on the other side.

Out of Adier’s place, outside the door, Venus got into a car and then relaxed.

At this time in the car, in addition to him, there were several people wearing black uniforms sitting there, looking at the uniforms on them, should be the people from the Governor.

“How is it going?”

Sitting in the car and watching a few people beside him, Venus spoke out, opened the mouth and said with a steady, thick voice.

Compared to Adier before, his face was a little less gracious and a little more majestic at the moment, and with his cold expression, it just seemed daunting.

“very bad.”

In front of Venus, a middle-aged man in a black uniform and a black hat sighed and said, “Kara, Winow, I have run through all these races, and the results are not so good.”

“What do they say?” Venus frowned, at the same time, he asked, at the same time as he was a little uncomfortable.

“They are unwilling to leave, indicating that if they want to leave, they can only have three people per house, only half of the governor’s requirements.” In front of him, the middle-aged man with a black hat looked a little uncomfortable. : “However, they have expressed their willingness to pay for it. The Governor is willing to bear all the expenses in the capital this time.”

“Hehe, all the commitments, what a familiar word.” Venus sneered. “If I remember correctly, the royal family seems to tell us the same way, as long as we go out, they all bear everything. “

While speaking, his face completely chilled, and he completely remembered the behaviors of these families in Yang Fengyin.

“What’s going on with Venus?” Aside, another man in black clothed asked.

“It’s not bad.” Venus’s face looked a little better when he said this: “Sim Baron was dug up by us in the end, and his attitude was much better than those families, and he did not excuse the Governor’s order.”

At this point, he seemed to remember something, and added quickly: “By the way, when you go back, remember to take out the batch of white stones stored in the Governor’s Treasury and send it to Sim Baron.”

“Just white gems, nothing else?” The black clothed person on the side took a note of it, and then asked.

Venus hesitated for a moment: “Sim Baron was the first awakening. The cursed thing was useless to him, but other things should still be needed.”

“Send another five hundred thousand gold coins, ten boxes of various gems.” He touched his head, so opened the mouth and said.

Listening to his order, the people on the side seriously nodded and took his order seriously.

“Let’s go back.”

Seeing that it was getting dark outside, and it was about to rain, Venus said softly, watching the driver in front say so.

Time passed, and soon after three days.

In the early morning of the day, just before the day, Adier stood up and was ready to walk out.

He didn’t bring much saluted with him, and those things would naturally be arranged after the king’s capital, without him having to worry about himself.

Therefore, in this trip, in addition to his clothes, he brought a silver long sword that he personally created.

Silver’s long sword is made of a unique material from this world. It was created by Adier in conjunction with his strong Spirit. It can easily transmit mana and Battle Qi, which is still good for him now.

Gently walked out of the door. Outside, Corral and Dilly were already waiting there.

They usually have their own problems or are still resting in bed, but at this point where Adier is about to travel, they still get up early to get upset and wait for Adier to come out.

“After going to the capital, remember to be careful.”

Looking at Adier in front of him, Corral got up from where he was, and looked at Adier’s body that was gradually opening. His eyes were relieved and somewhat reluctant.

On the other hand, Dilly was much more direct, ran forward, hugged Adier, and looked sad.

Throughout the house, she always loves the younger brother most, so she is also very reluctant to go out this time.

Although she usually just eats and dies at home, she feels the same in the recent atmosphere. She can guess more or less the purpose of Adier’s trip to the capital. .

For Adier to do this kind of thing, she had some rejection and fear in her mind, but she did not at all what to do.

In the final analysis, the prominent status and good life of their family today all come from the current Adier.

Now that you have accepted the generous life given by others, there is no way to refuse others’ requests.

Thinking of this, she sighed in her heart, but just hugged Adier silently and whispered in his ear: “Sim, remember to come back safely.”

On the side, for a while, Corral opened the mouth and said again: “After arriving at the capital, remember to take your own safety first. As for the governor, if it doesn’t work, give up …”

He looked at Adier, solemnly opened the mouth and said.

