In a camp, with Lyon’s eyes watching, one walked out from there.

This young man looks very young, dressed in red-clothed, handsome, white and delicate, if there is a throat knot on the throat, it is almost no different from a woman.

He stepped out of a camp, holding a jade pendant in his hand, and looked at Lyon with such a smile: “long time no see, Brother Lyon.”


Looking at the young man in front of me, Lyon frowned: “Aren’t you in the capital city? What are you doing here?”

“You’re talking about the old news,” Modo shook the head, and then said, “But I didn’t expect that you really have the courage to enter the forbidden area, aren’t you afraid of dying in it?”

“That’s my business.” Lyon’s face grew colder.

He entered the forbidden area, which was a top secret. Few people around him knew it and didn’t want to preach it loudly.

However, he did not expect that his front foot had just come out of the forbidden field, and someone on the back foot was guarding here, and it seemed that he was waiting for him exclusively.

What this shows is very clear to him.

“Don’t have such an expression.” In front of me, looking at the cold expression of Lyon, Modo was happy laughing: “I also care about you. If you accidentally die in the forbidden area, there can be many people Help you clean up the mess. “

“It won’t bother you,” Lyon expression said indifferently. “Say, what’s the matter this time?”

Looking at him like this, Modo seemed to be a little helpless shrugged, and then he began to speak, and entered the topic: “I came to inform you of something. Recently, there seems to be some changes in Wangdu.”

“What do you mean?” Lyon’s face moved as if hearing this, and seemed to think something.

“Yes, that’s the thing you think.” Modo’s face was a little ridiculous: “Apart from the tomb of the king, what else can happen?”

Hearing here, beside Leon, Adier, who had been silent, could not help but feel a sense of familiarity.

“King’s tomb riot, is there any movement now?”

Standing in place, listening to the conversation between them, Adier frowned secretly.

At the beginning of the blood moon, while the World changed from the silent period to the active period, his ability within the body contacted the Cycle of Destiny of this world, which briefly made him peek into some parts of the future of this world.

And in these future pictures, there is a partial mention of the tomb riot.

Perhaps compared with the coming of the Blood Moon and Silencer’s revival of these worldly major events, the tomb riot is not much, but in fact the impact is huge.

This incident directly led to the destruction of the Purple King Flower Capital. A large number of spirit connecting families suffered heavy losses. The royal family, including the king and several heirs, were killed, which indirectly led to the collapse and destruction of Violetgold Kingdom, and laid the foundation for the subsequent division. The most direct primer.

Even after the tomb riots in King Tomb, the current Wangduo range of Violetgold Kingdom has become a new type of forbidden land, and all the living things in it have completely died, contributing their own strength to the new forbidden land.

“The tomb of the king erupted, the fuse of its events was the tombs of the kings of the kings at the foot of the king. At this time, a new Cursed Land has been formed due to mutation, and it will become stronger with the coming of the active period of the curse. , Directly turn the entire king city over. “

Standing in place, Adier thought quietly: “However, according to the original history, this should be half a year later. As for now, it should be just recovering, and it has not yet reached a complete outbreak.”

This time is relatively accurate. Although there will be some changes in the future in the future due to the addition of Adier, at present, his influence is still not that high. There is a certain regularity for the curse outbreak. Will not have much impact.

Therefore, if it is normal, the time of the outbreak of the king’s tomb should not be too different from the original history.

Thinking of this, Adier couldn’t help but be lost in thought.

The tomb of the king erupted. This is a major event rarely seen in the Violetgold Kingdom. It can be compared with that. Only three years later, Silencer recovered and destroyed Karia City.

This major event that affects a country, if you can participate in it, the Boundary Energy that can be harvested will definitely not be less, it is likely that Adier will earn all the consumption of the next several shuttles.

But despite the huge gains, how to get involved is also a problem.

“This one, it must be Mr. Sim.”

Thinking about the problem in his mind, in front of him, Modo’s soft, husky voice rang again.

Listening to the sound, he had to look up and looked towards his eyes.

In front of him, Modo was red-clothed, and at this point he had ended his conversation with Lyon. He turned his gaze to him with a smile on his face: “I heard that in Elka Province, also There is a distinguished awakener who has always wanted to see it for himself, and now he finally sees it. “

“I have to say that you are beyond my imagination.”

“Rewarded.” For the compliment of the other party, Adier just coldly nodded, and then spoke, turning the topic away: “If I remember correctly, there should be someone stationed here, why don’t you see it now?”

