boom! !

The gale was erupting.

Mars gradually landed on the sky, two opposing positions collided with each other, rolling some gravel into the air, and then descending at a faster speed.

bump! !!

The two figures moved away quickly, rushing in a certain direction under the action of a certain force field.

“The current simulation progress is 10.4%, please collect more data.” In my mind, the sound of the chip machinery continued to sound.

Reluctantly stabilizing the body in the air, listening to the cue of the chip machinery, Adier’s face was dignified, and most of the body began to crack. Among them was a mighty cursing force entangled in it, making the wound unable to heal.

His eyes were dignified and he looked towards a certain distance.

A kind of mist gradually condensing in the distance, a violent explosion broke out, clearing everything around without leaving a little dust.

In that direction, Silencer’s thin silhouette appeared, and at this time he looked up at Adier, the meaning of death and silence emanating more and more, almost condensed into a substantial aura.

Around him, all life began to disappear, and the vitality contained in it was taken away by him, even Adier.

Until now, even before a close fight, even if Adier is also affected by the essence of the opponent, his vitality is disappearing all the time.

If it weren’t for his Spirit being too powerful and his soul too tenacious, forcibly locked the vitality of within the body with a strong will, at this time, I am afraid that the vitality of the entire body would be absorbed by the other party.

But even so, it has been five full days until now.

Adier’s body has left traces of the other person. The original black hair was mixed with a lot of white hair. The skin on the face was full of wrinkles and age spots. The wounds on the body were rancid and itchy. As if there were countless insects biting in it.

This is the erosion of the power of the curse. If it is called an ordinary person, as long as it is contaminated a little, it will immediately be a collapsed end, but Adier is suppressed by the overbearing Spirit force, forcibly supported by the erosion of the power of the curse. There was nothing unusual in his complexion, only apathy.

However, even when he arrived at this place, the opposite Silencer still remained the same. Not only did he not show any slight wounds, and even his breath did not weaken much. Compared to Adier’s semi-disabled end, his condition was amazing.


The sight was obscured by the fog, but under the influence of Spirit, the appearance of Silencer clearly reflected in Adier’s mind.

Looking at the distant condition intact, like Silencer without much damage, Adier sighed softly.

Now that this battle has hit him, he has run out of energy.

The gap between Level 3 and Level 4 is too large. Even if Adier is desperate, but facing the strongest curse of Silencer, it is still unshakable, let alone confrontation, even the ability to hurt the opponent is difficult.

If it weren’t for the curse, Silencer’s intellect seemed to have some problems, and the timing was far worse than Adier’s, I’m afraid Adier not to mention insisting on five days, even one day will be cold.

But this battle has hit its limit, basically.

Because on the opposite side, it seemed to understand the difficulty of Adier, Silencer raised his head silently, his right hand extended backward, and for the first time he pulled up the giant sword on his back.

A black sword qi appeared in the sky, like a sword to divide the sky and the earth, leaving a bottomless crack on the sky.

The huge airflow was sweeping through, making a loud low-pitched sound enough to tear the eardrum.

boom! !

Time and space seem to be in silence. At this moment, in Adier’s eyes, everything around him seems to be at a standstill, and only a black sword qi sweeps across, straight to him.

When swiping, the aftermath of sword qi spreads outward, the force of the overwhelming curse directly plunders all vitality within the range of 1000 meters, and then feeds back to this sword, making this sword qi even more terrifying.

“finally come.”

With quiet eyes opened, Adier’s face was indifferent, and a dark sword mark flashed in his eyes.

In his Spirit mark, the strength of this sword is instantly portrayed in the depth of one’s soul, which he firmly remembers.

This belongs to the Level 4 field and definitely exceeds the boundaries of Level 3. Even if Adier’s teacher and elf High Priest Kolar are here, it is absolutely impossible to deal with the blow in front of them.

“Can’t stop!”

In an instant, Adier pupils shrank raised this thought in his heart.

Without hesitation, he waved his hand directly, and the huge Spirit force instantly connected to some kind of imprint in the distance.

In an instant, a faint light gradually rose, slowly gathering from the distant Karia City.

It ’s like the whole city has come alive. In Karia City in the distance, every inch of the land and every inch of the building are glowing, and some complex rune is flashing on it, intertwined into each and everyone huge Wizard Array.

The smaller Wizard Arrays are converging into larger Wizard Arrays, and eventually the entire Karia City is wrapped, and countless buildings in it are glowing.

The huge Strength wave blooms from it. In the sky, a small amount of energy particles are forcibly gathered and condensed in the entire Karia City, providing the most basic Strength for the final Wizard Array.

“Understanding that your Strength is comparable to Level 4, how could I not be prepared.”

Looking at the glorious Karia City in the distance, feeling the huge Strength fluctuations, Adier sneered on his face: “In three years, the final guardianship of a total of 13,000 Wizard Arrays, you will hit When!”

Even if there is a way back, even if he is dead, he can return to the Wizarding World and come back, but after all, he has made a good start in this world. In order to save time, it is certainly best to not die.

To this end, he specially prepared the luxurious Wizard Array in front of him.

The resources of this world are extremely rich, and there is no wizard. The spirit connecting person only inherits the Bloodline, and consumes little resources.

This means that this world consumes a lot of resources, even if it is casually searched, you can find many good things.

Through Lyon’s power, in the past three years, Adier did not know how many things were searched, most of which fell on the Wizard Array in front of him.

With 135,000 complete Wizard Array collections, they are condensed into one through complex reactions. If this handwriting is placed in the Mason area, I am afraid that it will not be possible to empty the bottom of the elf family.

Not to mention that it is necessary to put together so many materials required for the layout of the Wizard Array, just that huge amount of calculation is enough to cause people to collapse, and it is difficult to achieve a little problem.

Only if Adier directly hacked a World resource and had the huge computing power of the chip, would he be able to lay out such a large Wizard Array at the level of the Level 3 wizard.

This is also the biggest confidence that Adier is confident against Silencer.

Hong long! !

Huge elemental particles came from all directions, almost turning Karia City into a sea of ​​elemental particles.

This is an extremely magnificent scene. The sky’s elemental particles cover the sky, forming a small sea of ​​elements over Karia City, which looks extremely beautiful.

And in the middle of the Sea of ​​Elements, a giant with a height of 1000 meters condensed out in an instant and hit it with a punch.

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