In the deserted wild forest, blood-stained roads meander and twist, slowly converging in a certain direction.

On the edge of a distance, a city stands there, at this time there are blue rays of light exuding.

“The killing was terrible.”

Sitting in the carriage, and seeing the blue rays of light rising from the city, Adier said softly.

Although he is still a long way from the city, here he looks very clearly.

The distant city is full of bloody air, in which strong death air rises and precipitates, and there is a chaotic and disorderly atmosphere and huge mana fluctuations in the middle.

As for the faint blue rays of light that rise around the city, it is clear that the Wizard Array, the guardian of the city, is operating at full capacity to cause this situation now.

“Fighting for two full months, these subterranean creatures are like crazy, they are desperately impacting the Wizard Array, causing great casualties to the soldiers who protect the city.”

Next to Adier, a delicate-looking elf girl was sitting quietly, listening to Adier’s words, and her face was very difficult to tell Adier: “If not, we would not ask Your Majesty for help … “

“It’s okay,” Adier said quietly, his eyes calmly looking into the distance: “Your difficulties, I understand that there is no need to think much at this crucial time.”

He looked at the girl to appease, his attitude seemed very mild.

The elf girl in front of her, named Yixis, was a messenger sent by Victorious Wind City, a student of the bishop of Victorious Wind City, and an official wizard.

As a student of a land sacrifice, Yixis has been to the capital and has seen Adier in person, so he will be selected as the ambassador for greeting.

And through this Yixis, Adier also learned some of the situation of Victorious Wind City at this time.

Very tragic.

Facing the large-scale attack of the underground creatures, but caught off guard, Victorious Wind City almost fell immediately. Fortunately, Yixis’s teacher discovered something wrong the first time, so he decisively launched the Guardian Array, which blocked the first wave of fierce offensive of the underground creatures and allowed Victorious Wind City to support it to this day.

However, the strength of Victorious Wind City was weak, supporting it all the way for three months. At this time, the situation inside was very bad. According to Yixis, even her teacher, Victorious Wind City’s resident principal priest Lince was badly damaged, and the rest The official shaman died several times in battle, which shows its severity.

If Adier didn’t arrive in time, perhaps in a few days, the city would not be able to support it, and would be directly attacked by underground creatures.

In the carriage, neither Adier nor Yixis spoke, making the surroundings quiet for a while, only the surrounding horseshoes faintly discernable.

Adier lifted his head, silver’s eyes looked towards the distance, it seemed to be able to penetrate the isolation of space, and looked at the city in the distance.

As for beside him, feeling the calmness in the carriage, Yixis moved a little uncomfortably, and then he couldn’t help looking at Adier in front of him, staring at him sternly.

“looking at what?”

I don’t know how long it passed, a gentle and quiet voice sounded.

Looking back, Adier turned calmly and looked towards Yixis.

“Nothing …” Yixis turned and looked towards the side, without facing Adier.

Shook the head, this reaction to Yixis, Adier has become accustomed, just quietly: “Be prepared.”

“Coming soon.”

As the words fell, he looked up, his eyes staring deep into the city far away.

Under the distant city, a burst of black breath was rising and rising, entraining the bloody air that was inseparable, and the stench of the underground creatures.

The two Strengths were fighting, and Adier and the others came by very unfortunately, and they encountered the attack of underground creatures, and the attack was exactly the direction they were going to enter.

“However, it may not be exactly the same. Depending on the number of these underground creatures, it may be directly from the siege from all sides.” Looking at the scene on the battlefield in the distance, Adier muttered.

The scene in front of me is terrifying.

Under the city’s city wall, countless underground creatures are desperately attacking in it, including orcs, dwarves, and demons, as well as many demonized beasts with low IQ.

There is no warfare and no formation. These underground creatures rushed towards the city wall in such a crazy way, each and everyone was not afraid of death at all, and rushed forward in a frenzy, without caring about the casualties at all.

According to Adier, at this time, the corpses and various debris under the city wall had accumulated to a very high level, almost half of the city wall.

“Where do we need any warfare, such a horrible amount, even a pile can kill people.”

Seeing such a horrific scene in the distance, Adier sighed softly.

This is also the characteristics of the underground creatures.

There are a large number of demonized beasts in the underground world. These demonized beasts are not weak, but they are extremely powerful in reproduction. In the underground world, it can be said that there are as many as required.

The dark elf kingdom happens to be one of the few who have the power to drive the mystery of the demonized beast. Therefore, every time you go to battle, you can directly send a large number of demonized beast fodder and other slave races to attack.

