“Moon King’s Sword ···”

Listening to the familiar and strange term, Adier frowned slightly.

It’s not because the other party knows that Moon King’s Sword is on him, in fact it’s not difficult to guess in itself.

It is precisely because of the blessing of Moon King’s Sword and the fact that Adier’s strength is already top in the entire Mason region, so Kolar dare to rest assured that Adier travels independently, instead of always being protected by a large number of troops.

To his surprise, the other party knew that Moon King’s Sword was on him, but still ran over and attacked, even shooting at this place.

You know, it’s not too far from where Kolar lives, plus Adier left shortly after. Whenever a wind blows, Kolar will probably come immediately.

Dare to find Adier in this case, the opponent’s confidence is undoubtedly enough.

“Don’t think too much.”

Gently glanced at Adier, feeling the deep and huge breath on him, Luciu sighed and said, “There is no other purpose, just as elf. I also want to see what the so-called pure blood looks like.”


Quietly, a silver long sword slammed out and pierced through his chest.

As for the long sword pierced into his chest, he seemed to be unaware, and still stood with a calm smile on his face.

In this regard, Adier did not move, but just silently looked at the silhouette of Luciu in situ, silently watching him gradually blur, and then slowly disappeared.

“Are you gone?”

He turned and looked towards a certain distance, and after confirming that the other person’s breath had disappeared, he turned and looked towards the place.

There was a strange smell in the place where the other party last stayed.

It was a black gem, about the size of a fist, with a dark glow on it that looked extremely beautiful.

Of course, the beauty of the appearance is not attractive to Adier, what really cares about him is the unique breath attached to this gem, and the appeal from in the depth of one’s soul.

Some unique intuition told him that this gem was of great benefit to him.

Feeling this kind of feeling, Adier frowned, a large amount of data flow in his head is surging, and the chip in it is constantly calling out the database, and then the final result is: “This is … Black Eye Stone?”

He hesitated to say the name, somewhat uncertain about the result.

Black Eye Stone, a unique material, has always been produced in the underground world, and its output is extremely scarce. Even the nobles of the underground world have seen few, let alone the surface world.

Adier was able to recognize this kind of thing, because he had included all the books of the entire elf family, and knew some properties of this material from a few records, so he could barely distinguish it.

If you call someone else here, even Kolar, the elf high priest, will most likely not be able to recognize it the first time.

“Black Eye Stone, to enhance the qualifications of the soul, by the way, is radiated into the life below the ground. Was this the original idea?”

In a flash, Adier grasped some of these keys.

“Your Highness Adier, is there something wrong?” A voice came back.

That was the driver who had driven the carriage before. After Luciu left, he also broke away from the illusion. At this moment, he woke up and took the vigilantly long sword on his waist.

“It’s okay.”

Adier opened the mouth and said, then his face looked as if he had put away this Black Eye Stone and walked to the carriage: “Let’s go, keep going.”

As the sound dropped, after a while, the carriage began to drive slowly towards its previous destination.

In place, a long time later, a silhouette appeared in place.

Looking at the shadow of the carriage going away, Luciu was wearing a gray robe, gray eyes were cloudy and clear, and any expression on his face looked.

“Did you just give him something like that?” Aside, a distinctive husky voice came.

Andrew got up from the grass on the side and looked at Adier leaving in the distance, and the Black Eye Stone, feeling a bit complicated.

“Are you hurting?” Luciu smiled, opening the mouth and said, aware of the complex situation in Andrew’s heart.

“Of course, who wouldn’t want a good thing?” Andrew admitted frankly, “Also, you do that, are you sure he will hook?”

“From what I know of him, after knowing the effect of the Black Eye Stone, I’m afraid he won’t use it at all.”

“It’s just a try.” Luciu calmly said, “Under normal circumstances, he would not use it naturally, but if Silver’s King’s Courtyard is really not working?”

“I have known that he has relatives, clansman, friends and subordinates. If things really come to the last step, when the silver mist elf is finished, what would he choose?”

“By then, whether for his own relatives or friends, or for his future, he had no choice.”

He faintly opened the mouth and said: “But as long as he chooses to use that Black Eye Stone, his end is already doomed.”

“En?” Andrew was a little surprised: “Is there a problem with that Black Eye Stone?”

“The Black Eye Stone itself is fine. It’s just that I added something to that Black Eye Stone.” Luciu calmly said, “The brain of the mother of Heart Seizing Devil.”

