Bang …

A powerful Spirit burst, following a certain connection, immediately poured into Lyon’s mind, completely activating some of its masked traits.

Standing in place, Lyon just felt his head empty, and there was a sound of roar in his ears, and the whole mind was temporarily confused, and then he woke up in the next instant.

He looked at Adier standing in front of him, a flash of clear comprehension flashing in his eyes: “Yes …”

boom! !

Before we can think about it, a strong shock came from our eyes.

In front of him, the corpse that had been hit by Adier climbed up again, and a pair of scarlet eyes looked towards Adier, with a deep salivation in his eyes: “Powerful soul …”

“Do you want to eat me?” Looking at the corpse in front of me, feeling the unique wave of Spirit in the other side, Adier laughed, his face seemed more and more indifferent.

oh la la ···

Like the blade of a sword wafting through the flowing water, the sound of a thin and crisp water flowing. In situ, next moment, the violent Spirit force erupted in an instant, under Adier’s control, it turned into the sharpest and most feared blade, fiercely beheaded towards the eyes.


The pieces of minced meat exploded, and the black rotten blood was constantly splashing, spreading to all around with a strong stench, and at the same time with a very strong contamination. As long as ordinary people touched it, they would receive eight-nine Influence, and thus become a Spirit lunatic.

Looking at these things, feeling the pollution characteristics, Adier glanced, a pure and powerful Spirit eruption, purified the sputtered black blood in an instant, and then looked towards Lyon aside, very decisive opened the mouth and said: “Go!”

The voice fell, and a door automatically opened without wind, opening in front of itself, exposing the road outside.

With Lyon, Adier stepped out of the house at first, and then a stun.

By this time, the outside scene had already begun to change. Not only did the original building become a pile of wrecks, but even the original people could not see it.

It’s like when you haven’t entered here, everything here has changed, the original illusion disappeared, leaving only pieces of wreckage remaining in the years.

However, relative to the calmness at the time of entry, at this time, Adier can clearly sense that in the depths of the city, a strong malicious strength is recovering, and gradually gathers here.

“Are you sure?” On the side, retrieved his memory, Lyon opened the mouth and said with some changes.

He himself is also a powerful spirit connecting person. At this time, facing the curse of distant recovery, he also feels in his heart and can feel the horror of Strength.

However, since he originally decided to come to this place, he was naturally ready to face all of this, so he was mentally prepared for the scene in front of him. At this time, except for the acceleration of heartbeat, he could not see anything else.

Soon, under Adier’s leadership, he walked out of the ruins and wrecks in front of him, but just saw the thrilling scene.

In a mess of building ruins, countless corpses fell silently to the ground, covered with clothing from the past, and looked old and worn, but still intact, and did not completely die out under the years of erosion.

Of course, if it is just ordinary corpses, then even if there are a large number, Lyon will not smash his eyes for this, and sigh a few words at most, and there will be no fluctuations and changes in mood.

But where is it right now?

legendary The Lost City, the famous Forbidden City in Violetgold Kingdom.

It would not be a good thing to see so many corpses in this forbidden area. In particular, each of these corpses in front of each other looks unusual. Each one is a black dry corpse, exuding a stench.

The surrounding area is not derived from the decay and qualitative changes on the surface of the corpse, but from the radiation effect on the Spirit level, so it is particularly clear and annoying.

Looking at these corpses, Adier’s footsteps couldn’t help but stop. In his eyes, a little silver wire continued to pass, making him look out of the ordinary.

In his eyes, these are not dry corpses, but the unique black spirits of each and everyone. At this time, all of them are wrapped in a deep malicious intent, and they are constantly haunting in this place.

At the core of these souls, there seems to be some deep connection with this forbidden area, so that the cursed Strength can descend on them, and take their corpses as the carrier to play the cursed body’s Strength.

In other words, each of these dry corpses is a cursed child, possessing both a certain independence and a cursing quality.


A breeze like bagpipes slowly sounded around, bringing a relaxed melody.

This melody sounds very calm and relaxed. If it is called normal, it can almost be used as a sleeping song.

But at this moment, at this time, at this location, Adier just felt cold.

Through his strong Spirit, he was able to feel a strong sense of danger rising around him, which was weak at first, but gradually strengthened to the point where he could not ignore it.

