Step on …

The storm was sloping, and a severe storm was unfolding.

Mingming is a clear and sunny morning, but at this moment it seems to be in a dim night, accompanied by the huge flapping sound of violent wind and rain. The place is constantly raging, as if to destroy this world.

What caused this scene was not a natural law, it was just two teenagers standing on the ground.

It hasn’t been fully shot yet, just the silent collision of the two breaths has created the spectacular scenery in front of the scene.

The smell of dark purple began to rise. In the front, I met Adier’s obstruction, but Silencer seemed to be unaware, but just walked forward, his head always lowered, looking awake. appearance.

Standing in front of him, looking at Silencer, Adier frowned, then stepped forward.

boom! !

Step forward, on Adier, an indomitable momentum emerged, accompanied by a huge Spirit force at this moment, all erupted in an instant.

The Spirit force of silver is splashing, the huge Spirit ocean is expanding, and here weave into a huge net, covering all the areas of several hundred meters.

On the sky above my head, it seemed that I was under the influence of Adier. A touch of moonlight began to condense, and a bunch of pure moonlights gathered in the sky, forming a stunning and gorgeous scene.

In the dim sky, as Silencer’s breath suppressed, a bright silver moon condensed in the sky, accompanied by the exhaustion of the huge Spirit power, where it continued to spread, emitting a sacred, majestic majesty and Strength.

Ahead, it seemed that I felt the obstacle, Silencer’s steps were paused, and the head that had always been lowered was slightly raised, and a pair of pure black eyes looked above the sky.

Then next moment, endless rays of light swept through.

Under the control of Adier, the silver moon in the sky is carrying a mighty momentum, and the moonlight spreads from time to time, and finally it is all pressed down, and pressed towards the top of Silencer’s head.

Yueyao! !!


The violent crackle sounded in situ, and the earth seemed to be blasted at this moment, and it was recessed directly for more than half.

Endless gravel swept through, accompanied by numerous debris flying to the sky, forming a huge storm, spreading like all around.

Dao Yueyue flickered in the space, and the violent rays of light shone around. Just just the aftermath, it instantly knocked down the countless mountains outside several hundred li. Its Strength engraved an indelible mark in it. The terrain has all changed.

“A horrible blow, it’s all right!”

Thousands of miles away, Lyon and the others are also watching the game through remote cameras.

It’s not just them. At this moment on this continent, all the news is still a clever force, watching the battle at this moment.

This is the first person in this world who has dared to face Silencer alone since the birth of Silencer.

In the past, in the face of Silencer, the biggest devil, no one has tried to destroy it, but people who dare to do so, even the weakest, are dispatched by an entire empire. Those who dare to face Silencer alone are not without, but mostly Even Silencer couldn’t get near, and was directly assimilated by the opponent’s Strength.

Able to face Silencer alone, Adier is the first ever.

“Your Majesty, the test results are out.”

Outside, an old man in a red robe hurriedly walked in from outside. The shock on his face couldn’t be concealed: “It’s just the blow from Lord Sim, that’s worthy.”

“In other words, if this is not facing Silencer, but against Karia City, only this one will be able to destroy most of Karia City.”

“Even if it is the so-called forbidden ground, if you face such a blow, it will only take three times at most, and you will not be able to bear it.” The old man was shocked, talking about the calculated data, and he could scarcely imagine it.

Earlier, listening to this data, Lyon was frowned first, and then returned to normal soon.

Among the pots of ruins.

Suspended in the air quietly, feeling the huge Strength, Adier frowned scattered around.

The hit just now was the result of his full-strength shot, and even burned the vitality of this body. According to the wizard’s calculation method, the Strength of this blow is comparable to the full-strength shot of the Level 3 Peak wizard.

In this cursed World, if the Silencer in front is eliminated, this blow is enough to deal with any enemy, even those terrible forbidden areas, and it can be penetrated through it forcibly.

But even such a terrible blow is still insufficient in the face of Silencer.

Ahead, under the twinkling and shining of the silver brilliance, a pair of black eyes gradually light up, like two bottomless black holes, where they are constantly devouring everything around them.

Step on …

A crisp footstep sounded in the front, and then a thin boy stepped out of it, carrying a black giant sword on his back.

Compared with before, he had already lowered his head and raised his head. At this time, a pair of eyes of the gods looked toward the front, and finally stared at Adier.

boom! boom! boom!

At this moment, Adier was able to feel the acceleration of his heartbeat. This body seemed to be unable to bear the breath of Silencer. The surface of the body began to crack, and the blood began to circulate.

This is the suppression of the level of life. Compared with the Silencer in front of him, Adier’s body is too big. Even if he just stands in front of the other, he will unconsciously produce a terrible reaction.

If it weren’t for Adier’s Spirit power being strong enough to have enough control over his body, he might not be able to control his body at this time, and his body’s instincts would escape smoothly.

Feeling all this, Adier did not hesitate to directly extend the hand, and a little mana within it began to burn.

The mighty fire element particles began to gather, condensed into several giant Fireballs, and rushed towards Silencer.

bump! !!

A seemingly fragile palm appeared in the sky, and all the elements of fire around it were shot out instantly.

However, at this moment, a silver long sword broke through, with a huge Spirit Strength, bursting out at this moment.

boom! !

The sound of metal collision emanates from the mid-air, but it is instantly transmitted beyond the number of 1000 meters, adding a color to the dreadful ground.

In the sky, the fist that has always been black stretched out in the air, just happened to meet a silver long sword.

The huge Spirit force accompanied by the Battle Qi escape, turned into a huge silver sword qi, and almost cut the ground under the foot in half.

A cold breath rushed straight into the Spirit Sea. At this moment, in close contact with Silencer, Adier finally couldn’t stand the all-time majesty, the body cracked directly, and the crimson blood scattered inside, spreading all around the earth .

Silent, in front of him, feeling the touch from his arm, Silencer looked up, and the rays of light in his eyes seemed to light up.

boom! !

The silent conflict erupted, and the cursing force and the Spirit force completely collided at this moment and exploded in an instant.

In the air, Adier’s silhouette regressed, and a black scar was added to his chest. There was an intensely malicious Strength entangled on it, making it impossible to heal.

“What a terrible Strength!”

Feeling the pressure on his body, Adier smiled bitterly: “This is absolutely Level 4, and I am afraid that even in the presence of Level 4, it will not be weak!”

“There is still this unique essence.” Silently, he touched his chest, feeling the curse force lingering there: “Chip, is the simulation over?”

“Silencer, the current simulation progress is 7.1%, please collect more data.” In my mind, the sound of the chip machinery continued to sound.

This is the function of the chip today. With the continuous improvement of Adier’s soul, the chip attached to the soul of Adier is also constantly changing. Today, compared to the original, its function is much more powerful.

With huge computing power, the chip can simulate any item, provided that the data is collected enough.

That’s why Adier took the initiative to find Silencer.

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