Inside the spacious camp, it was quiet at this time, even if a needle was dropped, I was afraid I could hear the sound.

In front of me, listening to the woman ’s questioning, Lyon’s face was a little unsightly: “Angeli Princess, we just changed from the front two days ago. According to regulations, now is the time to take a rest …”

“Who sets the rules!” Angeli was completely indifferent to Lyon’s explanation, and directly ordered: “I don’t care what you are, anyway, now, give me to the top of the front line immediately!”

“Angeli Princess ···” Lyon stood up and looked at Angeli in front of her, her face tinged with disgust.

“I said, give it to me immediately!” Angeli spoke again, palming down the palm of his hand fiercely, directly on the table less than half a meter away from Lyon.

boom! !

Under the urging of the spiritual force, this wooden table exploded directly, and the wood residue and debris scattered around, slap directly on Lyon’s face.

Feeling the tingling sensation from his face, Lyon complexion ashen, his eyes flashed fiercely, but he snuggled well.

It was a few people beside him, at this point he could not hold back his anger.

“What do you want to do!”

Looking at Angeli’s movement, Venus got up in anger, with faint black particles flashing through, with a sense of depression.

“Cohesive spirit here for me, do you want to rebel?” Angeli’s face was cold, looking at Venus, with a disdainful expression on his face, one hand stretched out directly, as if to slap directly on Venus’ face .

But in the end, this palm not at all hit, blocked by another generous and powerful hand.

Standing in the middle of the crowd, Lyon complexion ashen, holding the right hand that Angeli was about to wave with one hand, said indifferently: “Since Angeli Princess wants us to go, then we are going, so why bother?”

When the words fell, he shook off Angeli’s hand, and at that instant the spiritual response flashed by, and everyone was shocked.


After taking a deep look at Lyon, Angeli coldly snorted, after seeing him promised to go to the front line, he stopped talking and didn’t even say hello, just turned and left.


After a while, in the camp, Angeli was surprised to leave, and the anger of the crowd was no longer suppressed.

Venus had an angry look on his face, and looked extremely dissatisfied: “The royal family is too much!”

“First sent us to the front, now even a little girl can bully us!”

“It won’t work like this!” Another person said, with the same depressed anger on his face: “It was said clearly beforehand that every half of the Moon Wheel was taken off. This was less than three days, and we were asked to go to the front again. It ’s not consumed, it ’s clearly for us to die! ”

“The King’s Grave Curse’s Strength is getting stronger, and now it is almost half of it stronger, but the royal family has still not responded at all. Even if no one is sent to support it, even the materials promised in advance are missing by more than half!”

“This is obviously using us as cannon fodder, just waiting for us to exhaust Strength with the tomb of the king, and then let the royal family come out to clean up the mess!”

Every word was spoken, and all the anger accumulated during this time was tilted out.

They are not stupid.

The Governors of various regions were mobilized to suppress King’s Grave Curse. The purpose of the royal family, even if it was a stupid person, should be noticed after such a long time of consumption, not to mention that the people present were not stupid at all.

Being in a high position, even as a spirit connecting person can live to this day, it is impossible without a little mind and wisdom.

Sitting in the middle of the crowd, listening to the words of everyone present, Lyon complexion ashen, looks very unsightly.

For more than a month, until now, he is also increasingly dissatisfied with the royal family and has reached the verge of an attack.

This can be seen in his not at all stop Venus and the others from speaking.

If the change was more than a month ago, even if he was dissatisfied, he would still stand up and stop Venus and the others from speaking, so as not to cause extra trouble.

He sat silent now, to some extent already representing his attitude, and was also extremely dissatisfied with the royal family.

Unfortunately, dissatisfaction returns to dissatisfaction, but under the oppression of the royal family, as long as he does not want the family behind to be liquidated, he will obediently obey.

This is the end of inferior strength.

Thinking of it, he sighed.

The strength of the royal family was originally very strong, especially during the outbreak of the tomb of the king during this time, because he had been standing by and watching, his strength was not lost at all.

But these foreign governors, Lyon, were miserable. It was just more than a month’s consumption, and the Strength at hand was almost half off. The contrast with the Royal’s Strength became even more disparate.

This is why they are obedient despite their dissatisfaction.

During this period of time, it is not that no one has resisted the royal order, but the Strength of the royal family shrank from the tomb of the royal family, but these foreign governors were not at all soft, but within a few days, they resisted The man was completely cleaned up, and the family behind him was suppressed at once, and then he became completely helpless.

With these lessons learned, even if Lyon was dissatisfied, in the face of the deterrence of the royal family, he was also afraid to reject the other party’s order.

It’s just that rejecting the royal order is dead end, but heading to the front line to fight King’s Grave Curse, this is also a way to see no hope.

With this in mind, Lyon sighed deeply, and then slowly turned his attention to Adier.

This is his base camp. The manpower he brought to Wangdu this time is basically placed here, and Adier is no exception.

After all, this is still near the tomb of the king, and it is not too far from the curse. There is a person who acts as a guard to ensure his own safety.

“Sim, what do you think of the royal order?”

Rubbing his forehead, looking at Adier in front of him, he asked, his eyebrows looking a little gloomy.

The first reason to ask Adier was to show respect.

Adier after all is an “Awakener”. Among this group of people, Strength alone is the strongest, even if it is not old, but it also has a certain right to speak.

Listening to the sound, Adier turned around, his eyes looked bright and clear: “The royal order has been issued, and we have no right to refuse, this is affirmative.”

Lyon silently agreed with this.

“However, it is not possible to continue this way,” Adier continued. When he said that, he paused and then continued to say: “I don’t know if it is an illusion. I always feel that the tomb of the king in front of me does not seem to exist. It seems so simple right now. “

“What?” Listening to this, Lyon froze, a little puzzled: “What do you mean?”

“This King’s tomb, its Strength is far more than it is now.” Gently stood up from the place, looked around at the crowd, Adier spoke gently, and suddenly the crowd changed.

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