In the familiar laboratory, all the surrounding scenes are arranged as if in memory. Even under the operation of the surrounding Wizard Array, even some dust is invisible, all in brand-new looks.

Looking at these, Adier shook the head, the twist of time and space in his mind gradually disappeared, and some messages instinctively came from the surrounding Wizard Array and were accurately received by his Spirit.

He spent a total of 87 years in Cursing the World, but in the Wizarding World, it seems that only about three years have passed.

A time flow rate close to thirty to one is exactly the result.

Thinking of this, and feeling far more powerful and pure will and soul at this moment, Adier looked towards his own attribute panel.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 147.5. Agility: 154.1. Constitution: 160.3. Spirit: 488.7. Boundary Energy: 153817.1. Bloodline: Moon Elf (growing period).”

“Hu ···”

Looking at his data at this time, even with Adier’s constant force, he couldn’t help exhaling lightly at this time.

Compared to before his reincarnation, he does not know how many times his strength.

Although the physical data has not changed much because of the rebirth of the soul and the inability to bring the body together, but only other changes have been very gratifying.

This after all is close to ninety years, an extremely long time.

You know, it took Adier from Knight to the promotion of Level 3 Wizard, the total time did not exceed 20 years, so we can see how long 90 years is for Adier.

With Adier’s innate talent and Strength, plus the assistance of a chip, the gains achieved in these ninety years are undoubtedly huge. Only the Spirit power item has reached the level 3 wizard’s ability at this moment. The limit reached.

As for the Boundary Energy, the gains are even greater.

Before entering the Cursed World, Adier’s entire net worth was no more than thousands of Boundary Energy, but after leaving, his Boundary Energy suddenly rose to 150,000, which is a change of terror.

Such a huge amount of Boundary Energy includes both Adier’s dedication to eliminating the curse for many years, and a considerable part of it from Silencer’s gift.

In the final battle, with sufficient preparation, Adier finally won the final victory, relying on decades of savings to form a more horrible Wizard Array, and finally forcibly knocked Silencer off.

Although Adier’s body eventually collapsed after that, what he wanted most was eventually obtained.

“Silencer simulation has been completed and can be traced back …” Feeling Adier’s idea, in front of me, a prompt appeared.

This is Adier’s greatest achievement in cursing the world this time, except for Boundary Energy.

Through two encounters with Silencer, and even finally exploding Silencer, the chip of Adier within the body has collected enough data to fully simulate Silencer.

This is undoubtedly a huge breakthrough. With these data, Adier has increased the breakthrough level 4 in the future.

If it turns out that he still only has half the confidence, then after fully simulating the Silencer’s data, this confidence has risen by two levels at once.

“According to the chip’s deduction, in order to be promoted to Level 4 Wizard, in addition to the Spirit force value must reach more than 300, you must also upgrade the soul level to the true level.”

Standing in place, thinking about the content of the chip’s deduction, Adier gradually fell into meditation: “In terms of Spirit power, I have undoubtedly fully reached the standard. Nearly five hundred Spirit power has definitely reached the limit of the Level 3 Wizard, no matter who, This can only be done at this level. “

“But the level of the soul, although it has improved a lot after using a lot of Succinct Stone, but there is still something worse than that level.” Thinking of this problem, Adier frowned.

In Cursing the World, thanks to the rich resources of that World, Adier was able to find a large number of Succinct Stones to promote the purity of his soul.

In the beginning, this method did have a significant effect, but after reaching the level, this method completely lost its effect, and the progress was stuck. For nearly ninety years, no matter what method Adier used, he could not make his soul more pure.

“Unfortunately, under normal circumstances, in Moon God’s Sacrifice, this Moon Elf’s exclusive higher Meditation Method, there should be a relative secret method.” Standing in place, Adier frowns: “But I got Moon God’s The Sacrifice Meditation Method is incomplete, and a large part of it is missing. “

Moon God’s Sacrifice This high Meditation Method, Adier was originally found in a tomb of the ancient emf emperor, which was derived from a high priest of a certain generation.

At the beginning, he only got the first two levels of the Meditation Method. When he came to the Silver Fog Forest and became the student of the contemporary high priest, he was given the subsequent part by the elf royal family.

Unfortunately, even for the elf royal family in the Mason region, the Moon God’s Sacrifice Meditation Method in his hands is still incomplete. Although there are contents of Level 3 and Level 4 wizards, all the related secret methods inheritance are missing.

The missing content in this part contains the key to Level 3 wizard promotion.

This is also the situation that made Adier helpless.

Once the ancient wizards collapsed, the civilization of contemporary wizards was basically re-established from a ruin. Although most of the foundations of ancient wizards were preserved, those advanced inheritances were almost completely missing. Including the current higher Meditation Method in the hands of major wizarding organizations, they are basically re-excavated from the ruins by the latecomers. The incompleteness problem is very serious.

Compared to other wizards, the inheritance of the elf family is relatively well-preserved, but the advanced Mediation Method of the inheritance still appears to be incomplete, which can only be regrettable.

Thinking of this, Adier was slightly sighed, but compared to the past, the urgency in my heart was reduced a lot.

After this soul rebirth, he discovered a fact that surprised him.

After the rebirth of the soul, the emerald mark not at all on his body was taken together, but remained in place.

This means that the curse of Scourge on Adier has nothing to do with his soul, but is completely rooted in his Bloodline within the body.

The Emerald Mark is attached to the body, which means that the remaining 300 years of the Emerald Mark is relative to the Wizard World.

For ordinary people, this result is not useful at all, but not for Adier.

With the shuttle ability, Adier can fully turn to those Worlds with a higher time flow rate, thus gaining more time to grow.

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