“For more than two months, the curses that appeared near Karia City were basically resolved.”

Holding the manual in his hand, looking at densely packed handwriting on it, as well as the part that was largely crossed out, Adier had a headache.

According to Adier’s personality, of course, he has not been idle for more than two months. On the contrary, he has done a lot during this time.

In the recovery of his own strength, with the help of Lyon, during this time, Adier searched a large number of precious materials that could be used, and even a group of cursed things with special effects, all used on himself, letting him The physical strength has become more powerful, and by now, it has reached the level of Peak Great Knight.

This is true in terms of physical exercise, and in the harvest of Boundary Energy, he has not been idle. Since returning from that day, almost no day has been idle. Whenever there is a little time, it is either to nourish the body or to Search outside for various curses.

With his current strength, even if he doesn’t use Spirit, it is enough to be comparable to a formal wizard. The ordinary newborn curse does not pose a threat to him, and he is easily solved one by one.

However, as a result, the curse in this city will be cleared up over time.

The birth of the curse is inherently difficult, and it is not something that can be born if you want it. Moreover, Karia City is just an ordinary city after all, with a population of only a few thousand thousand, even if it counts the curses of ancient times passed down in the past, the number is just that little. With his frequent hunting, the remaining number is now Very rare.

“Looks like it’s time to look elsewhere.”

Looking at the manual with almost half of the content cut off, Adier shook his head, handed it over to the black clothed guard on the side, and prepared to walk towards his place of residence.

At this time, their place of residence had been changed for a long time. It was no longer the old house where he had just arrived, but a newly built luxury villa, which not only had luxurious decoration and beautiful surroundings, but also all the servants No need for the Adiers to worry about it at all.

Back in his apartment, in the awe of the servants, Adier walked to the hall, just in the hall, Dilly was wearing a loose white clothed dress, and was lying on the sofa quietly, still holding a A newspaper, it seems to be a good life.

From the perspective of Adier, you can easily see the bumps and white skin on Dilly’s chest, as well as the arc of the young girl’s body, all of which are discernible under loose clothing.

Looking at this scene, Adier shook his head secretly, could not help but lightly coughed, showing his sense of existence.

In front of him, Dilly lifted his head subconsciously, covering his chest with one arm, and turned his eyes to the back. After seeing it was Adier, he gently relaxed. Pats’s chest looked a little nervous: “It’s Sim, how do you get in?” Without saying a word, it didn’t make me react at all. “

“I think you lay there very seriously, so I didn’t bother you.” Looking at Dilly, Adier laughed: “Why, don’t you have to go to school today?”

“Class, what class?” Dilly shook his head, stretched a little lazily, and seemed a little lazy: “I can lie at home, why go out and suffer?”

Listening to this, Adier corner of mouth twitching seemed a bit speechless.

Since the conditions in the home have improved, perhaps there is no pressure for survival and conditions, and the nature of Dilly and Corral has gradually been exposed.

Corral is okay. After serving as the sheriff, his majesty has become heavier. Now he runs to the police station every day. Normally he has more meetings than he used to perform tasks, and he has become an official fan.

As for Dilly, he lay down completely, stretched out his clothes, opened his mouth, and lived the life of a corrupt Eldest Young Lady. Normally, the number of times he went to school was much less, and even if he went to school, it was not I went to class seriously, but relying on the relationship of Adier, where I listened to a group of aristocratic Young Lady touting, and had no heart to learn.

Thinking about her appearance now, compared with Dili’s diligent and diligent appearance in his physical memory, almost Adier felt a little speechless.

“Sure enough, the child of the poor family headed early, and the same person changed their environment completely.”

Looking at Dilly, who was lying on the sofa while reading the newspaper and eating fruit, Adier was speechless, but said nothing.

After confirming that nothing was wrong at home, he was ready to leave and train in the venue where he trains daily.


As if suddenly thinking of something, Dilly said suddenly, “Dahlicia has approached me a while back, hoping to have a chance to meet you.”

Adier stepped back and turned back sideways: “When?”

“The sooner the better.” Dilly thought for a while before she said, “She seems a bit anxious, and she still came to you in person at the front end, but it happened that you were not home.”

