Sitting in the room, looking at the page-by-page content displayed in front of the light curtain, Adier took it seriously, not even the lowest-level content.

In my mind, the chip is also running fast. Through some of these secret methods to speculate, find out what works for Adier.

In the end, all the densely packed secret recipes in front of me disappeared, leaving only the final two.

“Soul rushes, the bell of Austrian sound …”

Looking at the last few items that appeared in the light curtain, Adier was hesitant.

From the introduction given by Destiny World, these two are the top two secret methods here, which are derived from two different exploration worlds, each with its own set of detailed theories.

But Adier hesitated because of that.

World and World are different. Even the two Worlds that are extremely close to each other must have differences in some basic rules, let alone those Worlds that are very different.

The secret method that can be successfully practiced in this world, after the other World, maybe it will be invalid because of a different basic rule.

Just like Adier had been in the Knight World before, he gathered the seed of Kaiyuan to promote Level 3 all the way, but after the cursed World, even Azure Firmament Knight could not be promoted, and was restricted by the World.

Such content that requires self-cultivation is mostly good at the basic level, and can be used in many Worlds, but higher Worlds are prone to accidents, and it is easy to be blocked by different Worlds.

“It still seems to go the old way …”

After hesitating for a while, Adier finally made a decision and got up and looked towards the light curtain.

Soul dash, exchange!

Bell of Oyin, redeem!


Not only those two high-level secrets, but even those secrets that he had previously ignored, he also found them out and exchanged a lot of them.

The purpose of this is not to be anything else, but to enrich the chip database, so as to prepare for future deductions.

“Information has been included … Soul mystery deduction in progress … Estimated time: March.

The sound of the chip machinery in my head sounded.

Listening to the prompt, Adier nodded, and then looked towards his attribute panel.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 147.9. Agility: 154.7. Constitution: 160.8. Spirit: 459.2. Boundary Energy: 141415.8. Bloodline: Moon Elf (growing period).”

Other data have not changed much. The main change is the amount of Boundary Energy, which has dropped from 150,000 to 140,000 today.

Although the price of those secret methods is not high for Adier, he can’t hold the amount of redemption too much, a total of one hundred 70 nine secret methods, all of a sudden consumed him more than 10,000 Boundary Energy.

Of course, the price is not too high. After all, the secret method that he can see is often a very good thing. If you get the Maison area, each and everyone are the secrets of various wizarding schools. Now So straight into his hands.

It’s not just these soul mysteries. In other ways, Adier also spent a lot of Boundary Energy to acquire various mysteries.

Mainly some secret methods about the existence of Level 4.

According to some ancient book records of the Wizard World Inheritance, the existence of Level 4 often has some unique commonality. To this extent, no matter what kind of system the powerhouse will have some similar characteristics.

Therefore, Adier will buy the secrets about the existence of Level 4 in a big way, and want to use this to enrich the chip database, so that they can better understand the Level 4 level, in order to enhance the success rate of future promotion.

Destiny World’s current highest level is only Level 3, but in some Worlds where Level 4 powerhouses have appeared, if you are lucky enough, even if it is only the equivalent of a formal wizard, it is completely possible to obtain some secret methods.

Finally, in this regard, Adier spent another 30,000 Boundary Energy, which only bought a dozen copies of materials from Destiny World.

Most of these materials are incomplete, and most of them come to explore the world, so despite their preciousness, there are several discounts on the price.

After buying the materials, Adier bought something else before turning around and leaving Destiny World.

Back in the quiet lab, in addition to his brain full of information, Adier already had several things on his hands.

A robe that looked just like ordinary clothes, a scabbard blade that exudes a strange smell, a glass-colored gem, and a bunch of inexplicable other things.

These are naturally also purchased by Adier. Among them, the clothes are made of a high-grade material. They seem to be no different from ordinary clothes, but they are excellent in nature. They can not only accommodate the operation of mana, but also can carry a lot of spell rune.

This was acquired by Adier, and it is ready to be transformed into a higher Magic Transformed Item.

That gem is a secret treasure, which contains a lot of violent Strength, if properly converted, can be used to make a guardian stone.

Other things are similar. They are the best materials that Adier has found so far. At this cost, they are bought back through Destiny World.

