“This time, I trouble you.”

Taking a group of people out of the king’s tomb, and looking at the sun shone brightly outside, Lyon sighed.

Over time, the outbreak of King’s Grave Curse became more and more fierce, and has far exceeded their previous estimates.

If the destructive power shown by King’s Grave Curse in the beginning was just an ordinary disaster, then to now, there have been faint results of moving closer to the forbidden ground.

Of course, it is still a long time before King’s Grave Curse’s outbreak completely. Most Strength of this curse is still hidden, but it is currently not to the extent that it can actually reach the forbidden level, but it no doubt surpasses the ordinary. The disaster reached a new boundary.

This level of performance is very good, it is just under the control of the royal family, and it is just right to the limit of this group of Lyon people.

If it is a little stronger, the governors of these provinces, Lyon, will not be able to cope, and the royal family will only be able to end the game.

Even Adier had to admit that the power shown by this king’s tomb was just right, just in a delicate balance.

It is for this reason that, so far, the Zijinhua royal family is still sitting on the sidelines, sitting on a high platform and watching other people fight there, without any anxiety.

Whenever I think of this, Adier can’t help but feel shocked.

I have to say that the king’s tomb in front of him is very impressive.

Obviously having an outbreak of Strength, he took the initiative to hide, only showing the immediate degree, not only giving himself time and nutrients to grow, but also avoiding the attention of the royal family.

If it hadn’t been for Adier’s contact with the Cycle of Destiny, and he had seen the horror scene when the future tomb erupted, I’m afraid he would be concealed in the past, as with the royal family in front, and Lyon and the others.

The performance of this king’s tomb does not look like an instinctual curse at all, but rather an intelligent being, to achieve the scene in front of him.

Can the curse be wise?

This answer is not clear to Adier.

In Karia City, in order to harvest Boundary Energy, he personally suppressed dozens of curses, including strong and weak, but without exception only instinct, not at all like human wisdom.

Judging from this performance, the curse should have no wisdom, but when he thought of the experience in the lost city, he was not sure.

In the Lost City, his physical ancestor, the lost man named Senge, did not behave as if he had no sense of reason.

On the contrary, the other party can perceive the danger in Adier, and even forcibly suppress the cursing instinct to devour desire, and choose not to act on him, which cannot be achieved without keen insight.

“Perhaps, at the level of the forbidden ground, the curse of this world will be different.”

Secretly frowned, Adier flashed this thought.

But thinking of this, his thoughts flowed away, and his eyes could not help looking towards Lyon aside.

The outbreak of the king’s tomb is, at present, destined to be irreparable.

The incident involved too many things, including both the forbidden land and the confrontation between the Zijinhua royal family and the local governor, which could not be changed at all.

As long as the nature of the royal tomb is not exposed, the royal family will not change its mind and will continue its current strategy, which will lead to the disaster a few months later.

However, this is indeed a disaster for the Zijinhua royal family, but for Adier, it may not be a good opportunity.

King’s Grave Curse erupted, and the Purple Flower King was destroyed at once, along with the strength of the entire royal family.

By that time, Adier had already seen it clearly in the Cycle of Destiny.

The royal family of Zijinhua was destroyed, and the governors of many provinces declared themselves independent, occupying a piece of territory, and fighting successively, causing chaos in Violetgold Kingdom.

This situation is of course extremely unfriendly to the ordinary person, but it is a good opportunity for Adier.

The chaos began, and the army’s conquest would inevitably lead to corpses running across the ground, causing breeding of qi, which led to the curse being constantly spawned.

And these curses are the best food for Adier.

What is the purpose of his stay in this world so far? It’s not to harvest Boundary Energy as much as possible and prepare for future shuttles.

In this case, since he now has such an opportunity, of course he will not refuse, how can he take the initiative to change?

All thoughts flashed in my mind, thinking of this, Adier’s eyes had a cold color, but his eyes were looking towards Lyon aside.

He had made a decision in his heart, and after the tomb of the king had erupted completely, he would have nothing to do with protecting Lyon and leaving the king.

Lyon is the deputy governor of the province of Elka and a military chief of Karia City. With the strength of the Calandis family behind him, as long as the suppression of the royal family disappears, he can pull a team in minutes, plus Adier’s Aside, it is definitely the next warlord.

Even if he had good luck, it would not be impossible for him to unify Violetgold Kingdom and become a king.

With this kind of power, when Adier wants to collect something, it will be much more convenient.

As for relying on other people, of course, it is possible, but less than a last resort, Adier does not want to choose this way.

After all, he was very happy to get along with Lyon, and Lyon had invited him out in the first place. If there was no accident, he would not be too lazy to go to other people.

All kinds of thoughts turned in his heart, but on the surface, he couldn’t see anything, but his face looked pale and tired.

“Sim, take a rest after you return.” Lying next to Adier’s face, Lyon cared: “The cursed Strength suppression in the tomb of the king is bad for your health.”

“I’m fine.” Adier looked at Lyon with a smile on his face.

“That’s good.”


More than a month later.

In front of the spacious and magnificent mausoleum, some black camp tents stand here, and there are some people resting inside, and there is a gasp from time to time.

After a while, the camp was pulled apart, and then a tall woman with a complexion grave and stern came from the outside, wearing a long black dress, her body looked uneven, and she was considered to have a delicate face. Charm is good.

However, despite her good appearance, her attitude was very indifferent. As soon as she entered the camp, she looked towards the center of the camp, looked at the young man sitting on it, and asked aloud, “Lyon, why don’t you take it!”

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