
It’s like a balloon being burst, and as Adier’s arm is fiercely pressed down, a solid barrier is instantly broken through, and a huge Spirit force bursts in along a certain vein, and all the contents contained in it are extracted in an instant.

Pieces of memory are constantly rising, and they are continuously transmitted along the Spirit’s connection, and are instantly perceived by Adier.

From these memories, Adier also glimpsed the scene of the dead’s past.

This is a scene of a man named Malton who has experienced in his life.

From birth to growth, to marriage and having children, scenes of memory are constantly backtracking, all pouring into Adier’s mind.

“It really can.”

Adier felt a bit surprised by the memories that came to his mind.

Regarding the operation of retrieving memories, he just reported a try attitude, not at all really expected to get the memory of this person.

After all, the entire city in front of it is a huge forbidden area. If this person is digging into the present, it is likely that he has died decades ago. Most of the recurrence now is just an illusion, and it may not be able to extract real memory.

But now, the memories that came to mind are true and true, which made Adier a little surprised and could not help but fall into meditation.

Although it is only a trivial matter, it can be seen from this trivial matter that the reality of the illusion in front of him is probably much higher than he imagined.

Not only are all the plants and trees in them, but even the people in them are extremely real, and each has their own memories.


After slowly reading the memory of this person, next moment, Adier suddenly awakened, and felt something wrong from this memory: “This is not a true memory.”

The middle-aged man in front of me can be read and memorized, but the memory read is inconsistent with some of Adier’s perception.

In the memory read, the name of this middle-aged man is indeed Malton, but his life experience has completely changed. It looks like an indigenous who lived 3.000 years ago, instead of disappearing decades ago. That Malton Feralas.

“After more than 3,000 years, coincidences just happened, and the chance of just happening is really too low, so the only possibility is that the memory of this person has also been manipulated, just like the previous Lyon, the original memory is cursed The seal was subsequently banned and given new memories. “

frowns, looking at the half-dead middle-aged man on the ground, Adier thought of this possibility, then he relented, and put his hands on again.


A larger Spirit force flew in an instant, rushing toward the middle of the middle-aged man’s mind, but at last it seemed to hit a steel plate and was isolated by an inexplicable Strength.

It was dark, a huge Strength with resentment and malice. It was a little different in nature from the curse power Adier felt before, but it was far more qualitative than the curses he had encountered before. Much more.

This Strength is wrapped in the depth of one’s soul of the middle-aged man, completely covering its core, leaving only a layer of shell, revealing some false messages.

“This unique approach to architecture is worth learning.”

Feeling the Strength composition of the middle-aged man within the body, Adier’s eyes brightened, and then the palm of his hand was firmly gripped.


The space is rippling like a calm water surface, and a bright mirror is broken in front of it. The fragments in it emit a little black breath, all of which are suppressed and dispersed by the Spirit force of another silver, leaving only the pure soul core, and that The most authentic memory.

As before, memory fragments emerged from my mind, but this time, the memories that came out were relatively real and belonged to the real Malton Feralas, not the false memories created by the curse.

Reading this memory, Adier closed his eyes quietly, while suppressing the cursed backlash, and devoted his mind into this memory, trying to understand the story that happened that year.

As the mind gradually invested, in Adier’s Spirit induction, the surrounding scenes began to change gradually, first changing from light to dark, then from dark to light, and finally becoming a familiar landscape.

As Spirit sensing became clear again, the afterglow of a building ruin came to mind.

In front of me is a vast building ruins, all the buildings are standing around, most of them are made of stone, there are thick traces of history on it, and a unique mark is deeply engraved on the building debris.

Then, with the sound of footsteps, a middle-aged man wearing a red robe and carrying a brief backpack ran quickly in it, his face panicked, as if being chased by something.

“no no!”

As he ran, he shouted incoherently, his body covered with sweat.

Through the resonance of memory, at this moment, Adier was able to appreciate the mood, tension and fear of this middle-aged man, eager to leave this place, but could not get out of this corner.

He tried to leave from the city gate that he entered, but after running around, he couldn’t find the old stone gate that he had walked through when he entered. He could only run in vain all around, and he couldn’t get out of here.

This situation lasted for a while before finally ending.

A black mist gradually rose. In the thin mist, the shadow of each and everyone was seen, standing in the mist, and slowly walking towards him.

In this scene, the memories that originally flowed in my mind stopped flowing, and at this moment began to freeze.

Adier eyes opened, looked towards.

Under his feet, the entanglement of the cursed Strength was broken, and the middle-aged man had woke up at this time.

His eyes opened silently, a pair of bloodshot eyes stared at Adier tightly, feeling the scenes that had happened before, tears flowing in his eyes.

“I …” He looked at Adier, then facing the blue sky in the sky, silently extended the hand, trying to touch the sky.

In Adier’s eyes, such rough arms quickly became thin and thin, as if decades had passed in an instant, the original strong arms gradually withered and became thin and rotten.

In just a few seconds, the middle-aged man quickly turned into a dry corpse, and the clothes on his body seemed to have gone through a long time and became shredded.

A warm current surged from in the depth of one’s soul. In Adier’s induction, at this moment, Boundary Energy on his body instantly increased by hundreds of points, and it was still slowly growing.

“this is okay too?”

Looking at the dead body in front of me, and feeling the Boundary Energy growing on his body, Adier was somewhat surprised and surprised: “It seems that this time into the forbidden area, it will not be completely unharmed.”

The words fell, and he glanced at the street in the distance without hesitation, and went straight forward.

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