A young man walked quietly across the bright road.

After walking this long road, in a short while, Adier went to another space.

This is a very spacious space with each and everyone shelves inside, and there are many special purple boxes on it. Each and everyone is displayed on it. At this time, each one diffuses its breath, which Adier can easily feel.

“Is that all?”

Deep in his hands, he took a box from a shelf, and Adier murmured as he opened it.

A faint scent of fragrance poured into my heart, it seems to have a special effect, which can make people become sober in an instant, and even the mind is not consciously quiet.

Smelling the scent, Adier shook the head, then set the box aside and took it with him when he was ready to leave.

The things here are basically what the Dahlicia family gave permission to take away. Really valuable things, such as the cursed and so on, should have been taken away by the other party, and would not be placed here for him to see.

As far as these things are in front of him, even if Adier is completely taken away, the other party will frown at most, and will never stop.

After looking at the things here, Adier walked to the corner next moment, and opened a box there.

A faint light began to spread. In the purple box, a milky white gem lay there quietly, giving off a faint white glow as a whole, which looked very beautiful.

“this is···”

Looking at this milky white gem, feeling the unique breath above, Adier hesitated first, then a joy in his heart: “This is Succinct Stone!”

Succinct Stone, which is a term derived from the Mason region, is a very precious material.

This material can only be produced in a very small number of places. Its origin has dried up as early as the ancient times, and what remains in the Maison region now are the remains of the ancient times.

The reason why Adier can recognize this Succinct Stone is because he is the heir of the high priest. He has browsed in the elf secret library more than once and has seen something similar in it.

That is also a piece of Succinct Stone, with a long history, but the size of that piece of Succinct Stone is far from the size of the one in front of it.

This Succinct Stone is not only very good in color, but also full in shape. It is the size of an adult fist. If it is placed in the Maison area, even Adier’s teacher Kolar will be tempted and will get it at any cost.

Holding the Succinct Stone in front of you gently, Adier Spirit moved, and the huge Spirit force instantly dissipated and injected into the gem in front of you.

As time passed, in the gem in front of him, a stream of coolness came from his heart, causing his soul to start to fluctuate and reacted to it.

“An unknown Strength was detected … The Spirit upper limit started to rise.” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery began to sound.

Feeling this feeling, listening to the sound of the chip, Adier eyes opened, my heart was filled with a surprise: “It can directly grow the essence of the soul, and it is indeed Succinct Stone!”

The ability to directly grow the essence of the soul is why Succinct Stone is so precious and why it is exhausted.

This kind of thing is what any wizard needs, and it can be said that the demand is very strong and the output is small, which makes the remaining Succinct Stone very few.

Adier didn’t expect it, just a secret library of the ordinary spirit connecting family can find such good things.

However, this is why World is different.

For wizards and even other Transcenders, this Succinct Stone is indeed extremely precious, but it may not be the case for the spirit connecting people in this world.

After all, from the extraordinary system of this world, you can learn that the strength of the spirit connecting person is completely dependent on the Bloodline and the cursed thing. The foreign object can assist you to reach the Peak at most. The cursed ceiling.

Moreover, for the high-end treasure of Succinct Stone, Adier does not think that the spirit connecting person of this world has a way to extract the energy in it.

Even for the wizard, if there is not enough strong Spirit power and enough stable extraction methods, it is impossible to extract the energy of Succinct Stone, let alone those spirit connecting people in this world.

“This is an opportunity.”

Holding the Succinct Stone in his hand and feeling the cold Strength in it, Adier was laughing.

Originally he was staying in this world, just to harvest Boundary Energy as much as possible, but now it seems that his goal in this world is one more.

Thinking of this, he put down the Succinct Stone in his hand, and then went straight out to find the old man on the periphery.

While asking the old men to remove some of the good things they found, Adier also asked the names and functions of these materials, including Succinct Stone.

“You’re talking about white gems.”