Compared to Dilly, who has spent most of his life, he can understand the situation in front of him.

He didn’t know how bad the situation was at this time for Wang Duzhong, but as long as Adier was okay, relying on his Strength, it was enough to ensure that their family was doing well.

What if Lyon eventually dies? As long as Strength is in hand, isn’t it the same for another person.

Looking at Corral in front of him, listening to him, Adier was somewhat surprised.

There wasn’t much time to say before, but there was a dull whistle outside.

“It’s almost time to go.”

Listening to the sound outside, Adier looked up and looked at Corral.

In the place, he continued to talk with the two for a while, and then raised the long sword in his hand and walked outside.

Out of the door, in the aisle outside the villa, Venus was standing in front of a bright black, with a kind smile on his face, waiting for him there.

“Let’s get in the car.” Looking at Adier coming from a distance with nothing but a sword on his body, Venus seemed a little surprised: “Did you not bring other saluted?”

“No, these things will be arranged after the King Capital.” Adier shook his head, opened the mouth to Venus and said: “Let’s go.”

The voice dropped, and with a faint sound of engine starting, the vehicle was slowly started, and along the long road in front of it, it slowly drove towards the distance.

Soon, a few days later.

As the street slowly spread, a bright black vehicle stopped, and then a middle-aged man and a teenager walked out of the vehicle.

Standing in place, feeling the surrounding atmosphere, Adier looked up and looked towards the sky.

In his eyes, there seemed to be a faint black breath in the sky. Although it was faint, it did exist.

“Have you reached this point?”

Feeling this scene, Adier frowned, but said nothing.

At this point in the distance, a group of people have come slowly.

“Sim, long time no see.” A familiar voice sounded, which sounded a little hoarse and rough, with a weakness.

Adier looked up and saw a familiar silhouette standing in front of him.

The silhouette was wearing a white gown and a stone statue in his hand. He was handsome in appearance, but his face was pale. It was Lyon who had not seen him for months.

Compared with a few months ago, the breath on his body at this time seemed a lot weaker. Not only did his face look bloodless, but even the spiritual power of within the body was almost exhausted in the Adier induction, and the whole person appeared Extremely weak.

“Governor, how did you become like this?”

Looking at Lyon’s appearance, Adier hasn’t said anything yet, but Venus was startled at first, and looking at Lyon’s appearance at this time felt a little incredible.

“This speaking of which is a bit troublesome. Let’s talk slowly when we have a chance to look back.” Looking at the Venus in front, Lyon was deeply sighed, and then laughed: “But now that you are here, I should be better . “

“Did the royal family do it?” Venus frowned: “Did the royal family specifically target our Calandis family?”

“It’s not the royal family, it’s the curse of the king’s tomb.” When talking about this, Lyon’s eyes flashed with pain, and he unconsciously touched his head with his hand, and seemed to have a headache. , Far from being simple on the surface, much stronger than what was recorded in the past. “

“In order to complete the task entrusted to us by the royal family, we worked hard to suppress several corners of the curse, but in the end we encountered King’s Grave Curse, which was much stronger than before, and forcibly beat us like this.”

He was a little helpless and sighed: “It’s not just us, other families named by the royal family and responsible for guarding have the same feeling, so we have to order manpower, or we will be killed by this curse sooner or later.

“Will it be that the royal family deliberately concealed the specific information of the curse and let us consume each other with the curse?” Venus looked dull and said a possibility.

“It’s very possible.” Lyon was seriously nodded to this possibility, but was helpless: “But even then, what can we do?”

The words fell, and the place suddenly fell into silence.

The royal family after all is the royal family, not only inherited for more than three hundred years, is a well-defined ruler, but also has an absolute Strength. Even if my heart is dissatisfied, in the present situation, can you still dare to resist?

This is impossible and impractical, so even if the royal family really conceals information from them, even the idea of ​​letting them and the curse consume each other, they can only do it obediently, not resist.

After all, the situation has not yet reached that point, and the royal family probably does not want to destroy all Turing families, at most it only wants to consume some of their Strength to strengthen the authority of the royal family.

