Entering the spacious camp, in the camp, the silhouette of the originally densely packed has become sparse, including Adier himself, and only a few people are still inside.

Adier looked around. Most of the people who were staying in the camp at the moment were Lyon, who was usually kind. Even a few people who seemed to be born, in fact, had a close connection secretly.

Seeing this, Adier knew.

“Sorry, there were too many people here before. In order to prevent our conversations from being leaked out, we called you back again.” Lyon said sincerely as the crowds arrived.

“Dare.” Aside, Venus smiled. “This kind of thing should have been done with caution. The Governor is absolutely right.”

“Yes.” A few people aside agreed.

“No more gossip.” Looking at the attitude of everyone, Lyon was also nodded with satisfaction, and then looked towards Adier in front of his face, and said solemnly: “Sim, you said that the strength of this king’s tomb has not completely erupted, Is this true or false? “

“It’s true.” Adier gently nodded, and at this moment directly stated: “If I’m right, the Strength shown at the moment is probably not even 10% of all the strengths of the King’s tomb.”

“10%!” Everyone was horrified at the scene, and even Venus couldn’t help showing a startled, terrified expression, apparently surprised by the result.

“Sure enough.” Lyon wasn’t surprised when he heard the news, but he was sneaked: “I think this king’s tomb is a bit wrong. I didn’t expect it to look like this.”

“The royal family is also a stupid person, turned around by a curse, until the curse completely broke out, and some of them were crying.”

With a sneer on his face, he looked again towards Adier: “Sim, when will the tomb of the king erupt completely?”

“Tomorrow.” Silent glanced at Lyon, and Adier calmly spoke, saying the answer he had predicted in his heart.

“Tomorrow.” Lyon complexion changed. Listening to the answer, he looked gloomy and uncertain for a while.

For a long time, he looked at the subordinates of the surrounding complexion greatly changed, and then said again: “A few days ago, Governor Aika sent someone over and secretly told me that the tomb of the king was about to erupt.”

“I didn’t care then, and it wasn’t until Sim said that today that I realized that it was mostly true.”

Listening to the news, Adier was a little surprised.

The reason why he can know that the tomb of the king is about to erupt, or because he has peeked at the Cycle of Destiny, plus the huge Spirit force he has, can he get the accurate time.

Others did not have the shuttle ability in their possession, nor did he have such a huge Spirit power, and he could even know that the tomb of the king was about to erupt, which surprised him.

But despite the accident, he didn’t think much.

The king’s tomb was built over thousands of years. During this long period of time, there will always be some inside information leaked out and obtained by some spirit connecting families.

Others know the inside story, and combined with the current situation, it is not surprising that the conclusion that the tomb of the king is about to erupt is unexpected.


“After you go back, each of you finds a reason to rectify your subordinates, even if the retreat causes the royal family to blame.”

Sitting at the top, Lyon’s face was gloomy, and he issued the final order: “I’ll contact the governors everywhere, and wait until the curse erupts tomorrow, we will start immediately!”

“Yes!” The first group of people nodded said yes, then spread apart and walked outward.

Out of the camp, Adier clearly felt that Lyon’s breath was still in place. Although the silhouette of Lyon was still in front of him, it was just a mere puppet, not the subject.

“It looks like we can’t keep our hands today.”

Shook the head, Adier flashed the thought.

The curse will erupt tomorrow. If Strength under Lyon starts to evacuate, the trace will be too obvious, and it is easy to beat the grass to scare the snake, which will cause the royal family to blame.

If the curse really erupts tomorrow, it’s fine, but if the curse doesn’t erupt tomorrow, then this is a problem.

So in order to prevent this from happening, Adier must take the shot and make up for the vacancies with his overbearing personal strength, and in the meantime leave a gap for those people.

Of course, this is nothing to Adier.

“King’s Grave Curse is about to break out. If nothing else, this time should be the last harvest. You must seize the opportunity.”

Turning these thoughts in his heart, Adier continued to move forward, every step, his body was emitting a faint light, making him look very out of the ordinary.

On that day, there was a strong shock in the entire tomb of the king, accompanied by wailing, almost half of the people in the tomb could feel it.

“Sim, you’re overdone.”

That night, looking at the traces left by Adier during the day, Lyon smiled bitterly.

Beside him, looking at the fragmented ground in the distance, and the sensen bones everywhere, Venus and the others were like seeing ghosts, and their hearts were filled with awe.

Normally, because there is rarely a chance to be able to shoot at full strength, these people have not always had a clear impression of Adier’s Strength. Although they know how strong they are, they are not quite clear.

