“There are eighty-seven years there, and only three years have passed here, that is to say, there is exactly 290 years left before the Emerald Mark has completely disappeared.”

In the spacious and bright laboratory, standing in front of a stone platform, Adier nodded: “This time is enough.”

This was a long and short time in 290 years.

For ordinary people, this time is enough to reproduce more than a dozen generations, even those ancient dynasties in the memory of Adier I, most of which do not reach this number.

But for wizards, this time is very short. Even ordinary ordinary wizards, if they use some spells and potions to extend life, and even conduct experiments such as Bloodline transplantation, they will probably live through the years.

For some powerful Level 3 wizards, sometimes it may take a complicated experiment to take more time than this number.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, this time is actually very tight, even Adier has to be cautious.

However, with the advent of the ability to reincarnate the soul, Adier was able to relax a lot, and was much more abundant in time.

“It seems that in the future reincarnation, we still have to try to choose those Worlds with great time differences.”

Shook the head, waiting to fully adapt to his body at this time, Adier got up and walked out of the laboratory door.

The Wizard Array in the laboratory is controlled automatically, and it will close naturally after he leaves, so he doesn’t need to worry about it.

Outside the laboratory, he was very concerned about the current form of the Mason region.

Before his reincarnation, there was a little chaos in the Mason area. For the past three years, the offensive of those underground creatures has begun.

Adier cares a little bit about this, but he doesn’t worry too much.

At least, he was able to walk out of the laboratory in a safe and stable manner, which shows that the situation has not reached the worst step, otherwise he will not be awakened from his slumber but forced to wake up.

And under his Spirit’s induction at this time, in the king’s capital, it seemed that the atmosphere of chaos and uneasiness in not at all was only peaceful in Spirit’s induction.

In view of this, in front of him, Adier thought, and after the original reincarnation, the greatly increased Spirit force began to spread instantly.

With the full force of Adier’s subconscious induction, his Spirit field began to gradually expand, gradually rising higher and higher, eventually rising to the sky, enveloping the entire king.

In his induction, the entire king is like a sleeping giant, in which every inch of the city’s walls and every tall building seem to be engraved with a unique rune mark, which eventually builds into a huge Wizard Array.

Adier is no stranger to this Wizard Array, but feels very familiar.

In the Cursed World, the Wizard Array he used to fight Silencer is quite a part of the Wizard Array learned from elf King City, many of which are similar to the Wizard Array in front of him.

Of course, compared to the current Wizard Array, Adier’s layout is still a lot worse. Although it is not inferior to the details, or even slightly exceeded, it is completely compared with the current Wizard Array in terms of materials and construction. Go on.

For this, Adier is not surprised.

Even with the help of a chip, he is only a Level 3 wizard after all. The Guardian Array in front of him is actually built by the last elf king in the Mason area. According to the level of the wizard, it is an absolute Level 4 wizard.

Level 3 wizards and Level 4 wizards, double-reverse insights, Strength, including knowledge storage are not on a horizontal line, and the things arranged by nature are not on a level.

Of course, the Wizard Array is powerful and powerful, but for Adier, it has little impact.

He after all is Kolar, a student of the contemporary high priest. Under the leadership of Kolar, he has observed the core operation of the Wizard Array more than once, and he is naturally very familiar with the operation mechanism of this Guard Array.

In addition, his essence is the ancient pure blood Moon Elf. For this Guardian Wizard Array, naturally has the highest authority and naturally will not be rejected.

Thick darkness began to hang in sight, and in the Spirit realm, the shadow of a huge city lay in it, occupying a huge area.

And in the shadow of this city, a little bit of white light is flickering, its lightness is bright or dark, large or small, but it really exists.

These are the lives that exist in the city. The more powerful the light, the stronger its life essence.

In Adier’s induction, the kings seem to have many more people at a time, and most of them are dim. If they are according to elf’s standards, they are absolute old women and children.

“It seems that some things have happened in the past three years.”

Sensing the situation of the elf king, Adier shook his head, sighing.

After observing all around for a while, he walked out of the courtyard that had not been out for three years, and walked towards the outside.

At the same time, within the capital.

When Adier spread the Spirit realm to the entire capital, an old elf in a gray coat felt his head and slowly raised his head in a certain square of the capital.

“What’s wrong, high priest?”

Aside, watching the action of the old elf, a young man opened the mouth and said softly.

“Nothing, just something interesting.” Old elf laughed on his face, but his heart was tight. “Spiritous Spirit induction, Kolar, did you find anything?”

He is tall and kind, and looks no different from the ordinary elf old man. Even the gray coat he wears is cheap, not at all.

However, this is an ordinary man who looks ordinary, but his mind is extremely strong. Not only can he stand in the capital of the king without being affected by the Wizard Array, but he can also catch the huge Spirit that just passed by. force.

“Lord Luciu.” At this moment, a voice came from a distance.

The old man looked back at the source of the sound, just at the end of the road, a well-dressed, handsome young elf came from a distance, looking at him respectfully: “His Royal Highness Andrew has been waiting for you for a long time.”

“Lead the way.” Turning around and looking at this person in front of him, the old man’s face was calm and his tone didn’t fluctuate.

Led by the elf in front of them, they went all the way through the busy streets, through the bustling crowd of people, and finally came to a gorgeous loft.

Under that loft, Andrew was in a black gown, and was already standing there at this time.

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