Time hastily passed, and in the course of time, years passed quickly.

In the morning, in front of the gate of a city, a person was standing there silently.

It was a delicate and pretty teenager, wearing a pale white gown, and seemed to have a great attraction between his every move. The powerful aura made people unconsciously put his eyes on him.

This boy is exactly Adier.

A few years later, the body he possessed this time, and now it can finally be regarded as long open, no longer playing like a child in the past.

With the growth of his body, his strength has also changed greatly. Compared with three years ago, he has reached a new level.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 14.1. Agility: 17.8. Constitution: 17.5. Spirit: 328.9. Boundary Energy: 25182.”

Whether it’s physical fitness or Spirit power, it has now transformed to a new level.

This is driven by the huge Spirit force.

For three years, through the constant use of Succinct Stone as a valuable resource, his soul has been purified to a level that he would never have imagined in the past, and even with Spirit, he has become stronger.

The strength of Spirit also drives the ascension of the essence of life, so that the shackles that originally troubled this body can be broken and raised to a higher level.

Of course, at this step, the effect of Succinct Stone is completely useless. Even if Adier uses it more, he can no longer grow his soul essence.

However, only the strength of the soul is now very strong. In Adier’s induction, the distance from the final limit is also very close at this time, only a final line.

And his purpose here this time is precisely for this.

Thinking of this, he looked up slightly and looked away.

With his terrifying Spirit power today, he can see much more than ordinary people.

In his sight, there were various natural phenomena on the distant sky.

A breath of black purple permeates the sky, and Yokono counts ten thousand li. Among them, the black vortex rises and falls, as if a giant standing in the distance is breathing, causing an anomaly on one side of the earth.

If you look more closely, Adier can see that the dark purple atmosphere in the distance is not a giant, it is just a thin silhouette.

It was a thin boy, wearing a black clothed body, looking very ordinary, but his face was pale, carrying a giant sword that was not in proportion to his body, walking in the distance in the distance.

Although it looks the same as an ordinary boy on the surface, in this boy, a terror that can destroy mountains and rivers, and all the horrors of silence are spreading all the time, with a deep and invisible death. , Adier felt his breath can not help but feel cold.

Looking silently at the silhouette in the distance, it seems that someone is paying attention. In the distance, the black clothed boy raised his head blankly, a pair of pure black eyes with an unresolved chill, looking at the place where Adier was.

It is clear that the two are separated by ten thousand li, but this line of sight cannot be avoided, like breaking the boundaries of Time and Space, starting directly from the breath of Adier, and instantly observing the scene on his side.

Just a moment, the faint black gas began to entangle, the cursing power began to instinctively burst, fiercely entangled in Adier’s body, and there was a tendency to continue to spread outward.


Feeling the cursing power that emerges from my body, Adier coldly snorted, the powerful Spirit force constantly oscillates in space, defeating all the entangled cursing power.

“The horrible Strength is far beyond the boundaries of Level 3, and has definitely reached the level of Level 4 wizard.”

Feeling the talented Strength, Adier’s face was dignified and he felt the deep danger for the first time.

“Silencer is coming.”

After a long time, he looked up and looked at the sky before he opened the mouth and said to the side person: “At most tomorrow night, Silencer will come here. Take this opportunity and you will leave immediately.”

Beside him, there were many silhouettes standing at this moment, including relatives like Corral and Dilly, and people who were barely friends like Dahlicia.

Of course, Venus is also here, coming here on behalf of Lyon.

“Sim, aren’t you leaving with us?”

After a long silence, Dilly said, looking at Adier, there was both anxiety and fear in his eyes.

“I won’t leave.” Shook the head, looking at Dilly, Adier sighed: “You know, I’ve been preparing for this day for a long time.”

“But, after all is …” Dilly looked anxiously, looking at Adier, trying to say something.

“Relax, I won’t die.” Adier looked up at the sky, looking at the sky in the distance, as if he saw something: “This world, I haven’t had enough.”

“Silencer is strong, but I’m not weak.” He calmly said: “Moreover, every time Silencer recovers, he will rob and kill countless lives. I don’t stop him, let him kill like this. I am afraid the people in the Calandis kingdom are not enough. He killed. “

That’s why Lyon promised him a shot.

Silencer, in this World, has an nickname called Massacre Demon God. The reason is that every time Silencer recovers, he must slaughter countless lives, plunder the souls of countless lives to supplement Strength for himself, and then enter the next sleep.

The Silencer needs at least a million lives for the slaughter every time he recovers.

In these three years, with the help of Adier, Lyon has successfully unified most of the original Violetgold Kingdom and established the new Calandis Kingdom.

But the newly established Calandis Kingdom has a total population of only 56 million. If killed by this Silencer, most of the domestic population will be slaughtered, and even the entire kingdom may collapse immediately.

Because of this factor, Lyon agreed to Adier to play, because if he couldn’t stop Silencer, he would be worried.

With this in mind, Venus sighed: “Your Majesty let me inform you, if you need anything, you can raise it immediately, and we will try to help you as much as possible.”

“No,” Adier responded calmly. “All you have to do is move all the people around you.”

“We are already doing this.” Venus nodded: “All residents of Karia City have been temporarily transferred to other cities three months ago.”

“But this can only be delayed for a while, if Silencer continues …”

“There won’t be that.” In front of him, the words of Adier chop nails and sever Iron came: “I will stop him here.”

