“The high priest.”

Standing under the attic and watching Luciu entire group coming in the distance, Andrew stepped forward with a smile on his face: “You are finally here.”

“Um.” Looking at Andrew in front of him, Luciu said lightly, and seemed a little surprised: “Are you hurt?”

“Yes.” Andrew nodded, without concealing anything, said frankly: “It was caused by the incident five years ago, and it is now almost recovering.”

“You are talking about the Bloodline Trial held by Silver Mist elf five years ago.” Luciu glanced at him: “Speaking of this, I still want to ask.”

“With your Bloodline and qualifications, there is no reason why Moon King’s Sword cannot be acknowledged. Why not only did you fail to take Moon King’s Sword away, but you suffered such a serious injury?”

“This thing, speaking of which is a bit complicated.” Hearing this old thing, even if it has been a few years in the past, but as soon as I think of the scene at that time, Andrew can’t help twitching, and it seems extremely restless: “It happened at the time Something unexpected, you have just come up, and the situation here is not quite clear. “

“In the Bloodline trial of Silver Mist elf five years ago, there was an inexplicable Moon Elf in pure blood.” Andrew’s face was a little disgusting when he spoke, but he still said the whole thing completely come out.

He still remembers the events of that year.

As a dark elf prince, he took such a big risk and dived into the surface of the world before the isolation between the two realms had disappeared, in order to participate in that Bloodline Trial, and wanted to obtain in that Bloodline Trial The recognition of Moon King’s Sword paved the way for subsequent offensives.

As for the assassination of King Kana, it was completely incidental.

Originally everything was arranged well. As a dark elf prince, Andrew’s Bloodline and innate talent are definitely among the best in the dark elf. If it is normal, as long as you do n’t reveal your identity in advance, you can enter the Bloodline trial. After the journey, getting recognition from Moon King’s Sword is almost certain.

In the beginning, the plan did go smoothly. King’s Courtyard not at all found Andrew’s dark elf identity. He also successfully concealed many elf wizards including King Kast and successfully entered the Bloodline trial. On the way.

At this step, he can be said to be one step away from the final success, but it is at this closest level to success, but there is a person, the real pure blood Moon Elf appears, forcibly obtained Moon before him King’s Sword’s admission not only failed all his calculations, but also caused him serious injuries.

With these experiences, he absolutely remembers this matter, I’m afraid he won’t forget this life.

“You mean, a real pure-blood Moon Elf has appeared?” Listening to Andrew’s narration, Luciu frowned, the first thought that rose in his mind was that Andrew was lying.

But then he personally rejected the idea.

For such an important thing, Andrew had absolutely no need to lie.

“Pure Blood Moon Elf.” Despite believing that Andrew did not lie, Luciu seemed extremely shocked at the news: “It hasn’t appeared in the past tens of thousands of years, but it happened at this time …”

“However, if it’s a pure-blood Moon Elf, Andrew can’t lose it.” Reluctantly accepted the news, looking at Andrew in front of him, Luciu shook the head: “A pure-blood Moon Elf, just don’t In the middle of his death, he will definitely be another Moon Elf King, let alone Andrew you, even if your father is here, don’t want to fight him on Bloodline. “

Having said that, looking at Andrew, he asked some more questions.

After walking to this newly appeared Moon Elf has been recruited by elf King’s Courtyard, he frowned: “This is a bit of a hassle. I was taken a step ahead by Silver Fog King’s Courtyard. We would like to start, it is very troublesome.”

“What is the character of the other party? Is it possible to trust us?” Then he asked these questions again.

“A very diligent wizard.” After thinking about it, Andrew replied, “For five years, this Mr. Adier could hardly leave his laboratory and rarely went out.”

“As for letting the other betray King Silver’s Courtyard.” He frowned: “I am afraid it may be small.”

“At King’s Courtyard in Yinwu, he is not only the successor of the next generation of high priests, but also married King Kast’s favorite daughter. In the future, he will not only be the high priest, but also most likely become the next elf king.”

“This level of treatment, even for us, cannot be higher than this.”

“It’s troublesome.” Lightly shook the head, Luciu was not surprised by the situation.

A pure blood Moon Elf deserves this treatment, let alone the silver mist King’s Courtyard on the surface, even Luciu himself, if he can find a pure blood Moon Elf, I am afraid it will do the same.

This after all is a pure-blood Moon Elf, born Level 4 powerhouse, do nothing, and after Bloodline automatically matures, they can reach Level 4 level, which is enough to determine the fate of a family.

Regarding this kind of potential stocks, no matter how to treat it.

Of course, if you made up your mind at the beginning to plunder Bloodline, then naturally it is another matter, but ordinary people will not do it, it is too wasteful.

“It seems that some special means are needed.” Thinking of this, Luciu shook his head, lamenting.

“High priest, do you think?” Andrew stared at him, looking at Luciu, seeming to think of something.

Under Andrew’s gaze, Luciu didn’t sell too much, he just stretched out a hand.

It was a skinny arm. Although it had fair and smooth skin, it was still gray. But at this time on his palm, there was a deep black gem lying there quietly, emitting a faint black rays of light, attracting the eyes of the people around him.

“This is …” Looking at this deep black gem, Andrew complexion changed.

“Yes, it’s Black Eye Stone.” Luciu faintly said: “This is the last piece of my collection.”

“You’re really willing.” A deep glance at Luciu, Andrew’s eyes fixed on the gemstone, the desire in his eyes was not concealed.

“In general, of course, you can’t bear it, but a pure blood Moon Elf is totally worth it.” Luciu sighed softly.

Black Eye Stone, a unique treasure of the underground world, is extremely rare.

This kind of thing is definitely a treasure of the Supreme for underground creatures. It can not only wash Bloodline, but also can be used for baptism to make your own soul innate talent stronger.

Even for a dark elf Prince like Andrew, this kind of thing is an absolute treasure, even if the status is noble like him, he only used a small piece for baptism in his childhood.

But in front of Luciu’s hands, it was about the size of a fist. In terms of weight, it was dozens of times that of Andrew.

Of course, looking at this stuff, Andrew also knows Luciu’s plans.

Such things as Black Eye Stone are absolute treasures for underground creatures, but for surface creatures, although they are also good things, they have some repercussions.

One of the repercussions is that after using the Black Eye Stone, the user will be infected by the atmosphere of the ground, the mind will start to be affected, and even eventually become a true underground creature.

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