The voice fell, Andrew suddenly stared wide-eyed, the heart beats fast, and the fear and fear in the subconsciousness emerged.

Heart Seizing Devil, this is definitely a horrible race. Whether in the Underground World or the Surface World, it has left a record of horror.

This race lives on the brains of other life. It is born with huge psychic powers that can infect and manipulate other life.

This infection is not an ordinary control, but it slowly affects your mind like a water miller. Finally, you unknowingly make you regard Heart Seizing Devil as the most important person in your life, while maintaining autonomy , Willingly controlled by it.

Even if it is a first-class Heart Seizing Devil, as long as he is given a certain time, he can develop a Legion and even directly rule the entire region.

The mother of Heart Seizing Devil is the last Level 4 Heart Seizing Devil in the underground world records.

The Heart Seizing Devil once established a huge Heart Seizing Devil empire. In that year, no matter whether it was dark elf or other races, it was just a slave of Heart Seizing Devil. Until the mother of Heart Seizing Devil fell behind, The massive Heart Seizing Devil empire slowly collapsed, and freedom was restored to all major races.

“With Strength, the mother of Heart Seizing Devil, exist below Level 4, there is no resistance at all …”

Luciu quietly opened the mouth and said: “No matter what the process is, as long as he finally uses that Black Eye Stone, the result is already doomed.”

“As long as we finally defeat the Silver Mist King’s Courtyard and eventually rule this huge surface World, he doesn’t want to use it, I’m afraid it won’t work.” Aside, for a moment, Andrew added, gray eyes seemed very deep.


“Black Eye Stone, really a big deal.”

On the other side, returning to his own courtyard, looking at the black gem on his palm, Adier shook his head, lamenting a little.

Even if he is not the life of the underground world, he can still know what this Black Eye Stone represents.

It’s fair to say that this is something that can change a person’s destiny, even for Adier right now, it is a rare good thing.

“Things are good things, it’s a pity …”

Putting away the Black Eye Stone in front of him, Adier was a bit sorry.

He didn’t know the plan behind Luciu and the others, but this Black Eye Stone was doomed to be impossible to use by himself.

According to the records, materials such as Black Eye Stone can indeed enhance the spiritual qualifications of wizards and make their spiritual qualifications even higher. However, correspondingly, it will also be affected by the radiation of Strength among them, and gradually evolve towards life underground.

If it’s just a change of skin, that’s all, as a wizard, Adier, although not completely disregarding this aspect, may not pay much attention to it.

But the key point is that the life under the ground is not just because of changes in appearance.

Underground life has been affected by underground radiation for a long time. Within or more or less, it has some kind of madness, which gradually changes its personality to become extreme and cold, and its sensibility is also easily affected.

This is the biggest difference between surface creatures and underground creatures, and also the biggest factor why the two are in war.

If Adier transforms himself into life below the ground, then under the influence of the radiation of the Black Eye Stone, his intellect will inevitably be slowly affected by Strength, and his personality will eventually change greatly and become another look.

This change was not what Adier wanted.

So he will never use it anyway.

It’s not just that you can’t use it, you can’t even use it with your loved ones around you, so as not to affect the people around you and become another person.

“A good thing in the end, if you have a chance in the future, take it out.”

Shook the head, Adier got up from where he was, then walked out of the hall and into his room.

After the surrounding servants and guards were dismissed, he closed the door, then closed his eyes, and his consciousness gradually sank under the influence of some Strength, and began to communicate with a mysterious existence.

In his depth of one’s soul, a purple mark of destiny flashed, and the blooming light gradually brightened, slowly covering Adier’s whole body.

A huge World slowly revealed its shape, and slowly came to Adier.

It was a very large city, every building in it, every inch of vegetation was very real, just like the real World.

“Walk of destiny, welcome to Destiny World …” In my mind, a slight murmur sounded without a touch of emotion.


PS: Recommend a friend’s book, “China Entertainment’s Smile Full World”, I read this book, I feel very well written, according to the author said that the collection is a bit miserable, I hope everyone can help to see, by the way Tap Favorites (cover your face). Here is the introduction:

As soon as Peng Chenchen woke up, she suddenly found that she had a “World”.

In this world, he can be attached to the greatest comedian, stunned in the paradise of comedy performance; in this world, he can obtain the magical ability of countless comedians …

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