“Lyon … what the hell am I …”

Lying on the side of the wooden door and leaning on the wall, Lyon’s head was lowered, his face looked paler and his whole body was shaking, as if recalling something terrible.

As the memories deepened, a sudden confusion came to his mind, making him feel the brain blank, and his entire head was about to explode.

Between the confused, he subconsciously looked towards the door and saw Adier standing outside the wooden door.

Looking at Lyon’s current state quietly, Adier was frowning, a little confused about the current situation, so he did not continue to stimulate the other side.

愣愣 Looking at Adier’s silhouette, in close contact, through a certain instinctual connection, Lyon’s mind raised a clear comprehension: “Yes, this is my name.”

At this moment, he remembered everything that had happened before.

Some time ago, he took Adier through the door, but the moment he entered the Lost City, everything changed.

His memory was forcibly sealed, and then overwhelmed by new memories. He was surrounded by curses and arranged here, but he mistakenly thought that this was his hometown and completely forgotten his previous purpose.

Thinking of the scenes in his memory with his loved ones, he couldn’t help feeling cold.

The people in this city have died as early as the incident that happened 3.000 years ago, and the curse of it has continued to future generations, taking away the lives of unknown people.

So, what are the “relatives” who lived with him before?

“Fortunately, and Sim.”

Thinking of the scenes that happened during the previous amnesia, looking at Adier standing in front of him, he couldn’t help feeling glad.

This time, if he comes in alone, sooner or later he will die in this curse, and even before he dies, he will not know his true identity, and will directly become an undead ghost.

Fortunately, there was an early awakener who entered this time together, which left him a little chance.

As the awakening of the first generation, the other party obviously not at all was greatly affected. Not only did he maintain his conscious autonomy to a large extent, but he also remembered some of his previous orders and took the initiative to come along to find himself. He woke up briefly to do those things.

Thinking of this, he settled down, his original pale complexion gradually stabilized, and he restored his spirit when he was outside: “Sim, how are you doing?”

“It’s terrible.” Seeing Lyon recover, Adier nodded: “I was forced to plug in an identity and filled with a lot of inexplicable memories at once, making the whole person a little messy.”

“You can keep your consciousness and even find me at this time, which has surprised me.” Lyon covered his head and felt a deep pain in his head: “I thought, you It takes at least two or three days to wake up. “

“Good luck that’s all.” On this question, Adier was reluctant to say more. Turn the topic around and ask the next itinerary: “What should I do next?”

“Nothing to do.” Lyon replied very bachelor: “Quietly spend seven days here, wait seven nights later, and immediately take me charge ahead.”

“It was a special day. By that time, the entire city will undergo huge changes. The original dead people will reappear. But at that time, when there is a gap in the forbidden area, you must take advantage of the opportunity to charge ahead.

“After seven days?” Adier frowned, after thinking for a while, it was still nodded.

“Be careful during this time,” Lyon reminded. “When I came in this time, I was already prepared, and several curses were activated to cover me from being found.”

“But Sim, you are not the same. In order to attract the sight of the forbidden area, you do not have any cover on your body. Most of the time you will be eroded by the forbidden area.”

“I understand.” Adier already knew this before entering, and there was not much confusion at this time, and he was directly nodded.

In fact, this is why Lyon asked Adier to come in, in order to let him share most of the dangers in this forbidden area, so that he can rest assured that he has done his job in this forbidden area.

Lyon not at all disguised this, and made it clear from the beginning.

In situ, the two continued to talk at the wooden door for a while. After exchanging memories and information with each other for a while, they separated from each other and did their own things according to their own identities.


Walking on the clean grass, as I stepped out, a clear stepping sound came from under my feet.

Looking at the faintly visible front door, Adier’s silhouette suddenly stopped and looked towards a certain corner.

It was an old alley. There were not many people at this time, there was only one ragged, middle-aged man with a vicissitude on his face, lying on the ground, and Life and Death seemed unknown.

This is not a strange thing. In Strange World, all kinds of horizontal dead people are everywhere, even in forbidden places, it is not unusual at all.

What really made Adier pause and caught his attention was the look of this man, who he had seen somewhere before.

It was on a thick pile of information. Before entering the Lost City, he had read a lot of information about the Lost City, and some of them recorded the dead who had died in the Lost City in recent years.

If it is an ordinary person, even the real awakening, you may not be able to fully remember the information, let alone remember the appearance of each dead person, but for Adier who owns the chip, all this is not a problem at all.

“Comparison is completed, the contours of the face are consistent, and data collection is started …”

“The deceased, Malton Feralas, traveled with a tour group 73 years ago, but accidentally entered the Lost City, and eventually disappeared. He was 37 when he disappeared …”

Looking indifferently at the middle-aged man talking in the distance, Adier looked aloof, walked directly to the man, and then extended the hand.

The person who had disappeared reappeared, and this incident made him curious, and he wanted to try and see if he could understand some of the rules here.

The delicate white and tender arms were gently lowered, and when approaching the other’s forehead, they were lightly paused.

Because at this time, on the ground, the middle-aged man, who looked like a corpse, opened his eyes, matching his dry messy hair, and his face full of dirt and dried blood, looking a little scary. .

“not dead?”

Looking at the middle-aged man with eyes opened suddenly, Adier was a bit surprised, but then slowly lowered his arm, ignoring the nagging and hatred in the other’s eyes, and put it directly on the other’s forehead: “Good, soon.”

He said this kindly with a kind face. In his eyes, a bit of silver was constantly flashing, and a little ripple was cut in the silence, covering the surrounding several meters range.

The huge Spirit force was mobilized at the first time, directly following some kind of circuit, and groping the middle-aged man’s body in front of him.

“The body is close to collapse, and most of its body is exhausted, but the person is still alive.”

Feeling the condition of the man, Adier frowned, then relieved: “Let me see your memory.”

As the words fell, his arms were fiercely depressed.

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