To this day, in order to harvest Boundary Energy, Adier made every effort to understand how terrifying Adier’s strength is.

One click, mountains bursting and ground splitting. Those bone skeletons that ca n’t be beaten in the usual way, have almost no close-up ability to Adier ’s hands, and are directly smashed into powders. Those who ca n’t die ca n’t die anymore. Already.

At present, the king’s tomb occupies a land of several thousand meters, but after Adier’s full-time shot in the daytime, almost all cracks appeared in the entire land, showing its horror.

This horrible Strength even shocked the royal family. If nothing unexpected happens, there may be a corresponding means in a few days, either to attract or completely kill.

“Forget it, although it’s a bit risky, but it’s not bad to do so.”

Looking at Adier, Lyon had a smile on his face and shifted the topic: “As for the other governors, after seeing your strength, you can talk a lot this time, and you have more news for Sim. I believe a little bit, and I am willing to send someone to act with us at that time. “

“Of course, when the time comes, we will take concrete action and see the situation. If there is no change in the tomb of the king, they will not …”

In a word, Lyon stopped suddenly, with a startled expression on his face, and then a horror.

The earth is turbulent, and the entire tomb of the king is constantly shaking, as if something is breaking the chain, and it is necessary to get out of the depths of the king’s tomb.

Along with the shock of the earth, they turned and looked towards the depths of the king’s tomb, where the breath of blue was permeating, in which the endless corpses began to recover, with a rotten smell, coming out from there.

“Sure enough, start now!”

The scene in front of me was shocking, and even Lyon was calmed down for a while, whispering subconsciously, some unbelievably.

Looking at the huge corpse that started to come out in the distance, Adier’s eyes were gloomy and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

The amazing scene in front of this scene is exactly a sign of the beginning of the curse. The corpses accumulated in the tomb of the king over the past thousands of years have erupted. The Strength that erupted is unstoppable, but in just a few days, the entire seat The king erased it.

It was just that Adier didn’t expect that the time for this curse to erupt unexpectedly. Not only did it erupt tomorrow, but instead it began to act that night.

“Master, immediately order, we must leave as soon as possible!”

Among the crowd, Venus took the lead in responding, and quickly grabbed Lyon: “Compared to other Governors, we have more preparations. If we run now, there is a great chance that we can run away!”

“Okay!” At this time, watching the situation come to this point, Lyon no longer hesitated, decisively ordered: “Bring the prepared things, Venus, and you will leave with us immediately.”

“Sim, you go to the beginning. Although it is night now, the royal family is bound to react quickly and be vigilant at the entrance.”

“Your task is to wait for us to bring people to the road, and we don’t need to fight against the strength of the royal family. Just open an exit for us!”

“Okay.” Adier nodded, then strode out, ready to act.

“Governor, what about the others?” Someone asked at this moment.

“Others, those traitors, don’t need to inform them.” Speaking of this, Lyon’s complexion instantly turned sullen: “Let them stay, fight here with the curse!”

As the order was issued, each and everyone began to move.

Thanks to Adier’s previous reminder and Lyon’s previous arrangement, their reaction ability was much faster than others.

While the others haven’t responded, they have already prepared all the preparations, leaving most of them directly, and only a small part of the relationship is broken out.

With the cover of others, taking advantage of the night, their breakout seemed smooth at first, and it didn’t take long before they came outside the gate of the king’s tomb.

Here, in accordance with the previous agreement, Adier took a deep breath, and then took a step forward.

boom! !

The violent explosion sounded continuously. In the meditation, everyone seemed to see a silver moon pouring light, shining endless light on the earth, and then a terrible explosion broke out.

Adier shot with all his strength, and with just one blow, he cut through the line of defense outside the barrier and forced a gap.

“Now, go!”

Looking at the line of defense cleaned by the moonlight, leaving a gap for a while, Lyon was overjoyed and quickly directed the team to rush out.

However, at this time, he discovered that as the outside defense was forcibly cut through by Adier, there were far more people than he thought.

At least five or six teams emerged at this time, including the teams he had contacted before, all rushing out along the cut-out line.

Looking at this scene, Lyon’s face suddenly became cold.

Don’t treat others as fools, or you will most likely be tricked. This scene clearly illustrates the truth.

The scenes of Adier’s shot during the day were all watched by these people, so now they are all lurking, waiting for Adier to make a shot so that they can run on the ride.

However, this time is not the time to find these people to settle accounts, forcibly press the anger of within the body, Lyon rushed out with people in an instant, and gradually disappeared in the vast wilderness.

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