“Have you reached this point?”

Quiet room, staring calmly at the side Edice, Adier sighed softly.

As the next high priest, and even the future elf king, King’s Courtyard will not let him enter the battlefield to a certain extent.

It’s not about strength, it’s pure identity. It is like a war between the two countries. The king will definitely not appear on the battlefield until the moment of great importance.

So is Adier’s identity today. As the next high priest, the future King Moon Elf, to a certain extent, he is more important than King Kast and Kolar. Under normal circumstances, King’s Courtyard would never expect him to fight.

Now that he is going to play, the pressure on King’s Courtyard on the battlefield is also extremely great.

“When does Your Majesty let me go.”

Turning and looking towards his wife, Adier said softly.

“It’s okay within two months, but father means, the sooner the better.” Beside him, Edice looked towards his husband with anxiety, and there were unconcealable concerns in his eyes: “Actually, according to the meaning of father, you If you don’t want to go … “

“You have to go.” Adier shook his head slightly. “Your Majesty is ready to let me play too, so there must be his consideration. We don’t have to worry too much.”

He turned to look at Edice, beside him, the other side was watching her quietly, a pair of pure eyes looked very beautiful, the emotion contained in it was very moving.

And in Edice’s arms, Solana was lying quietly, already asleep at this time, her chest undulating, her breathing seemed smooth.

Reaching out Edice’s hair gently, feeling this unique touch, Adier smiled softly and made his own promise: “Trust me, I will be fine.”

“Um.” Edice gently nodded, looking at the handsome and adventurous Adier in front of him, and finally reluctantly suppressed the worry in his heart and put it at the bottom of his heart.

A month later.

On the deserted road in the wild, a gorgeous carriage is slowly moving.

The carriage Quartet is a team of elite Knights riding white horses. All of them are real Knights with Life Seed activated.

These are the classes that Adier has been taking over the past few years.

With the rich experience of Knight World, Adier is already very experienced in the rapid development of the Knight system.

With a complete set of Knight Breathing Technique as the basic disk, supplemented with a large number of Knight stimulants, you can quickly activate Life Seed, so that a Knight apprentice who originally took years to grow will grow into a real in just a few months Knight.

If Knight’s innate talent is good, even if it is Knight, then it is not impossible to promote Great Knight through a set of procedures.

Most of these 700 Knights are here.

“Are no one out yet?”

Walking at the forefront of the team, looking at the barren long road in the distance, Andela was wearing a light blue wizard robe and frowned at this moment.

As a relative of Adier, in the past few years, he has also received a lot of support from Adier. Various resources and advanced Meditation Methods have been opened to him. Therefore, he was promoted to a formal wizard a year ago and was brought by Adier this time. come out.

This time Adier’s team, in addition to his official wizard, there are two official wizards, a Metamorphosis Stage wizard, and three Azure Firmament Knights trained in these years.

However, Andela after all is the family of Adier, so on the way, without Adier asking, most of the affairs in the team are led by him.

“Sir, there’s something wrong with the front.” On the side, a middle-aged man in armor came to Andela, his face looked a little hesitant: “There are fresh traces of mana, time should not be too far away.”

Huh! !!

A sharp hissing sounded in all around, with shadows covering all around with each and everyone.

Andela raised her head subconsciously, only to find out when it was unknown that a large group of giant birds began to take off.

These giant birds are all black, but their eyes are scarlet, with a sense of death and inexplicability, as ominous as a crow who dies.

“These are …” Looking at this scene, Andela subconsciously tightens her body, the mana within the body has begun to condense, and she may shoot at any time.

“Report the dead bird.” A cold voice sounded around, although it was not loud, it sounded accurately in everyone’s ears without any delay.

Beside Andela, at some point, Adier had stepped out of the carriage, and a pair of silver eyes calmly looked at the black giant bird gathered in the distance.

“His Royal Highness!”

Andela shook her arm and said quickly: “You just have to wait in the carriage, please give us here.”

“No need.” Adier shook his head, looking at the dead birds gathered in the distance, and the silver in his eyes grew stronger: “This is a long-prepared enchantment. If you come, it can be resolved, but It’s a delay, and it just happens to fall into someone else’s plan. “

While speaking, he looked up and his whole body began to rise.

A bloody glow staggered momentarily. At first it was extremely faint, but then the rays of light flourished. It instantly blocked the black light curtain formed by the countless dead birds around it, and then cut off one by one.

boom! !

