“It was normal before, why did it suddenly erupt at this time?”

Adier has been thinking about this issue on a narrow road.

For him at the moment, this question is very important. If you don’t figure it out, it’s hard to say when something might happen.

Although he was ready to face the curse before he came here, if he could delay a little more, he would have more buffer time.

Standing in place, Adier looked up towards the distance.

In the distance, each and everyone pedestrians walked in the primitive city, and their clothes were relatively rough.

This city after all is 3.000 years ago, even if the curse is entangled in it, and restore its past scenes, it should be the scenes of the year.

In the era of 3.000 years ago, living conditions were far from modern, everything seemed extremely primitive and rude.

In the distance, the old man walked from time to time in shabby sackcloth, carrying wild vegetables in his hands, and the children were holding ants everywhere. Although the whole scene was primitive, it seemed to be harmonious for a while.

Looking at this scene quietly, Adier was thinking: “Maybe … because my performance and my identity in the illusion are a little different, so it will cause the spontaneous reaction of the illusion?”

After much deliberation, he could only find one reason.

La la la la …

A few girls in black animal skins showing their thighs and arms walked past them, and while they took a brisk melody, they also interrupted Adier’s thoughts.

“Have you been there?”

Looking at the girls, Adier turned and looked towards.

According to the information asked from Senge, this is where the Calandis clan is located.

Adier thought it would be troublesome to find this place, but the results were unexpectedly smooth.

This is also related to the distribution of residents in this city.

According to historical data that Adier has read, in this era of 3.000 years ago, there were very few people who could have a surname. Only people from aristocracy or sacrifice class would have it.

This reduces Adier’s search efficiency and makes the goal clear all at once.

Standing here, Adier quietly looked towards.

In front of it is a small manor house. Except for a few buildings, the rest is full of flowers. It looks very popular. Not only is it often inhabited, but also the servants and slaves clean all around.

And in front of the gate of this manor, through the powerful Spirit, Adier also felt a familiar atmosphere.

Following this induction, he walked forward and came to the gate.

The gate is wooden, spliced ​​from sturdy black planks, and there seem to be some copper nails behind it.

Gently reaching out to touch the boards, a rough feel came from the palms, with a strange touch.

There is a familiar atmosphere left on these boards, belonging to Lyon.

Touching these wooden boards quietly, Adier confirmed this judgment in his mind, and then carefully searched the entire door to see if he could find some clues.

In the end the clue was indeed found, but not on the gate, but on the side wall.

On that wall, there were some extremely small handwritings, which looked very hastily, but were written in the words of the outside Violetgold Kingdom.

“After seven days, take me away immediately!”

Looking silently at this hasty handwriting, Adier was speechless for a moment, remembering Lyon’s explanation when he entered before, and then subconsciously touched his waist.

On his waist, there was a black stone with a cold breath.

This is what Lyon left before, and is said to be the child of a cursed thing.

Through this sub-body, you can accurately sense the subject, that is, the situation over Lyon.

“Hello.” A voice sounded from the inside, which sounded a little depressed.

Listening to the sound, Adier looked up and looked towards his eyes.

In his eyes, a handsome young man in a black cloth was standing there, holding some rough farm tools in his hands.

He stood there, looking like he was weeding before, his face looked a little pale, at this time looking at Adier, his expression looked a little puzzled: “Who are you?”

Taking a deep look at the young man and listening to the other person’s problems, Adier’s eyes narrowed.

For the youth in front of him, Adier is very familiar, it is Lyon who came in with him before.

However, at this time, the opponent’s state was obviously a bit wrong. Not only did his temperament change greatly, but even Adier’s appearance could not be recognized.

“Who are you again?” Staring quietly for a moment, looking at Lyon in front of him, Adier retracted his gaze and asked lightly.

“Charde Calandis.” Standing inside the door, listening to Adier’s question, Lyon subconsciously raised his head and reported his last name aloud, and seemed very proud of it.

“Chard, good name.” There was a smile on Adier’s face, “Amour Yarra.”

“People of the Yala family, what are you doing here?” Listening to Adier’s name, Lyon looked a little bit puzzled, “It’s a long way from your family’s residence.”

“You’re a kid here, aren’t you afraid of being abducted?”

“There are important things that you have to come over to see.” Adier smiled kindly. “Where are you? People of the dignified Calandis family, why do we have to weed here with farm implements?”

“This …” Hesitating for a while, looking at Adier in front of him, Lyon slowly said: “You may not believe it, but I seem to have something wrong recently.”

“I always feel like … I seem to have forgotten something important, but no matter what I think, I always want to do not raise.”

He looked at Adier and recounted the sense of solitude in his heart: “In order to ease this feeling, I went out to find something to do, and weeded the yard at home.”

“Don’t worry.” Looking at Lyon in front of him, the expression on Adier’s face did not change at all: “It will always come to my mind, maybe you are too tired during this time.”

“Maybe.” Lyon barely laughed, looking at the Adier in front of him, and opened the mouth and said: “Speaking of which, I don’t know why, after seeing you, I seem to have a very familiar feeling in my heart, like It’s like meeting old friends. “

“In fact, I feel the same way.” Adier smiled. “If you have time, you can always contact me later.”

“Okay.” Lyon gently nodded, saying nothing about the proposal.

“That’s right.” Looking at Lyon’s appearance, Adier seemed to say casually: “I have a friend who seems to live here before. I don’t know if you know Chard?”

“What’s his name?” Lyon apparently didn’t care about Adier’s words, and asked directly.



The voice fell, and a crisp voice sounded.

Standing in the gate, listening to the name Adier said, the farm implement Lyon held in his hand fell directly to the ground, and the whole person caught it directly, like a spell.

From the perspective of Adier, it can be clearly seen that Lyon’s entire body is shaking, it seems that the ordinary name evokes the instinctual reaction of the body.

“Lyon · · Lyon · · ·” In the place, Lyon stood quietly, muttering to himself constantly, muttering his name.

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