As for the blade covered with the scabbard, it was bought by Adier when he bought a Level 4 secret.

Quietly, Adier extend the hand and gently pull the long knife out of the scabbard.

A bit of deep red blade light flickered, and the surrounding laboratory became a blood color directly.

As the rays of light flickered, a long knife that had been rendered by blood appeared on Adier’s hand, brightly colored and red, and the blood particles with little by little on it were still beating, like breathing.

Looking at this Long Blade, Adier frowned.

Because he found that as he held this Long Blade, a little bit of emotion continued to flow in the long knife, affecting his emotions, making him have the urge to desperately want to slaughter.

“It’s Bloodline’s refined knife, but it turned out to be a knife that only wanted to chop people.”

Adier waved the knife at random, feeling the pulse from the blade, Adier was a little speechless.

This knife was also purchased by him at Destiny World. The function is very simple, that is, it can accelerate the Bloodline maturity of the mature knife owner within the body.

The reason why Adier bought this knife at a high price is very simple. It is to try to mature Moon Elf Bloodline within the body and see if it can shorten the maturity period of two hundred years.

But now it seems that the power of this knife is still beyond his imagination.

This is a self-conscious knife.

Adier can feel that although the knife is weak, the consciousness that does exist is full of bloodthirsty and aggressiveness.

In other words, in Wizard World, this is also a magic weapon, the same level as Moon King’s Sword.

Of course, despite the same rank, this sword is far from being comparable to Moon King’s Sword on Strength.

Moon King’s Sword after all is the saber of the elf kings of all generations. It is said that it was from the gift of the elf king in ancient times. Its history is extremely long. Strength is extremely powerful. If it can be fully displayed, it can even threaten the Level 4 powerhouse.

The Bloodline knife is not only weak in consciousness, but its Strength is extremely weak. Even if it is fully played, it cannot deal with a formal wizard.

But this is a magic weapon in the end, and its function is very good, it is definitely a good thing for those who inherit the ancient Bloodline within the body.

At first contact, Adier’s fit with this knife was not good.

Adier does not kill himself, nor is he aggressive. But this Bloodline knife is just the opposite, full of killing and offensive, with a chaotic atmosphere.

Touching this knife, Adier can imagine that if someone has been in contact with the knife for a long time, the eight-nine temper will change greatly in the end, and it will be gradually affected by the strength and breath in it, and gradually become violent.

Shook the head, for which Adier doesn’t care.

The impact is relative.

If the owner of the knife is weak and has a weak will, it is naturally easy to be affected by this magic weapon and his personality will gradually change.

However, if the sword owner is strong and determined enough, then naturally it will not be affected by it, or even conversely, as the contact time becomes longer, it will gradually affect the magic weapon, making the magic weapon and the master more compatible.

Coming all the way from weak to weak, Adier is confident that he will not be affected by this knife, and naturally he will not be afraid.

Of course, even if you remove its own factors, it is impossible for this knife to affect him.

You know, neither the emerald mark on him nor the Moon King’s Sword is anything simple.

Put the knife into the scabbard, and use the power of Moon Elf to wash the knife body again, and Adier was out of the laboratory.

When he came outside, he frowned.

Because at this time in the courtyard, a chaotic mood came from all directions and was accurately received by him.

“His Royal Adier, you are finally here.”

Stepping out of the door, a handsome middle-aged elf quickly walked over and only relaxed after seeing him.

This is Andela, the patriarch of the Orris family, and Clansman, the birth mother of Adier.

“What happened?”

Gently glancing at Andela, feeling the anxiety and fear in him, Adier looked at him and asked.

Taking a deep breath, looking at Adier in front of him, Andela reluctantly calmed down, “His Royal Highness, something happened in Morning Wind City!”

Morning Wind City is a familiar and unfamiliar place to Adier today.

When he first came to Silver Fog Forest, the first city was the Morning Wind City, and there were some stories in it that made him find his biological mother and sister.

Adier quickly remembered the city, so he continued to look at Andela and motioned him to continue.

“Half a month ago, a weak earthquake started in Morning Wind City. No one paid attention at first, but a few days ago, something happened.”

“A large number of underground creatures emerged from the ground and attacked directly.”

“Morning Wind City is now lost.”

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