
In the quiet room, a sound of light sound suddenly sounded.

On a balcony, a silhouette of a thin figure sits quietly on a stone, staring into the distance with a gaze.

If someone stands in front of this silhouette at this time, it is estimated that they will be taken aback by the honor of this silhouette.

The flesh and blood had completely withered, leaving only a skinny body and the black rotten body, which looked like a dead body buried in the ground, terrifying and thrilling.

The corpse was wrapped in a black robe, sitting on a stone at this moment, silently looking at the original and lively city in the distance, the eyes of a pair of scarlet did not waver.

“Master Father, what are you looking at?” Behind him, a calm voice sounded.

Deep in the room, Adier, wearing a coarse robe and wearing a pair of animal leather boots, stepped out of the dark room and came behind the dead body.

“I’m watching, the dusk of this city.”

Feeling the breath of Adier behind him, the dead body did not return, and said quietly while watching the scenery in the distance.

At this time, it was dusk, the sun in the sky gradually set, and the golden light was sown on the ground. While illuminating the surroundings, it also signaled the coming of night.

Obviously, it is just a very ordinary scenery, but Senge is very attentive. The eyes of a pair of scarlets are not wavering at all, and he watched the people coming and going in the streets in the distance, like a quiet observer, always silent sound.

“Time is coming.” He muttered to himself, looking at the sun that was about to fall in the distance, his eyes seemed a little complicated.

Adier snapped: “What?”

In front of him, withered, Senge wore a sacrificial robe like a rotting corpse, turned silently, and stared at Adier in front of him.

Watched by such a horrible corpse, if it is an ordinary person, even the strong Spirit connecting person, there must be some hair in the heart, there is an urge to stay away.

But Adier was very calm, looking quietly at the dead body in front of him, feeling the complexity of the other’s vision, not only his face was calm, but his heart was not fluctuated, as if he were just an ordinary person.


After watching for a long time, a husky voice broke the silence.

Looking at Adier, Senge’s eyes were a little complicated, and the expression on his face moved a little, and it seemed a little unexpected: “Aren’t you … afraid of me?”

“Why be afraid?” Adier responded calmly. “Fear never solves the problem, it only brings new problems.”

“And, compared to this, you can still have your own intelligence, which is what surprised me the most.”

“It’s Bloodline on you, the change that brought me.” Senge’s eyes became more and more complicated: “I knew your identity as early as when you first appeared, not someone who was once in this city … · “

Hearing here, Adier complexion changed slightly but didn’t speak.

“This city is made up of everyone. Every time an outsider enters, it will wake us up once, and based on the Bloodline, we will eat separately.” Looking at Adier, Senge said to himself.

“Eating?” Adier frowned, seeming puzzled.

“Yes, eat.” Senge nodded: “The world is constantly changing. Every once in a while, the environment will change drastically, into the quiet period you call outside, and this whole city will fall asleep.”

“Sleeping consumes Strength, so in order to accumulate the Strength needed for sleeping, we can only keep hunting each and everyone outsiders and use their souls to supplement us with new Strength to support us to continue to sleep.”

“And the so-called Bloodline traction is your means? Based on this to assign each person to eat?” Adier looked indifferent, looking at the Senge in front of him, speaking lightly.

He was not surprised that Senge had reached the silent period of the curse.

As a famous forbidden area in this world, in the past, a certain number of spirit connecting people must have entered this city. For this reason, there are certainly not a few who are trapped in it. Their souls are being devoured, and some memories are being What cities get is not surprising.

“Bloodline, is indeed evidence of our eating.”

In front of me, listening to the indifferent words of Adier, Senge nodded, admitted this directly: “Take this point, the people in this city, this time, it’s just me who really woke up.”

Hearing here, Adier’s expression remained unchanged, but his heart was loose.

Only the Senge in front of him was awake, which means that this time Lyon not at all was exposed, so that the entire forbidden area’s eyes were attracted by Adier.

But on the surface, his face remained indifferent: “Why not do it?”

The cold voice fell, but not at all got a reply from the person opposite.

Standing in place, looking at Adier in front of her eyes, Senge’s eyes were a little complicated, and there seemed to be some emotion in those scarlet eyes.