This result is not unacceptable to families, or even to people like Lyon.

Thinking of this, everyone present was a little silent, and finally could only sigh.

“Okay, let’s go.”

After a while, looking at the dullness in front of everyone, Lyon laughed: “I have already found someone to arrange a place to live. Let ’s study it today. As for King’s Grave Curse, you can talk about it in a few days.”

Listening to this, a few people were nodded and said nothing.

The night was approaching, and in the surroundings, a faint evening light shone around, laying a golden layer on the earth.

Early the next morning, as usual, Adier got out of bed just before dawn, holding the long sword in his hand, and walked out.

The place where he lived was arranged by Lyon for him, located in a bustling street, not at all supporting training grounds and other facilities.

Despite this, the surrounding area is still empty, and it is not a problem to find a flat place for basic training.

Silver’s long sword came out of the air, slowly waving one sword at a time. Although the movement was slow, the prestige was not small. Every sword went down, it would bring a strong sword wind.

Popping popping popping

After finishing a set of basic sword techniques, a dull applause suddenly sounded beside me.

Listening to this voice, Adier turned and saw just in front of the door of the house on the side. Lyon was wearing a black trench coat with a long sword on his waist and was watching him there with admiration in his eyes.

He looked at Adier and praised him heartily: “Really strong sword technique, it is estimated that even those mercenaries who fight blood all year round may not be comparable to you in this regard.”

“Governor, you have won the prize.” Looking at Lyon coming by, Adier’s face showed a polite smile: “I’m just more skilled in practice, how can it be compared with those professional fighters in word technique alone.”

“You’re humble again.” I heard Adier say, Lyon shook the head, without much entanglement on this topic: “Just now, someone from the royal family sent me a message again, saying that it was the king’s tomb again. Riot, let me lead people to suppress it. “

Having said that, he was paused, his eyes looked towards Adier, and then he said: “In the afternoon, I will take someone there, and then you will go with me.”

“Sim, you just watch and don’t need to take the initiative.”

Hearing this, Adier’s face showed a strange color: “So what do I need to do?”

“It’s very simple.” Lyon laughed: “When we fought in the front, you pressed us in the back. Normally, we don’t need to do anything, but once we encounter any danger, you should take it and rescue us.

“Is this …?” Adier looked down at Lyon’s words and thought for a moment before asking.

Lyon was a bit surprised, but still nodded: “Yes.”

“The active period of the curse has arrived. Next, there will surely be many curses everywhere.”

“In order to cope with the various curses that we may face in the future, we need to strengthen our Strength, and this time the color of the king’s tomb is such an opportunity.”

Having said that, he laughed: “As long as the struggle with the curse is on the front line, the strength of the spirit connecting person will be significantly improved, and with Sim you in, we don’t have to worry too much about the issue of casualties. It can be said that it is the best Place for training. “

In this regard, Adier also acknowledged that after thinking about it, it was nodded in the end and agreed with it.

“I heard that in Karia City, you hunted down the entire city’s curse?”

In front of him, looking at Adier, Lyon’s voice suddenly turned and asked this question suddenly.

“Yes.” Adier had nothing to hide from this, but just nodded and admitted it.

“You did good.” Lyon satisfied with nodded: “Karia City is our home base, if possible, it is better to be stable, not only to maintain stability, but also to gain a good reputation.”

He is not only the deputy governor of Elka Province, but also the military chief of Karia City. Normally, if Karia City becomes increasingly chaotic, it will definitely have an impact, and even his reputation.

From this perspective, Adier’s behavior in Karia City, although originally intended to harvest Boundary Energy, also helped him unintentionally.

After all, he basically takes charge of issues such as public order and order in the city. He naturally hopes that the city can stabilize, and it is better not to have any curse at all.

Of course, this idea is a bit impractical. As long as the large population gathered in the city is still there, it is inevitable that curses will erupt continuously.

Such thoughts flashed in his heart, but on the surface, he still had the same expression. After talking with Adier for a while, he turned away and walked outside.