Feeling this, he could not help frowning, then took a step forward slightly.

The next moment, the silver flower in the sky began to flash around, and the silver wires were constantly dancing and intertwining, and finally gathered into a huge net to burst out all its Strength.

boom! !

A blow erupted, and a violent crackle burst out in an instant.

Countless gravels rose from the ground, numerous debris was swept by the airstream, and gradually formed a storm in the midair. Its prestige made the Lyon on the side a bit discolored, and felt the horror and unstoppability of this blow.

In this attack, Adier not at all did everything. It was just an attempt, but even so, this attack also used most of the Strength. If it were in the Wizarding World, it would be enough to suppress a Level 2 wizard, which is horrible. .

In the air, a pale giant hand condensed out of thin air, with thick black gas, the moment it appeared, the surrounding atmosphere instantly became cold, and my heart unconsciously surged into a chill.

A huge web of silver slowly spread, colliding with this giant hand in an instant, and the last two Strengths were all dispersed, each being broken up by different Strengths.


Watching the distant giant hand be defeated, Adier shouting loudly, then without the slightest hesitation pulled Lyon and ran in a certain direction in the distance.

In front of the eyes, with the complete recovery of the curse, the corpse of the body also began to wake up, at this time each and everyone walked towards the two Adier, with a sense of rigidity in the body.

“Stopping that, I got five hundred Boundary Energy all of a sudden, it should be because I only consumed the Strength of the curse, but not at all caused substantial damage to the curse.”

Pulling Lyon down the road, Adier still has time to think about his gains and losses.

At first, the main reason why he agreed to enter the Secret Realm with Lyon was only for Boundary Energy. As for the solemn task of protecting Lyon, it was an incident for him.

By now, Lyon’s mission has been completed, and before leaving, he has to consider his gains.

“In my Strength, if I just want to break through this curse and protect Lyon from leaving, this is not too difficult, and it can be done directly now. But if it is too easy to perform, it will be too much. Exposing the current Strength, on the other hand, it is not good for me to harvest Boundary Energy. “

On the way, he couldn’t help falling into thought.

The Strength in front of this forbidden area is indeed very powerful. If it breaks out with all its strength, with Adier’s physical condition, it may be difficult to leave easily.

However, unlike the previous curse, the curse of the forbidden area seems to be much more passive. It is like a fixed process. It has its own set of rules. In normal circumstances, it will not be full at first There is still a lot of room for the outbreak.

It’s like the time before, obviously Adier has entered the forbidden area, but the curse of the forbidden area is still not fully activated, only a child with partial independence has appeared beside Adier.

It was not until the seven days had elapsed that the curse of the city began to gradually recover, but at one and a half minutes it would still not fully erupt and it was still slowly improving.

Taking advantage of this gap before the curse has broken out, it’s not too difficult for Adier to leave.

But doing so was not good for him.

According to the rules of the previous Adier’s exploration, it is the best way to get the Boundary Energy in the curse and directly destroy or even destroy the curse. If it is just a direct escape, what is the significance of his entering the forbidden area this time?

Thinking of this, he could not help lowering his head, feeling the huge Strength gradually recovering behind him, and could not help saying to himself: “It seems that if you want to gain something this time, you still have to do something for the curse.”

“Sim!” Lyon’s anxious voice came in front of him, instantly breaking Adier’s concerns.

He looked up towards him, only in front of him, Lyon anxiously pointed at the broken city wall in front of him, and the stone gate on the city wall.

The stone gate made of stone looks very rough, because the elapsed time is too long, and the materials on it are engraved with traces of years, leaving outlines on the city gate.

However, compared to the time when it came in, the city gate at this time was closed. The two stone gates above were tightly closed, not at all opened as they came.

“The city can only leave from this Dao Sect.”

Looking at the stone gate in front of me, feeling the low footsteps gradually coming from behind, Lyon said decisively: “Sim, please help me for a while, I will open the door!”

Adier gently nodded, expressing dissent.

This proposal fits his mind, and can not only stay here for a while, but also just, open and honorable to collide with the curse here.

Having confirmed this, he turned around and looked towards behind him.

There, shrouded in the dim night, a pair of scarlet’s eyes gradually lighted up, each pair of eyes, each eye revealing endless maliciousness and resentment.

Explosion tomorrow! !!

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