It took a long time before he said: “In this usual time, after our soul recovers, if we don’t strike you within seven days, it means automatically giving up and giving the opportunity to other souls in the city.”

“I won’t fight you, but by then, the rest of the souls in the city will recover as much as possible, and I hope you are ready.”

Having said this, he lowered his head unconsciously, turned silently, and continued to look at the sight of the city in front of him.

“It’s the same every year, every time it’s a recovery,” he murmured, watching the distant landscape like that, and stopped talking.

Adier also did not continue to try to communicate with him.

After confirming Senge’s identity and feeling the passage of time, he simply broke away from the constraints of his current identity, left directly here, and walked away.

At this time, the sky was dark, and the dim light shrouded the earth. Although it still existed, it was inevitably gradually dim, and it was about to enter the night.


“Is it going to be dark?”

In a very clean courtyard, Lyon was wearing a sackcloth, looked up at the sky in the distance, then put down his farm implements and turned back to the house.

After that meeting with Adier, his memory was covered again, unless Adier stood in front of him to wake him up, otherwise, under normal circumstances, the true memory would be covered by the false memory.

At this time, according to past habits, when the outside sky was about to dim, he returned to the house and prepared to have dinner with his family.

It’s just that the atmosphere in the room today is obviously not normal. Even if Lyon is dominated by false memories at this time, he still feels wrong right away.

“What about people?”

He looked at the empty room inside the room, a little confused.

The Calandis family is not a small family. On the contrary, there are many clansman in this family, usually in the house. At this time, there should be a lot of people gathered, sitting and chatting while waiting for the next dinner.

But now the house is empty, let alone the other clansman, not even a fly can find one.


The light pedalling sounded from the roof, as if someone was walking upstairs, his steps were slow and firm.

“Are you upstairs?”

Lyon was a little confused, but inexplicably furry.

In his heart, a sense of fear was rising, and a feeling from his heart reminded him to let him escape this place quickly.

“Is I too sensitive? This is my home, what is there to be afraid of.” Shook the head, some self-deprecating in his heart: “It seems that my illness is not good, but just stay alone for a while, I will be afraid To this point. “


The stepping sound upstairs still sounded, but at this time it was gradually approaching the stairs, as if someone was walking downstairs with difficulty, every step was very hard.

“Chard …” A husky, dull voice came upstairs, as if he had deliberately lowered his voice, making it uncomfortable to hear.

“Father.” Listening to the sound, Lyon turned subconsciously, looking towards behind.

The next moment, he stared wide-eyed immediately, and his scalp was a little numb.

Behind him, a thin black corpse slowly walked down from the top of the building, similar in outline to the person in Lyon’s memory, but at this time it looked extremely terrifying enough to be daunting and afraid to touch it.


Looking at the familiar silhouette of the dead body, Lyon’s scalp was numb, and he wanted to scream subconsciously. Fiercely vented the fear and fear in his heart.

A black, corpse-haired, skinny arm slammed out in front of him.

In Leon’s horrified gaze, a strange smile appeared on the face of the corpse opposite, a pair of scarlet eyes staring at him with endless desire to devour.

aaaaaah! !! !!

He watched that arm reach out to him, trying to avoid, but his body couldn’t react at all, he could only shout instinctively, and the fear in his heart could not be increased.

boom! !

Like a huge stone fiercely smashed from a distance, bringing up a strong wind, and a violent impact.

At the next moment, the gradually expanding black arm in the line of sight stopped abruptly, and together with this dry corpse, it was smashed by a huge Strength, fiercely smashed on the wall behind it, smashing the entire wall into one Big hole.

“What …” Lyon froze for a moment, and before he reacted to what had happened, he found that there was an additional silhouette in front of him.

It was a silhouette of a thin boy, wrapped in fur robe, a common beast of this era, with both arms hanging down naturally, standing in front of Lyon at this time, staring at the dead body lying in front of him, with a bland and natural calm temperament .

“Are you … Amurri?”

After a long stun, he remembered the boy’s name in front of him, and just said it subconsciously.

“Don’t wake up yet?” Turning around slightly, looking at the side Lyon, Adier shouted, a huge Spirit force rushed along an item on his body, and passed it to Lyon.

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