In the same place, watching Lyon’s distant back, Adier shook the head, finally continued to pick up the long sword in his hand, and continued to wave in place, ready to continue the previous training.


“This is the King’s Tomb?”

In the afternoon, when the sun shone above the ground, Adier stood somewhere and looked at the scene in front of him, and Adier was somewhat surprised.

The place in front of me doesn’t look luxurious, but it is very spacious. Just in front of here, it looks like there are a few 1000 meters in area, which can be called vast.

On the ground, a black stone was paved quietly. In the center of this hall, there are also high platforms displayed. Above each platform, there is a huge coffin and corpse.

Strands of wickedness filled with resentment and malice here, first entangled, and then gradually condensed on the coffins, for the existence of these coffins to absorb and strengthen themselves.

boom! !

A slight collision sound erupted.

In front of Lyon, Venus was wearing a black robe. At this time, the complexion grave and stern had bright eyes. He was no longer docile and gentle when he faced Adier before, but instantly became a giant tiger. With deep majesty.

Standing in front of Lyon and Adier, at one instant, he punched directly, and then just happened to collide with something, hitting a tall body wearing a bronze battle armor and holding a bronze long sword on his body.

“The body over a thousand years ago.”

Standing next to Venus, looking at the corpse that was blown away, and looking at the armor and weapons wearing on the corpse, Adier probably estimated in his mind.

The history of this king’s tomb is much longer than he thought.

Originally, Adier thought that this tomb originally belonged to the Zijinhua royal family. Inside it should be buried the countries and heroes of the Violetgold Kingdom.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

The Aristocratic Family in this king’s tomb is much longer than Adier imagined. Only now, Adier has seen several ancient corpses two years ago. The wearer’s armor on the corpse reveals these accurately. The history and identity of the body.

“Unfortunately, if there is a historian here, if you see these things, you will probably go crazy.”

Looking at Lyon and the others who are constantly fighting against the corpse, Adier shook his head, thinking in a very interesting way, shaking his head.

There is far more than one tomb in this king’s tomb. Just Adier has discovered so far, there are dozens of them. Among them, there are many influential figures from the past, and many funerary items have been left in the funeral.

Not to mention, these corpses have become alive, together with the armor on the corpses, and are active, fighting the governors who came from all over the place.

From time to time, strong collision sounds came from a distance, with a heavy muffled sound.

Standing in place, Adier didn’t pay attention to the battlefield in front of him, then looked up silently, looking towards the depths of the tomb.

In his sight, there was a burst of black gas slowly escaping from the distant tomb, and gradually gathered in the air. The horrible Strength, even now Adier felt a little shocked.

There is no doubt that this is the Strength that this king’s tomb really contains, but at this time I don’t know what the reason is, most of it is hidden, only showing the part in front of him.

However, even if it is only the front part, the battle here is still active. Even if the soldiers in front of Lyon personally lead his subordinates to stand in front of him, there are still several times when they almost break the line of defense and almost fall.

Looking at all this, Adier was a little silent, and before Lyon’s order, he silently found a chair from the spot and sat down, watching the battle in the distance quietly.


A silver glow of sword passed from mid-air, and before Lyon and the others did not respond, they immediately flew a silver armour corpse touching them in front of them, hitting it directly to the floor, fiercely, on it Smashed a huge pothole.

Looking at this scene, while Lyon was relaxed in his heart, he couldn’t help but be afraid.

Just now, if it was Adier, he would have shot. At this time, I am afraid that he has been approached by that silver armored corpse, and the structure may not be very good.

Thinking of this, he looked towards Adier with gratitude, and then again the long sword on his waist rushed forward.

When he charged, a purple evil spirit statue was glowing slightly on his waist, and every mark and every grain in it seemed extremely real at this moment, as if a real evil spirit had recovered. Generally, it is daunting.

The statue of the evil spirit slowly glowed, and then on a traction of strength, the Strength contained therein was all blessed to Lyon at this moment, making his breath suddenly expand.

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