“Yes, remember to be careful when you go out recently.”

After chatting for a long time, he personally sent Adier out of the door, and Kolar said, “Some time ago, someone detected a strong magic reaction, and the intensity was much stronger than the previous few times.”

“I’m afraid there is an influential figure in the underground world.”

“I see.” Adier nodded, expressing this.

As the successor of the high priest, he is also a number of people in the entire elf family, plus his Bloodline of Moon Elf. At this time, the people who target him are definitely not a minority.

After all is the Bloodline of the ancient Moon Elf, if it is directly transplanted, even if it loses most of the Strength, the remaining part is enough to support a person to reach the Level 3 level.

The Level 3 Wizard is already the absolute top in the entire Mason region.

If it were n’t for the massive invasion of the Underground World at this time, coupled with Adier ’s in-depth briefing, and rarely leaving the area of ​​the Silver Mist King, this would be a lot less.

Walked all the way to the door and took the silver carriage.

The carriage was driven by a pure white horned horse. When Adier entered the carriage, the driver in front waved the rein in his hand and began to drive the carriage around.

This process did not last long. After ten minutes, the carriage, which was originally fast moving, suddenly stopped with a hissing of the wildebeest.

“What happened?”

Listening to the outside movement, Adier eyes opened, and Silver’s eyes instantly penetrated the isolation of the carriage and looked towards the outside world.

“His Highness Adier, there are several bodies in front.”

Outside, the quiet voice of the coachman came from outside.

Adier got up and walked down the carriage, just in front of the carriage, his driver was holding silver elf long sword in his hand, and was carefully watching the sentences on the ground.

After a while, he got up and walked back to Adier: “His Royal Highness, a member of the patrol team, was broken by a sharp weapon in a moment.”

Turning back slightly, listening to the driver’s obituary, Adier glanced at him lightly, but did not speak, but just reached out a hand.

Hong long! !

As if the sound of broken glass sounded, the space in the place was broken like a water surface, and a blur of Spirit forces were intertwined with each other, like a stream of silver.

In front of Adier, a thin arm stretched out straight, and almost touched Adier’s eyes, and his wrist was just held firmly by the hand that Adier extended.

An old elf appeared in place, wearing a rustic gray coat, the whole person looked very Spirit, a pair of gray eyes seemed very characteristic.

He stood in front of Adier, exactly where the driver was, as the real driver was already beside the carriage at this time, and was sleeping in that hu hu.

Obviously, I don’t know when, everything around him will be replaced by the illusion, so that the other party came closer silently.

“Dark elf?”

Looking closely at the elf old man in front of me, looking at the apparently darkened skin on the other side, and the pair of prominent gray eyes, Adier frowned, asked.

“It is worthy to continue the blood of the ancient elf King Strength.” Taking a deep look at Adier, the old elf opened the mouth and said: “Any Level 2 wizard, can you see through my witchcraft, is it Moon King’s Sword’s Strength? ? “

He felt the infinitely close to Level 3’s breath on Adier, and this was speculated.

“Who are you?” Adier didn’t answer, just asked back.

When the voice fell, he let go of his hand, and a silver long sword came out of the sheath in an instant, blooming a brilliant silver light, fiercely chopped on the carriage behind him.

boom! !

A skinny hand covered the carriage, and the dark Strength turned into a chain, fighting against the power of Moon Elf, and quietly resisting the sword cut by Adier.

Then, the silhouette of the old elf appeared again, but this time it was not in front of Adier, but above the carriage.

“Terrorist Strength. Is this the power of Moon God unique to King Moon Elf?”

Raise your hand slowly. In the palm of your hand, a ray of silver Moon Elf’s power is flashing. Although it may erupt at any time, it is locked in the hands of the other side and cannot be broken at all.

“Holy, powerful, pure …” Feeling the unique nature of the power of Moon Elf, the old elf sighed gently, and then looked towards Adier in front of him: “Introduce yourself.”

“My name is Luciu.”

Luciu, this is a name that is very new to Adier, but after this experience, Adier believes that it will definitely be remembered from now on.

“Hiding is not a good habit.” Adier turned slightly, looking towards himself.

There, a silhouette exactly the same as Luciu emerged, not only the figure, but even the deepest Spirit fluctuations were exactly the same, belonging to the same person.

For all wizards below Level 3, this move is a solution, even if it can feel wrong, but it will still be misled by the wizard who can even change the perception.

Adier was able to find the opponent because his strength was not inferior to the opponent. In addition, with the detection function of the chip, he could detect the troops from extremely subtle clues and find the position of the opponent.

Strong, very strong!

Just just getting in touch, Luciu impressed Adier.

That is not inferior to Kolar’s Strength. Although it is weaker than Adier at this time, if it really hits, the result is not known.

Thinking of this, he stepped back and looked at Kolar in the distance. The silver in his eyes flashed brighter and brighter.

“Don’t be nervous, although you may not believe it, in fact, I’m not malicious to you at all.”

Opposite, watching Adier’s movements, and aware of the slight changes in him, Luciu can probably guess his thoughts, so he smiled opened the mouth and said: “Instead, this time, I have a gift for you . “

“Attacking others without authorization is not without malicious manifestations.” Adier said lightly, with a look of indifference in his eyes, and the light in it became brighter.

The power of Moon Elf from Moon Elf Bloodline begins to recover, and Moon Moon is mobilized from Bloodline, and is concentrated in one of the finest tissues in the heart to play Strength.

“That’s just a small test.” Luciu smiled and shook his head. “And in fact, even if I really shot at you with all my strength, I’m afraid I can’t do anything other than bring Kolar ahead of time and expose myself. . “

“After all, you are the pure blood personally recognized by Moon King’s Sword. The protection of Moon King’s Sword is not even easy for me.”

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