“Too many.”

Standing quietly outside the city gate, looking at the scarlet eyes in front of him, Adier flashed this thought in his mind, and then did not take the slightest hesitation.

In the dark night, a little silver wire passed through the sky, while bringing up a mist, it also constrained all the surrounding energy particles and gathered them on Adier.

Counting in time, he has been reborn to this world for two months.

For two months, this effort was not long enough for a former Level 3 wizard, but it was enough to restore some mana.


The brilliance of silver permeates the entire sky, and temporarily illuminates the entire city ruins, revealing a hidden body inside.

The corpses were shameless, the flesh and blood on them had withered, but they still crawled toward Adier, as if attracted by something.

But at the next moment, the boundless silver Guanghua fell from the sky, and under the control of Adier’s Spirit, he hit these corpses accurately.

Roar! !

A roar rang from the surroundings, with anger and unwillingness, and a corpse falling to the ground.

Along with this, a warm current surged on Adier, Boundary Energy within the body grew rapidly at this moment, as if there were no boundaries.

The next moment, everything was silent.

Along with the fall of many dead bodies, the huge pale arm suddenly shot from the sky, but the target was not Adier, but Lyon behind Adier.

Behind Adier, Lyon was pale, pushing the door open with his hand, and holding a black statue in his hand, whispering in his mouth, as if communicating something.

Feeling the sudden pressure from around him, a little cold sweat appeared on his forehead, and his pale face became paler at this moment.

But despite this, he did not let go of his hand, stood there with his gritted teeth, and opened the door intently.

A bit of Silver Battle Qi swept around, gradually heading up against the current, colliding with the arms condensed in the sky.

At the critical moment, Adier did not hesitate, straightly pulled up the long sword worn on his waist, and watched the arm appearing in the sky, directly fiercely cut off.

boom! !

Silver’s Battle Qi broke out, chopped on the side of the arm in an instant, and cut off that pale arm directly, blurring it into a thick black breath.

This is the outbreak of Battle Qi. Compared to the mana that takes a certain amount of time to accumulate, Adier’s Battle Qi recovers faster. With good physical support, the Great Knight level has been restored at this time.

Although this body cannot gather the power of Moon Elf because it is not its own body, the formidable power is far from being comparable to the past, but Battle Qi of the Great Knight level, under the control of Adier, who was once Source Awakening Knight, The formidable power that can be obtained is absolutely beyond the imagination of others.

A faint warm current rushed through my heart, standing in place, and looking at the sky in the distance, Adier’s face began to look dignified.

In the sky, a mass of black mist began to condense, entrained with deep maliciousness towards the living, and various negative emotions began to spread.

On the ground, a dead corpse roared from top to bottom, and from time to time a faint mist rose, gradually rising above the sky, making the black gas on the sky even more massive.

This situation caused Adier’s eyes to be stunned, and his eyes were unconscious.

“The curse here has completely recovered.”

Looking at the thick black gas condensing on the ruins, he thought this thought flashed in his heart, and then he took a step forward without hesitation.

A silver long sword emerged from the air, at this moment with silver brilliance, like moonlight across the sky, gathered a huge Strength in an instant, and chopped away.

The silver brilliance flickered, and the huge Strength escaped, breaking up the black mist that was condensing in the distance, temporarily stagnating in midair, and its shape spreading towards all around.

Strictly speaking, this Strength by Adier can’t do anything to completely destroy the curse itself, but for a moment, it’s OK to slow down the recovery of the curse.

“Alright!” Behind Lyon’s anxious, excited voice came.

Holding the statue in his hand, he was pale, sweating coldly, resisting the dullness and uncomfortableness of his heart, and looked back at Adier, shouting, “Go!

The voice dropped, next moment, a dazzling silver light passed in front of him, wrapped around him and rushed out, but disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In situ, feeling the breath of the two Adier disappeared, and in the fog condensing in the air, a large stern face gradually appeared, at this time looking at the open city gate in the distance, roaring loudly.


“It’s finally out.”

