“It looks like you have learned a great deal this time.”

In a clean courtyard, the fragrance of orchids diffuses around and can’t be dispersed for a long time.

Sitting on a soft sofa, Kolar in a white robe watched Adier say with a smile.

Opposite him, Adier changed into a white sacrifice robe today, a light silver hair was casually scattered, looks handsome, exudes a peaceful and calm atmosphere, like the same bright moon, you can illuminate all the darkness in the heart .

“Moon Elf’s Bloodline is getting stronger and stronger.”

Looking at Adier, Kolar smiled, but sighed in his heart.

It’s been three years since he last met, and Adier’s changes have surprised him.

The breath of Moon Elf Bloodline has become stronger and richer now, let alone an ordinary person, even if he is a Level 3 great wizard, sometimes facing the current Adier, he is also at a loss, feeling a sense of mind. Stable and Perfection, subconsciously feel close to Adier.

He is still like this, not to mention others.

This shows that Moon Elf’s Bloodline has become more mature, and I am afraid that it will not be too far away from adulthood.

Of course, in addition to this, he can’t see more of the rest. He can only perceive that the Spirit of Adier is powerful. Although it belongs to the Level 2 wizard, it is not far from the Level 3 wizard.

As for more, he couldn’t see it in the face of Adier.

The emerald mark on Adier is still there. The camouflage above, even if the real Level 4 wizard comes, may not be able to see, let alone him.

As for the opposite, sitting next to Kolar, Adier was also a little surprised.

When he met this time, he thought he could surpass Kolar, the teacher, but the result surprised him.

Kolar’s Strength is quite comparable to him, and has also reached the Peak of the Level 3 Wizard, but it is only a fraction of his savings.

But it’s no wonder that although Kolar is old enough, Adier is not cursing World in vain.

For nearly ninety years, he spent countless resources every day baptism on himself, and even more countless Succinct Stone.

The resources consumed by him alone may be several times larger than the savings of the entire elf King’s Courtyard. Under such a horrible amount of money, the speed of progress is naturally equally horrible, which is far from those of the wretched wizards in the Mason region. Comparable.

“So, if you want to make rapid progress, the key is to give money.”

Thinking of the things that he was consuming while cursing the World, even Adier, could not help but twitch.

That is definitely a huge resource.

In Cursing the World, in order to quickly obtain the Strength against Silencer, he almost consumed all the resources he searched in that World, which could barely torture a Silencer whose strength is comparable to Level 4 in just 90 years.

However, he didn’t feel bad about these things.

In the end, killing Silencer’s gains is enough to make up for the loss of those resources. Secondly, Adier was a soul rebirth at that time, and those things obtained by that World could not be taken away at all.

“I know your purpose this time.”

In front of him, after chatting for a while, Kolar stood up silently: “Moon God’s Sacrifice’s Meditation Method is indeed less than the normal Meditation Method, but it is not missing.”

“En?” Adier looked up in confusion as he heard this.

He came to Kolar this time and wanted to ask about Moon God’s Sacrifice, the Meditation Method.

Today, he has reached the Level 3 Wizard’s Peak, and most of the conditions for promotion of Level 4 have been met, leaving only the soul which has not yet reached the standard.

But in this regard, Moon God’s Sacrifice’s Meditation Method has no relevant content, so he has to come over to ask.

Facing Adier’s doubts, Kolar sighed softly: “You know, Moon God’s Sacrifice was first created, for what?”

“In order to shorten the growth period of Moon Elf, Pure Moon Elf’s descendants can quickly pass through a long period of weakness and quickly form combat power.”

Without waiting for Adier to answer, he continued to say to himself: “In a natural environment, Moon Elf Bloodline, a pure blood, needs at least a thousand years to mature and become a powerful elf king. “

“For more than a thousand years, this time is too long. Any accident in the middle will make a future elf king die.”

“In addition, at the time when the ancient wizards were glorious, the ancient wizards were expanding wildly, and their backbone was not enough. In order for the elf family to quickly form combat power, including the mother of emeralds, some great ancient wizards were created exclusively. Moon God’s Sacrifice, this advanced Meditation Method, to accelerate the growth of pure blood Moon Elf. “

“However, because this Meditation Method was created specifically for Moon Elf, compared to other advanced Meditation Methods, this Meditation Method lacks some content.”

“What do you mean …” Adier’s eyes stared, as if thinking something.

“Yes.” Kolar nodded: “Moon God’s Sacrifice, there is no part of Level 3 promotion from Level 4 at all.”

“It really is.” Adier frowned, a little speechless.

“There is a reason.” After looking at Adier, Kolar could guess part of his thoughts: “Level 4 Wizard, this is a huge threshold. Under normal circumstances, you want to be promoted from Level 3 Wizard to Level 4, the process will be extremely dangerous. It is similar to the situation encountered during the promotion of the formal wizard, but it is more horrible. Once promoted to Level 4 wizard, if it fails, it is basically ruined in this life. “

“Promotion of a formal wizard is burning only vitality, and promotion of a Level 4 wizard is burning everything of a wizard. If it fails, it is basically over.”

“But Adier, your pure blood is different.” He looked at Adier and said seriously: “Moon Elf Bloodline is Level 4 originally. After you reach Level 3 Wizard’s Peak, the Bloodline within the body will naturally mature ahead of time. The growth period of thousands of years, but by then only one or two hundred years can be completed. By then, Level 4 wizards will naturally achieve, there is no need to take risks. “

“In the final analysis, Moon God’s Sacrifice, a Meditation Method, was created to familiarize your Bloodline. Is there a way to promote Level 4 wizards? It is not necessary at all.”

Hearing here, Adier corner of mouth twitching, my mind was momentarily complicated.

What Kolar is saying is really good. From Level 3 wizards to level Level 4 wizards, the risks are clearly written in the history books of the Mason region. The so-called nine deaths and still alive, compared to this It’s all easy.

But Moon Elf is different.

As Moon Elf Bloodline, there is no need to take this kind of risk at all. After the Level 3 Peak, wait quietly for Bloodline to mature. There is no need to take any risk.

Use Moon God’s Sacrifice to accelerate the ripening of Bloodline, wait for Level 3 Peak to rise, and then stop quietly until Bloodline matures. Level 4 wizards can naturally achieve it, no matter from the risk or efficiency, it is undoubtedly the most stable.

If Adier didn’t know he had a curse of natural disasters, he would definitely do the same. An Anwen would find a place to hide for a hundred or two hundred years, and wait for Bloodline to mature before coming out to Sweeping Across the World.

However, there was a curse of natural disasters. For a hundred or two hundred years, it was too long.

“Moon God’s Sacrifice, is there really no relevant content?” He asked a little impatiently.

“No.” Opposite, Kolar shook his head very simply: “It is said that when Moon God’s Sacrifice was just created, this part was there. But after several pure blood promotion failed in history, this part was It was intentionally abandoned in order to prevent the younger generation from making a blind impact, which led to a bad end. “

Listening here, Adier corner of mouth twitching, finally completely disheartened.

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