. An originally black eye exuded a strange light, staring at Adier in front of him, as if Enemies of their own Life and Death.

A huge pressure came from the front, with a slight sense of danger.

Feeling this, Adier frowned secretly, looking at Senge in front of his eyes, the alertness in his heart reached the apex all of a sudden.

The next moment, it seems that I realized my lost self-control. The weird expression on Senge’s face disappeared instantly. The original grudge and hatred on the face disappeared instantly, leaving only a gentle face and a pair of black eyes. Not as weird as before.

“Be careful on the road.”

Seems to know what Adier was going to do, Senge said this lightly, and then turned around and sorted out the contents of the house.

Behind, looking at the busy back of Senge, Adier watched quietly for a long time before turning away.

“It just felt like the curse I encountered before, but it was a little different …”

Walking quietly on the road, thinking of the immediate response, Adier frowns: “It was normal before, why did it suddenly erupt at this time?”

I ca n’t stand it, I ’ll write tomorrow (crying), do n’t have to wait tonight

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