Outside, forced out of the city gate by Adier, Lyon’s body was already wet with sweat, and it looked like he had been under a lot of pressure before: “Fortunately, you responded in time, otherwise we will be troublesome until the curse comes fully active Big. “

Looking at Lyon, Adier shook his head: “Are you done?”

“Almost done.” Lyon stood up from his place and turned and looked behind.

At this point, they were standing in an abandoned desert.

Behind him, the ruins of a city lay there quietly, with a slight noise from time to time, which seemed a bit scary in this place.

Among the ruins of that city, the city gate they walked through before was still there, and compared to the previous time, there seemed to be some changes at this time, and the carving on the stone gate looked a lot more realistic.

“We chose a good day to go in.”

Looking at the city from a distance, listening to the wind groaning from the distance, Lyon sighed: “It’s just now entering the recovery period. Although these curses have begun to be active, they have not fully recovered, and most Strength is still asleep. On. “

“After a few more months, after the curse has fully recovered, don’t say whether you can escape at that time, say that you escaped successfully, and this curse will also want to entangle you and guide you into the city again. . “

Looking at the ruins in the distance, he sighed quietly.

Adier agrees with what he said.

The cursed Strength is indeed very strong. The reason why it didn’t cause him too much trouble before is because the cursed body’s slow response, even when they left, they didn’t erupt all the Strength.

But even so, at this time, both of them have some repercussions left over.

It was a complex black mark, and as they left, it was already imprinted on them, with a trace of Strength in it.

Although this strength is weak, it will affect the host in a subtle way. Finally, under the influence of this strength, it is possible that something will be done.

In the history of Violetgold Kingdom, there were many people who once walked out of this lost city. Some of these people were ordinary people and some were spirit connecting people, but the final results were not very good. Each and everyone was either self-harm or crazy. Even if it is a few better, when the old age and physical decline, still can not suppress the strength of this mark, unconsciously will actively enter this lost city.

Of course, although this imprint is not a good thing, it is not so much trouble for Adier and Lyon.

After all, this is just a forbidden area that has just recovered. Strength is not as scary as it was during its heyday. And not only Adier, but Lyon is also a spiritual connecting person with a deep background. It is not too much trouble to solve the imprint on his body.


After quietly watching the distant scenery for a while, when the rest was almost over, Lyon turned and looked towards Adier: “It’s time to leave after such a long time.”

“If you stay here for a long time, you will be afraid of something unexpected.”

He looked at Adier and said, Seeing Adier nodded, he took the initiative and followed a rough path toward the outside.

The path in front of me is very rough, it is just a simple path paved with some gravel and wooden boards, which is very difficult to walk.

After walking on this path for half an hour, they returned to the land and approached the place where they were stationed.

But at this point, Lyon stopped, frowned abnormally, squatted silently, looked towards a certain corner.


Looking at his movements, Adier noticed something wrong.

In this place, there is a strange breath remaining, but this breath is very weak, even if Adier’s Spirit sense is so powerful, they almost missed it.

“Detection of breath molecules, adult male humans, the number is three …” In his mind, the quiet chip for a long time issued another reminder.

“Someone has been here, and not too long ago.” Carefully touched the rough ground on the ground, Lyon frowned.

“Will it be yours?” Adier opened the mouth and said, saying a possibility.

“It’s unlikely.” Lyon shook the head: “The batch of men I brought before, except for your father, are all elite. They are clear about the horrors of the forbidden area and will not easily approach.”

“And before I came in, I told them to keep them outside and don’t enter here.”

“So, has anyone else been here?” Adier frowned.

Lyon didn’t reply, but his face gradually became gloomy, then he suddenly got up and said, “Let’s go.”

“If I’m not mistaken, I’m afraid something is wrong outside now.”

He looked somewhere in the distance, glomyy face opened the mouth and said.

After this accidental discovery, they continued to rush forward, and the speed was much faster than before.

After a while, when the plants on the road gradually increased, they reached a flat ground and returned to the place where they started.

“It was a surprise. I didn’t expect that you could really come out of the forbidden area.”

Going to a camp, a soft, hoarse voice came from a distance, accompanied by a small footsteps.

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