“Morning Wind City lost?”

Adier frowned, surprised and shocked by the sudden news.

How long has it passed?

At this point, less than a month had passed since he returned to Mason from the cursed World.

Just a few days ago, the messengers of Morning Wind City came to the capital, and even visited Adier on behalf of the sacrifice hall of Morning Wind City.

But until now, the original good Morning Wind City suddenly fell, and somehow it was occupied by the underground creatures. The changes in it were not surprising or impossible.

“What is the specific situation?”

Thinking of all these changes, Adier’s face became dignified, and couldn’t help but seriously looked towards Andela in front of him.

Looking at Adier’s solemn complexion, Andela didn’t dare to hesitate and hurriedly spoke.

It’s not complicated.

Although Morning Wind City is located on the border of the Silver Fog Forest, it has been flat for a long time. It has not encountered a decent battle for a whole hundred years, and its defense has been relaxed.

With this lax defense, it is not too surprising that the fall of Morning Wind City is faced with a large-scale assault on the underground creatures.

Adier was not surprised by this result.

The only thing he cares about at this moment is where the offensive of the underground creatures is now.

Half an hour later, after understanding the information brought by Andela, Adier hurriedly walked out of the courtyard, and after a short time he took the carriage and walked outside.

Beyond the gate, there is a straight and spacious road.

This road is specially set up for the elf aristocracy, and it is built neatly and sturdy. Usually there are few cars and horses here, so not only is it not crowded, it looks relaxed.

But at this time, the road was overcrowded. Each and everyone on the white horse elf Knight walked anxiously, and many of them had tired faces, which seemed to have been on the road for a long time.

Sitting on the carriage and observing for a while, Adier knew to himself that most of these elf Knights were messengers sent from various places.

Underground creatures began to attack aggressively. This matter could not be covered at all, and cities, and even major elf families, would surely receive news. In the end, they would always come to the king without exception.

Even Adier was too late to receive the news. After all, he was indulged in Destiny World for a long time. He did n’t pay attention to the surrounding news, and Andela needed to tell him the news himself.

King Kast and Kolar must have known the exact news at this time, and maybe they have already made corresponding strategies.

Thinking of this, Adier’s mind was slightly fixed, and his original somber complexion gradually calmed down.

Sure enough, soon after, the exact news came from the palace.

In just a few days, more than a dozen cities, including Morning Wind City, have been attacked by underground creatures, and half of them have been determined to be occupied at this time.

The same is true of Morning Wind City. This city is located on the border. Although the defense strength is stronger than other cities, it has also suffered a greater strength blow. Not only the entire city was occupied at the first time, it was even stationed in the city. The sacrificial bishop failed to escape.

In the next half of the month, various news appeared frequently, refreshing the situation again and again, so that the situation around it kept changing.

A month later.

“Is Gloria’s situation so bad?”

Sitting in the quiet courtyard, looking at the roll of white papers in his hands, Adier’s face was a little dignified.

Gloria is the leader of the Black Wizard Alliance and the inheritor of the Snake Lady Bloodline.

When Adier was at the Black Wizard Alliance, he got along well with the snake woman Bloodline. Although he left the Black Wizard Alliance, he had a previous relationship. In addition, Adier helped to make Deep Blue Exhaling Breath Medicine. There is always a certain friendship and connection between the two.

At this point, Adier was writing a letter from Gloria to Adier himself, which briefly explained the current status of the Black Wizard Alliance.

Like the Silver Fog Forest, there are also a large number of underground creature attacks in the area ruled by the Black Wizard Alliance. Just different from Silver Fog Forest, it appears on the Black Wizard Alliance side, the subject is the black dwarf kingdom of the underground world.

Similar to the surface world, the underground world is not monolithic, but divided into many forces, each with its own goals and interests, and the offensive route chosen is different.

Underground creatures attacking the Silver Fog Forest, the main body is the dark elf family. As for the areas where other forces are located, the main body strength is also different.

But at this time, Silver Fog Forest and the Black Wizard Alliance are not doing well.

The strength of the underground world is undoubtedly very strong, and the strength that has accumulated for thousands of years has exploded, and the outbreak is enough to shock any power in the Mason region.

Relying on the strength accumulated in the past, the Silver Fog Forest and the Black Wizard Alliance have survived, but they are currently struggling and feel great pressure every day.

“It’s a pity that World Stone.”

After reading the letter in his hand, thinking of the original emerald stone, Adier felt a little sorry.

At his current level, many things are no longer a secret.

When Gloria attacked the Hand of Jadeite and took the emerald stone into his hands, its usefulness is now exposed. It is to arrange a powerful Wizard Array at the headquarters of the Black Wizard Alliance to resist the attack of underground creatures.

With the Strength owned by World Stone, as long as it can be played, the Strength of this Wizard Array is not destined to be weak, which can be used to resist a large number of offensives.

Just so, I am afraid that the Strength contained in that World Stone will also shrink greatly.

Adier had previously estimated that there were at least five six hundred thousand Boundary Energy in the remaining Strength in that World Stone.

If such a terrible amount of Boundary Energy can be absorbed by him, I am afraid it will be enough to support the next evolution of the ability.

But at this point, it is impossible for the World Stone to keep that Strength.

This is also a no-brainer.

No matter how good it is, it has a life to enjoy. World Stone’s Strength is precious, but if your life is gone, it’s nothing.

“What did Your Majesty say?”

Putting down the letter in his hand, thinking of the situation in Gloria, Adier sighed, then turned and looked towards the side.

Beside him, an elf girl in a white dress, exuding grace and elegance, was sitting there. It was Adier’s wife, Edice.

She was sitting next to Adier at this moment, holding Solana who had grown up a lot in her arms. She didn’t say anything, but just looked at her husband gently without disturbing his thinking.

She didn’t speak until Adier spoke, watching Adier whisper softly.

“Father wants you to do it too.”

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