While speaking, his eyes looked at Moduo, and a silver mang flashed in his pupil, as if something Strength was being activated.

This was asked because Corral had previously been stationed here.

Although strictly speaking, the life and death of the other party have too much influence on their not at all, but since they occupy the child’s body, it is natural to perform what they do.

If something bad happens, he doesn’t mind giving each other a lifelong lesson.

“Rest assured, they’re fine.” After listening to Adier’s words, Modo was stunned, and for a moment didn’t expect the connection: “They just fell asleep, and after being hypnotized by my ability, lay quietly inside, not at all. “

Hearing here, Adier’s face remained the same, but he was silently nodded and could not see any change.

It was aside, listening to Modo’s words, Lyon’s expression remained unchanged, but there was some regret in his heart.

Golden light is also from the Calandis family, but for his cousin, Modo, he was inconspicuous and even hostile.

In the family, the two are actually in a competitive relationship, and naturally the relationship cannot be as good.

This time is actually a good opportunity. If the other party really kills Adier’s father, then under the wrath of an awakened person, Modo will definitely not be able to please him. In any case, eight-nine will be killed on the spot, leaving no trace. trace.

Unfortunately, the other party was still too cautious in doing things, and he didn’t give him any excuse at all, even if there was no reason to try.

If there is no valid reason to directly kill the other party, and finally the matter is passed to the family through the cursed thing, it will lead to various punishments.

Thinking of this, he felt more and more pity.

At this moment, aside, it seemed to be aware of something. Adier turned slightly, glanced deeply at Lyon, his eyes glowed slightly, and the Spirit power contained in it was transmitted through the sight contact, which made Lyon’s head hurt and instantly woke up.

“What are you doing?”

In front of him, looking at the actions of the two, Mordor was somewhat inexplicable.

“It’s nothing.” Lyon shook his head, looking calm on the surface, essentially sweating slightly behind his back, and some scalp tingling.

However, with the recent deterrence, he probably noticed something, and did not make any other inexplicable ideas.

While Lyon was talking to Modo, Adier stepped into the tent and looked forward slowly.

In the spacious camp, there was a large carpet, and at this time there were many people lying on it, and Corral was also among them.

There was no extra movement. Adier waved his hand, and the huge Spirit in his head made a strong move, which defeated the Strength covering Corral and awakened him.

“Adier ···”

Corral seemed to be a little confused as he opened his eyes and looked at Adier in front of him.

Outside, a steady footstep came, and Lyon strode in.

He looked at the people lying on the ground, and Corral and Sim standing in front of him, with a smile on his face: “Be prepared, we should leave this place.”

“Corral, check the vehicle. As for Sim and me, wake up the rest here.”


Two months later.


In a corner of the city, a huge monster was boxed by Adier and slammed heavily on the wall behind him, smashing a large hole in it.

This is a very tall man, about three meters tall, with muscular muscles, so that he looks a little stingy, but with just one arm, it looks like an ordinary person has a thick thigh.


At the next moment, the weird man struggled to get up from the ground, and looked at Adier with a distorted expression. A fist like iron ball waved fiercely, with a strong fist, and smashed at Adier.


With a light sound, two fists collided at the same time. In the strange expression of the weird, he flew out again. This time a big hole appeared directly on the chest. Stink.

After this blow, the weirdo no longer had any strength, and his entire organizational structure was broken by the Battle Qi contained in Adier’s punch. At this time, he could only move his arm at most, and it was impossible to stand up.

“Is this the only degree?”

Gently walked in front of the freak, watching the tall freak under his feet, Adier shook his head, and then looked at the growing Boundary Energy on his body: “Boundary Energy has only increased by dozens of points, and this seems to be the case.”

When the words fell, he shook his head and looked towards walking behind him.

In all directions, after seeing the end of the battle, the cold fighters in each and everyone in black uniforms quickly stepped forward, and quickly put the weird man who was beaten down by Adier into a special cage.

The remnants of the battlefield were also cleaned by a special person. Even any drop of blood and fine tissue of this weird would not let go, and they were all brought back together.

“Where’s the next place?” Adier asked casually, looking at the fighter in the black uniform while he was here.

Asked by him like this, the soldier in front of his head bowed his head slightly, then gave a white manual to Adier.

In the manual, densely packed writes a few things, but most of them have been crossed out, and few are left.

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