People no longer spoke, just silently nodded.

They stood here with Adier for a while, then took the welcome car and left.

Only Adier was left in place, standing silently before the city’s roads, waiting quietly for the arrival of Silencer.

For this day, Adier has been preparing for a long time.

Adier was planning for this moment when he saw the existence of Silencer through the Cycle of Destiny just three years ago.

For three years, if the original historical process is followed, Silencer will come to Karia City tomorrow, and then a single blow will destroy the entire life of Karia City.

It was because of this glimpse into the scene that Adier prepared in advance, waiting here early.

And so many are arranged in advance, naturally to experience the Strength of Silencer up close.

Strength of this world is very strong.

As early as entering this world, Adier understood that the Strength of this world is not weak, and may not be as good as the Wizarding World, but it is not weak compared to those Worlds that Adier has visited before, even with Knight World Compared with it, it is even more powerful and even stronger.

And Knight World is a World that once appeared Level 4 powerhouse. In other words, this cursed World must also support the Strength of Level 4.

This World ’s Strength is indeed the same. The curses of various regions, those who are stricken with a disaster level, are okay to say, but the level of the level 2 wizard, but at the level of the forbidden level, its Strength level has risen to Level 3 Peak, or even closer The limits of hierarchy.

And Silencer, known as the strongest curse of this world, its Strength is definitely far beyond the forbidden ground, reaching the level of Level 4.

This caught Adier’s attention.

Adier’s ontology has now reached the Level 3 level. Even with the accumulation of a large number of Succinct Stones, the soul level has greatly improved. As long as it returns, I am afraid that it will soon reach a higher level.

At this step, the level in Level 3 is no longer a hindrance for Adier, so his sight is inevitably looked towards the higher limit.

Level 4 Wizard, this is a level that is enough to be called a demon. Even in the most Peak period of ancient wizards, this level of wizards is an absolute powerhouse, enough to get out of the wizard world and enter the stage of All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

Adier itself is Moon Elf. It only needs to spend more than a thousand years. When Bloodline grows to Peak, it is Level 4 directly.

Originally according to his personality, he honestly found a place to hide, and waited until Bloodline grew up to Peak before running out, but now he hasn’t got much time.

The depth of Moon Elf Bloodline contains the curse of Scourge World. For more than a thousand years, when his Bloodline grows to Peak, I am afraid that his body is cold.

So in order to avoid all of this, he had to give up the most secure route and chose to blaze forward and promote Level 4 at the fastest speed.

In order to achieve this, he stared at the Silencer in front of him.

The existence of the same Level 4, although the Strength system is not the same, the nature of transcendence and terror is undoubtedly connected.

Through close contact with Silencer, and by feeling the strength of the other party, you can feel the unique and horrible nature of Strength in advance, so as to figure out some directions for future Level 4 wizards.

This is also a rare opportunity to know that in the Mason area, let alone a living Level 4 wizard, even the Level 4 wizard’s body could not be found at all.

As for the possible dangers of this operation, it is nothing compared with what may be obtained.

After all, he is not the ontology in this world, and if something goes wrong, it won’t really endanger life.

Anyway, World’s coordinates are still there, big deal next time.

Thoughts flashed through my heart, standing on the road, Adier quietly looked towards the distance, waiting silently for Silencer’s arrival.

He waited this time, a long time passed, and soon, the day passed quickly, and in the early morning of the next day, when the day was hazy and bright, there was a lingering breath in the distance.

In the sight of Adier, within the range of 1000 meters in the distance, at this time has been completely covered by the smell of a dark purple, the earth is constantly oscillating, the vegetation is constantly withering, all the vitality of the surrounding World is one of them. A thin but horrible silhouette seized.

He walked from a distance, carrying a giant sword of more than two meters behind his back. At this time, he stepped forward step by step, leaving a deep black footprint on the ground, looking very deep, with A wicked Strength.

This is caused by the strength of Silencer. The existence of Level 4, even if it is a breath, will have a strong self-imprint. When these ordinary dirt fragments come into contact with Silencer’s skin, the structure inside will change instantly and become Something evil.

In a way, this is the curse of the smaller one, which absorbs some of the breath of Silencer, which has become essentially different from ordinary items.

Adier didn’t care about these things.

In front of him, Silencer’s silhouette appeared from a distance, and his eyes seemed to be locked, firmly locked on Silencer’s body.

I have to say that the strength of Silencer is indeed very strong. With Adier’s Strength today, just looking at Silencer, I feel a tremendous pressure from the heart, and there is no such calmness as before.

In the past three years, he also experienced many forbidden areas, but it was the original Lost City, or the later King’s Tomb and Nightmare Manor. Strength.

But even these forbidden areas that are audible in color are nothing compared to the current Silencer, and even if they are all combined, they are not as good as a fraction of Silencer.

Adier even suspected that if Silencer appeared in those forbidden places, I’m afraid those forbidden places didn’t even dare to resist and could only be manipulated.

If it was three years ago, when Adier had just arrived in this world, I’d be afraid to just stand in front of Silencer, and he would be completely eroded by the curse Strength that Silencer was covering.

“However, I am not three years ago.”

Looking at the ordinary black clothed boy in front of him, standing still, Adier’s face remained unchanged, but he stepped forward silently.

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