The bloody rain bloomed in the sky, accompanied by numerous birdsongs, sad and resentful, like the last roar before dying, rushing towards the minds of people around.

But next moment, a sabre light flashed through, and everything, whether it was the rain of the sky, or howling and birdsong, was all devoured and cut off by a bloody blade light, all disappeared into nothingness.

When all the surrounding noises disappeared, beside Andela, Adier calmly put away the red blood blade in his hand, and then walked towards the carriage behind him.

And all around, the white skeleton flying around, falling from the sky, flesh and blood flew away, and was thoroughly devoured by the bloody blade glow just now.

Before everyone could recover from the shock, Adier’s voice continued to ring in his ears.

“Hurry up and rush to Victorious Wind City at full speed from now on.”

“In a day, I will see what Victorious Wind City looks like.”

“Yes.” The crowd bowed, respectfully leading, without hesitation about Adier’s order.


In the carriage, Adier sat on the cushion and looked at the long knife in his hand quietly.

On the palm of his hand, a long red bloody knife quietly exudes blood light. It seems that it has just absorbed a large amount of vitality. At this time, the blade feels a bit hot, and there is a warm current flowing on it. Gushing towards Adier.

Sitting in the carriage, Adier can clearly sense his change through his powerful soul.

The blood within the body is accelerating boiling, affected by a certain Strength, and the Blood Imprint of Adier within the body is also flashing. One of the forces of Silver’s Moon Elf is accelerating and slowly becoming stronger with time.

These changes are brought by the Bloodline Blade Edge in your hand.

After devouring the full vitality of tens of thousands of dead birds in one breath, this Bloodline Blade Edge also seems to be recovering. Most of the Strength previously absorbed is stored in it, and then converted into the purest blood energy through the blade. Bloodline to nourish Adier himself.

Adier can feel that under this kind of Bloodline’s nourishment, his own Bloodline is accelerating to maturity, and the degree of Bloodline’s transformation has increased by dozens of times compared with before.

However, this growth is not without cost.

The most significant is the impact of lifespan.

While blood energy accelerates the growth of Bloodline, it also accelerates the loss of its own lifespan, and this loss is very serious.

Just in a short time of contact and ripening, Adier can feel that his lifespan has been reduced by at least a few months.

At the same time, as the strength of blood energy gradually infiltrated, Adier itself also produced many changes, and many indiscriminate and violent emotions appeared in his mind.

“It really is not a good thing.”

Shook the head, the pure and powerful soul puts out rays of light, purifies all impurities that contaminate the soul, and Adier’s face is calm: “10% of the blood energy, only 10% of it will be given to me as the Master, all others are used It ’s really greedy to nourish yourself. “

Looking at the long knife in his hand, he shook the head, and while he was alert to this, he could not help raising some research interest.

Adier is very curious about how to absorb the vitality of other organisms to transform blood energy and nourish itself while promoting Bloodline’s maturity.

This is the nature of the wizard. When encountering something interesting, I always want to try to understand and master, and Adier is no exception.

However, this is not the time to research, so Adier just created a record for the chip in his mind, mobilized some computing power for deduction, and then focused on other aspects.

For example, the current state of war in this area.

Windshield City is one of the important cities in the south of Silver Fog Forest. After the fall of many border cities, including Morning Wind City, this city is now the gateway to the south and represents a strategic thrust.

The gains and losses of this place will affect a quarter of the area controlled by King’s Courtyard in Silver Mist. Once occupied, the heart of King’s Courtyard will be directly exposed to the offensive of dark elf King’s Courtyard, with serious consequences.

Because of the importance of the city, King Kast sent Adier out, hoping to rely on his Strength to keep the city in check.

In King’s Courtyard today, not at all is more suitable than Adier.

Even if he doesn’t count most of the Strength he hides, it’s just that he is currently showing up to the apex of the Level 2 wizard, reaching a Peak level.

Counting the Moon King’s Sword in his hands, even in the entire Silver Fog Forest, even if it is King Kast, will not be Adier’s opponent now. In addition to Kolar can also beat him, the others are far worse.

It was because of this horrible strength that King Kast and Kolar were assured that Adier was dispatched, hoping to ease the pressure on the southern front.

Recommend a friend’s book “Mutu”, everyone can go to see if you have time. Words that the sky will burst

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