Relatively speaking, Silver Mist elf is at a complete disadvantage in this regard.

The elf family has low reproductive ability and long growth period. Coupled with the silver mist elf’s remoteness, thousands of years of calm and ease, has already made the Silver Fog Forest’s Strength decline, it can not be compared with the dark elf.

If it weren’t for Silver Fog Forest, Silver’s Fog King’s Courtyard has a natural location. I’m afraid it can’t be stopped at this time.

the thoughts got to this point, Adier shook his head again and gained a better understanding of the strength of the underground world.

“His Highness, the underground creatures in front are under siege!” In front, Andela’s voice came.

There is still some distance to Victorious Wind City, but at this time the forward horse has returned, and he will tell the situation to Andela and the others.

“I know.”

Adier’s face remained the same, and his expression did not fluctuate at all: “Don’t worry about those underground creatures, we rush in.”

“Rush straight?” Outside Carriage, listening to this order, Andela and several wizards beside him looked at each other in dismay, and he seemed hesitant for a moment.

It was not long before Andela hesitated nodded: “Yes.”

As the order was issued, the accompanying Knight was silent.

Someone was panicking, but due to good training and discipline in the past, none of these Knights said anything, but just silently prepared to try to adjust their status to the best.

Then, at about the same distance, they started accelerating and were ready to charge.

As the steed hissed, the huge shadows in the distance gradually became clear, and the huge lineup of underground creatures began to show.

Despite the absolute advantage in numbers, the subterranean organisms are not completely unprepared.

At the outer periphery, there are layers of ferocious magic beasts. As Knight’s charge began to wake up, each and everyone raised his head, and his fierce eyes looked in the direction of Adier.

For this line of defense, Adier not at all started.

In front of these Knights, although he didn’t train too hard, anyway, it took months of energy. Every member of the entire Knight group is the Knight who has activated Life Seed, of which the Great Knight is not a few, even in the Mason area, it is also the top Knight group.

If it is a formal wizard such as Andela resident in the Knight regiment, the strength of the Knight regiment can already be compared with the full strength of Prince Elf.

With such a strong Strength, facing this layer of defense composed of huge magic beasts, it was very easy to break into it. Apart from a few bad luck ghosts leaving the way, there was not much hindrance to the forward speed.

After passing through this layer of obstacles, to the 2nd floor, the shadows rose up, which blocked the field of vision while also carrying great danger.

These shadowy breaths are highly corrosive. As long as ordinary people touch them, they will be corroded immediately. The whole body and white bones will be turned into ashes, leaving no residue.

These are the effects caused by the Wizard Array. The dark elf wizard in the underground world also mastered the powerful Wizard Array and arranged directly on the periphery of the battlefield to form the second line of defense.

Faced with these, Andela and several other sorcerers were coldly snorted, and they started to work together.

A bright blue shimmer lit up, with ripples.

The next moment, a huge storm swept through the place, blowing away all the shadows and mists, leaving only debris and dust from one place.

“somebody is coming!”

The moment the Wizard Array was cracked by Andela and the others, on the battlefield ahead, a dark elf wizard in black clothed turned back, just seeing the chaos behind the line of defense, and the white horse that was clearly visible.

Looking at the strong wildebeest, and Knight behind that wildebeest, the dark elf wizard stunned: “Only these people?”

Looking at the scene of the 700 Knight’s charge in front of him, he was a little unsure to himself.

The 700 knights in front of him are indeed powerful. Although there is no close contact and do not understand the specific Strength, but the ability to break the two previous defense lines can prove that these knights are not weak.

But no matter how strong it is, if it rushes directly into the army like this, the result will be doomed.

The demonized beasts here are not thousands, but tens of thousands, plus a large number of slave Legion and dark elf wizards. Their strength is very strong and indescribable. Even if they are 700 knights, most of them are real. Knight couldn’t crush his army.

The thoughts flashed through his mind, and before he could clear his head, the scene in front of him changed.

Ahead, Knight on the charge began to gradually emit a light green light. Life Seed was fully activated at this moment and entered the stage of life explosion.

And among them, there is a little half covered in pale white Battle Qi, with a terrifying blade in his hand.

“It’s all real Knight !!”

Looking at the scene in front of me, a dark elf sorcerer observing in the heart jumped, and an unpleasant premonition emerged from his heart.

Before he could react, in the center of the seven hundred Knights, a more magnificent light began to flash.

This is the first chapter. The author is eating out now. The second chapter should be around ten thirty.

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