oh la la ···

A faint husky and corrosive sound continued to sound in place.

In an alley, Adier stood between them, under his feet was a rotten corpse, exuding a faint stench there.

“The seventh one.”

Watching his feet turn into a rotten corpse, Adier indifferently said, and then looked towards his physical data.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 5.1. Agility: 5.8. Constitution: 4.9. Spirit: 172.4. Boundary Energy: 4082.”

“Slaying seven dead people directly adds a thousand Boundary Energy.”

Looking at his physical data, he was nodded, and was quite satisfied with the result: “It is indeed a famous forbidden area in this world. It exerts influence on it. The efficiency of obtaining Boundary Energy is far more than those cursed incidents before. Much stronger. “

“The only pity is that until now, if I want to find this lost dead hunt, I am afraid it will be a bit difficult.”

Looking at the corpse on the ground, he said with some pity.

This kind of undead who entered the lost city in the past and caused himself to be lost in the forbidden area is not easy to find.

During these days, Adier sneaked around and found these seven people.

Of course, in the past 3,000 years, there must have been more than seven dead people lost in this lost city. There were hundreds of lost people just known to Adier, and even more did not.

However, although there are many lost people, very few can be left over in a long time. Among them, those that can be recognized by Adier are even rarer.

For those unrecognizable existences, Adier is afraid to try for the time being. If accidentally meets the indigenous people in this city, and the curse is triggered in advance, it may cause some unpredictable consequences.

“There are only two days left between the seven-day deadline. During this time, don’t take risks easily.”

Thinking of Lyon’s instructions before, Adier shook his head, but still temporarily pressed his heart’s impulse, and chose to go to one side and go in a certain direction.

In situ, as his silhouette moved away, the dry corpse that had fallen to the ground began to slowly disappear, and the entire body became a little fine sand, completely weathered on this land.

After walking through the long street and the paved path, Adier walked to a manor and gently extended the hand, preparing to open the door.

“Come back.” A cold, husky voice suddenly sounded, and then the wooden door in front of Adier opened automatically, exposing the scene inside.

In this weird scene, in the past few days, Adier has been accustomed to it, and at this moment there is nothing unusual, he went straight in and saw a silhouette inside it.

It was a tall and burly silhouette, wearing a black cloth and holding a scepter in his hand. From the silhouette, it was very similar to Senge.

Perceiving the arrival of Adier, this silhouette turned slowly, revealing a thrilling face.

It was a completely rotten face, part of the intact skin also looked like a dead body, a pair of black eyes were bloodshot, and the whole dignity was extremely horrible. Sub looks.

He turned silently, holding a scepter with a skinny, skinny arm, just looked towards Adier, and said with a husky and disgusting voice: “What are you going to do?”

“Walking around and looking at the look of the city.” Looking at the dead body in front of him, Adier expressionless opened his mouth, no extra movement.

Looking at his appearance, the “Senge” in front of him didn’t say much, just turned silently and walked out of the door, it seemed that there was something to do.

Looking at the back of him leaving, standing silently, Adier’s heart rose inexplicably: “Is it finally going to happen?”

During these days, many strange things happened to Adier.

Almost every night someone walked outside his room and watched him there silently.

Sometimes it’s Senge, sometimes it’s other people, sometimes it’s a lot of people, standing quietly outside the door, only showing a pair of scarlet eyes.

If such a scene is seen by others, it will definitely be scared to sleep, but it has no effect on Adier.

But over time, more and more strange things like this, even Senge’s appearance began to change, and gradually turned into a rotting corpse.

He just remembered these things quietly in his heart. On the surface, everything was like this. He was just like an indigenous person, and he did not react to the strange things around him.

But even so, it should be the limit by now.

“I can feel that in two days, if I can’t leave at that time, I’m afraid to face the cursed body.”

Standing in front of the windowsill, watching the outside scenery, he thought to himself.

Although it was only a few days, with the wizard’s knowledge and knowledge, some of the rules of the forbidden area were found out.

According to the data I have seen before, this forbidden area is likely to be formed 3.000 years ago, and it has always existed since then.

For three thousand years, this forbidden area has been devouring the lives of outsiders, leading to the strengthening of this cursed Strength, and even the burial of many powerful spirit connecting people.

As for how to get out of the city, Adier also studied these days.

When he and Lyon entered the city, they entered from a stone city gate. If they want to leave, they should leave from that city gate.

In the day, Adier once tried to get out of the city gate, but without exception, he encountered a Strong German cover, and finally came back from that gate unknowingly, even himself All memories are overwritten again, and new memories are added to the original memories.

In fact, there is no entry or exit. It is simple to enter, but it is not easy to leave.

According to Adier’s estimation, if you want to leave this lost city, it is only possible to break through this curse directly.

Of course, due to the mystery and specialness of this city, there may be other ways to leave, but for a while, Adier couldn’t find it based on this information.

“According to Lyon’s original plan, after two days, the day when this city in history was destroyed, the curse will wake up from the silence and fall into a special node.”

Looking at the streets coming and going from afar, Adier thought quietly: “Only this time is the easiest time to leave.”

Thinking of it, thinking of Lyon’s side, Adier touched the statue on his waist and walked outward.

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