“Walk of destiny, welcome to Destiny World …” In my mind, the sound of the machine is still spinning, and the sound of the echo is echoing in my mind.

Listening carefully to this voice, Adier was a little surprised: “It seems that it is a little different from the previous voice.”

Listening to the sound, he made such a judgment, and then turned and looked towards the Quartet.

The place where he landed was a very empty flat, surrounded by white floors, and there were some strange flowers and grasses that he had never seen before, where he breathed his breath.

Everything seems real, like a real World, but at this time Adier felt inexplicably a bit awkward.

I don’t know if it is an illusion. Under the influence of his huge soul at this time, he always feels that there is a slight invisible inconsistency in the surrounding World. Although it is faintly discernible, it can be felt.

Feeling this feeling, Adier took a deep breath, then walked forward.

As he walked forward, the surrounding buildings skipped in front of him.

Compared with the last time he came, Destiny World at this time seems to have changed a lot, and the buildings have become much improved. Many areas that were not previously open are also open to the fatal runners at this time, allowing fate to walk into them .


Walking into a square, looking at the huge building in front of him, Adier was a bit surprised: “Has it reached this point?”

If Adier’s memory did not go wrong, the auction house had not existed since his last visit, but it has now appeared and it looks like it can be put into use.

There are many other changes, such as the extremely high cost of material transportation in the past. At this time, the price has been greatly reduced. Although it is relatively precious, it has reached the point where most people can afford it.

Adier walked around Destiny World quietly, feeling the changes in it, and Adier was a little emotional.

Things are always changing. Over the past few years, he has become stronger, but others have not been idle.

This is the case with Destiny World right now. After years of operation, it has become more and more perfect at this time. The functions in it are also increasing, and the help for life operators is getting greater.

Even for Adier. At least, if the conditions are suitable in the future, he can completely transfer some of his resources through Destiny World, and even use his superb pharmacy technology to make various medicaments, and then sell them through Destiny World.

This way to make money, its speed and security can be much better than going to other World adventures by yourself. It only takes a little more time to secure a large Boundary Energy account.

However, this is the future. This time Adier came here for another thing.

As the various buildings continued to be skipped, he walked into a separate small room.

He applied for this room, which can use most of the functions of Destiny World, only a little World Stone at a time.

Adier glanced at the price and bought the house directly for three thousand Boundary Energy to use it as a base in Destiny World.

This big hand also shocked the entire Destiny World.

This is the first time someone has been willing to come up with such a large World Stone since the changes in Destiny World began, just to do such an unnecessary thing.

It has to be said that although Destiny World seems to have unlimited potential at present, at the current stage, it acts as the lifeblood of the main producers and consumers, but its production level and consumption level are not at all strong.

According to the situation learned by Adier, at the current stage, the top life-threatening runner in the entire Destiny World seems to be around Level 3. With his current Level 3 Peak strength, it is already the strongest in Destiny World Already.

Three thousand Boundary Energy, even for life-threatening runners with a level of up to Level 3, is a difficult number to take out. It may be taken out, but it is not possible to buy a useless house. .

Adier would not have been willing if he had called it before, but it is different now.

The coordinates of the cursed World are still there, where the World is full of curses, and if there are thousands of Boundary Energy, just go and annihilate a few curses.

“Is that all?”

After touching his head, sitting on a sofa with a very good texture, looking at the light screen like a TV screen, Adier was helpless.

In the light curtain in front of the eyes, each piece of unique information is flashing, not only is it full of information such as images and text, but even the real breath and strength.

“Soul of the evil spirit, water of the blood spring, tentacles of ancient polyphony … are these all things that can strengthen the soul?”

Looking at the content on the screen, Adier frowned, feeling a little disappointed.

The soul is a very mysterious existence. Under normal circumstances, if you want to involve the soul level, you must at least stand at a very high level.

Just like the wizard, from the beginning of the formal wizard, the system and civilization of the soul have been involved. Even in the entire multiverse, there are very few, and each one is a rare treasure.

Of course, Destiny World, after all, has a huge bottom line, even if it is a rare thing such as the enhancement of the soul, the amount of possession is not too small.

But the point is, with Adier’s current strength of the soul, those ordinary things have no effect on him at all.

He is a Level 3 wizard who has reached the current limit. The soul inside the body is already pure and powerful. In addition, when he cursed the world, he used a lot of Succinct Stone to bring his soul purity to a new level. .

At this point, if you want to strengthen your soul, its difficulty has been greatly increased, and ordinary things are not useful at all.

Among the densely packed bunch of things that can affect Adier, I am afraid there are at most one or two, and most of them will not be very good.

Shook the head lightly. In this case, Adier, despite his disappointment, was also expected.

This is determined by the main strength of the current commander. A group of life-threatening runners up to Level 3 can count on how much good they can come up with.

After all, for these life-threatening runners, the real good thing is sure to keep it, even if it is Adier himself.

Thinking of this, he no longer tangled with this problem, shook his hand directly, and the content in the light curtain immediately began to change.

What once appeared to be a physical object, but now all disappeared, slowly becoming a secret method involving the soul.

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