“Let her come to me tomorrow.” Adier whispered, and then went on, preparing to go to his training ground.

the next day.

In a quiet room, the silhouette of Dahlicia disappeared from the outside for a long time, bringing out a unique perfume smell.

It can be seen that she was specially dressed today, not only wearing a bright red dress, but also exquisite makeup on the face, coupled with her beautiful appearance and unique temperament, it was unforgettable and stunning.

“long time no see.”

Seeing Dahlicia walking in from outside, Adier stood up and laughed at her.

“It is indeed a long time no see. Looking at Adier, Dahlicia opened her mouth and finally smiled, looking exquisite and moving.

“I heard Dilly say, you’re in a hurry to find me, what’s the matter?” When the two sat down, there was no unnecessary chat, and Adier opened his mouth and asked straight forward.

Dahlicia froze for a while, didn’t adapt to such a direct style for a while, and then reacted, hesitant to say, “That, you should know, that thing on me.”

“Know a little.” Adier nodded, not at all concealed this.

Dahlicia’s identity, through Lyon, was completely clear during this time.

She is the core clansman of a family of awakeners, but her spiritual power of Bloodline is not strong enough to make him barely become the lowest spirit connecting person.

Moreover, her family had some kind of change in her childhood, which not only caused heavy losses to the entire family, but also herself cursed. For so many years, she has been relying on the strength of a cursed thing to suppress it. I didn’t die halfway, and lived till now.

The curse on her was also touched by Adier.

When the curse erupted in Sheng’en Academy, the curse on her body was also drawn. If it were not for Adier to suppress it for her at the time, I am afraid she would have died.

“I want to ask you to help me solve the curse on me.” He took a deep breath, and seemed to have made up some kind of determination, Dahlicia pleaded: “In return, you can do whatever you want.”

“Everything is OK?” Adier laughed, listening to Dahlicia’s words, and asked rhetorically.

“Yes, everything is ok.” I don’t know what came to mind, Dahlicia’s face was a little red, but her tone was very firm: “As long as I have something, I can give it to you.”

“Okay.” Listening to this sentence, Adier laughed: “I heard that every family of spirit connecting people will have a treasure trove to store various resources for the spiritual connection of spirit connecting people, as well as various Cursed. “

“My condition is this.” He opened the mouth and said: “Let me go into your family’s treasure house and get something, this is my condition.”

“Is this condition?” Dahlicia hesitated, listening to the conditions reported by Adier, and then reacted and fell into thought.

It took a long time before she looked up and looked at Adier frankly: “I need to go back and ask my father, and it will take three days to give you a reply.”

“Yes.” Adier nodded, didn’t care about these three days.

In fact, the reason why he wanted to look into the secret house of the other’s family, he just held a try one’s luck attitude.

The spirit connecting person, as the extraordinary Strength of this world, its Strength itself has a certain uniqueness.

Being able to have this kind of connection to the spirit connecting person has something of value, which is often not simple in itself, basically it is a precious resource unique to this world.

The reason why Adier wanted to look into the secret library of the other family was to look at these valuable materials and see if he could find something that would also work for him.

There was an answer to this matter quickly, and after three days, Dahlicia sent someone to inform, and partially agreed with Adier’s conditions.

The reason is partly because the family behind her allows Adier to enter the secret library, but does not allow Adier to take away some precious items in the secret library, and only some regular things are allowed to take away.

Although Adier was not satisfied with the result, it was acceptable, so the next day after getting the answer, he took a special car and drove to the family station of Dahlicia.

“Is this right here?”

A few days later, in an old manor, led by several old men, Adier walked into a spacious basement.

Although it’s a basement, it’s not too dark here. There are lights everywhere, which make the surroundings look like daylight.

The surrounding arrangement looks luxurious. Just just along the way, Adier saw a lot of gems inlaid in all around, only part of the embellishment.

“Here it is.”

At the end of a place, in front of him, a leading white-bearded old man stopped his footsteps, bowed his head to the side Adier: “This is the entrance to the secret library, you can just go in.”

“A few of us will stay outside. If you have any needs, just shout out.”

“Trouble.” Adier nodded, looking at the short road before him, walking forward without the slightest hesitation.

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