Right now, listening to Adier’s description, an old man wearing black clothed was a little surprised, but he was still responsible for explaining it seriously: “This is to assist in extracting spiritual power. A piece of such a white gemstone, then the spirit connecting person can extract spiritual power much faster. “

This is the function of Succinct Stone in this world. Although simple, it is equally precious. Among the things in that secret library, it can be regarded as a good thing.

Of course, preciousness is precious, but if it is a treasure, it may not be.

If it is really a treasure, then it will not be just, open and honorable, but it will be taken away early and will not leave him anything.

Adier then asked carefully and found that this was indeed the case.

Although Succinct Stone is precious in this world, it is not a great thing. Not to mention these spirit connecting families, even if they are rich men, they can still be bought as long as they have money.

What ordinary rich people can get is naturally no problem for Adier.

You know, when Lyon pulled him in, he sent a lot of gold coins.

These gold coins have little effect on Adier. They have not been touched these days, but now they are just used for this.

Thinking of this, he turned and walked in the direction it came.

After half a month.

In a small quiet room, Adier held a piece of Succinct Stone in his hand, then slowly opened his eyes.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 8.1. Agility: 7.8. Constitution: 8.5. Spirit: 218.7. Boundary Energy: 6182.”

In his mind, the familiar attribute panel emerged, and Adier couldn’t help it.

“After Spirit has worked for two hundred, it seems to have reached a limit and it is getting harder and harder to improve.”

Looking at his physical data, Adier lowered his head and fell into meditation: “It seems that at this step, the role of Succinct Stone has gradually weakened.”

For more than half a month, with a large amount of funds in hand, and the relationship between Lyon, he sent people to buy Succinct Stone everywhere and then use it all.

The result of such a crazy move was that Adier’s Spirit power began to surge in just half a month, and Adier was surprised at the growth rate.

As for the increase in physical data, it is incidental, because this body is not the body, so Adier does not pay much attention.

Only the enhancement of the essence of the soul is what he really values.

After the wizard has reached Level 3 and wants to be promoted, he will inevitably involve the level of the soul, which is why Succinct Stone is so valuable.

As long as the essence of the soul is strengthened to a certain level, we can lay a solid foundation and prepare for a future leap.

To this end, the ancient wizards did not hesitate to research various mysteries and invent various great potions to make their souls as pure as possible.

“Chip, promotion to Level 4 Wizard, have the necessary conditions been deduced?”

Thinking of this, Adier thought to himself.

“Promoted Level 4 Wizard, the pre-conditions are: Spirit power is more than three hundred, the soul reaches true level, with Inheritance of Jadeite Array assisted …”

In my mind, the sound of the chip machinery keeps ringing, and there are dozens of them, which are trivial.

However, listening to these preconditions, Adier was not at all impatient, but was a bit lucky in his heart.

In addition to the crossing ability in the depth of one’s soul, the chip deposited on his soul is his greatest advantage.

With the powerful computing power of the chip, he has too many advantages over other wizards.

This is the case this time. If you change to another Level 3 wizard, even if they have a strong background and rich resources, but want to be promoted, they will give try one’s luck to a certain extent.

But Adier is different here.

With a chip, Adier has a very clear understanding of his own situation. In this way, he can grasp the best opportunity for impact and maximize his chance of success.

“However, there are so many conditions that affect the promotion of Level 4 Wizards, in part because there is no specific reference.”

Shook the head, looking at the dozens of related conditions listed by the chip, Adier sighed: “In the Mason area, now not at all a true Level 4 wizard is alive, not even the Level 4 wizard’s body. , There are just a bunch of old records, and the truth remains to be examined. “

“If you want to simulate the promotion of Level 4 Wizard in this situation, it will cause the situation in front of you. Although helpless, it is inevitable to some extent.”

Thinking of this, he shook his head, stood up from the place, and the piece of Succinct Stone that he was holding in his hand did not know when it had broken automatically, leaving only a white powder in one place.

This is the reason why Strength is completely absorbed. Without the support of Internal Strength, the external structure will naturally collapse, just like it is now.

Getting up and standing in place, Adier gradually walked out.

At this point, in his living room, there was a person and the guests were waiting there.

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