On the city wall outside Victorious Wind City, rays of light bloomed for a while.

In the distance, there are tens of thousands of demonized beasts standing and roaring, and the huge breath slowly gathers under the combination of a Wizard Array to form a huge silhouette of several hundred meters high.

The silhouette has three heads, one of which looks like Celestial Hound, one looks like a swift tauren, and the last one is chaotic and invisible, standing in the center of the body like an abyss demon, with bloodthirsty and violent light blooming in the eyes, Suddenly looked towards Adier.


Looking at the changes in the distance, Adier laughed: “With the strength and strength of countless demonized beasts, and the traction of the tens of thousands of demonized beasts, the Strength that was forcibly condensed by the Wizard Array has reached Level 2 Wizard’s At the top. “

“Even if the Strength accumulation of these tens of thousands of demonized beasts is counted, even if a real Level 2 Peak comes here, most of them will be consumed here in two or three times.”


At the end, he sighed lightly, an emerald mark on his forehead was shining, and the part of Strength originally suppressed by the emerald mark began to be unsealed and returned to Adier.

The endless moonlight is flashing. At the heart of Adier, a shiny silver rune is flashing. After absorbing a large amount of Moon Elf’s power, it burst out at this moment.

Light, endless light is blooming, and then condensing.

At this moment, under the eyes of countless people’s horror, a cloud of silver moon fierce condensed on the sky, and there was a bright light flashing on it.

Under the traction of a certain air machine, the silver moon continued to shine, and then slowly fell, like a strongest and heaviest mountain, and suddenly hit the three-headed phantom.

bang! roar!!

The endless light shone, with a cry of wild beast before he died.

In the carriage, Yixis stared at this scene with wide eyes, watching the silver moon fall, and then slammed into the countless magic beasts.

Yueyao! !!

Shrouded in brilliance, the power of the huge Moon Elf erupts at this moment. The holy and sacred, bright and pure, gentle and shy Strength now illuminates the entire earth, and forcibly smashes the huge Wizard composed of tens of thousands of magic beast Array makes the boss of the city wall that was originally surrounded.

No, not only that!

Within the carriage, Yixis stared wide-eyed and looked towards below the city wall.

There, countless magic beasts are mourning, and the flesh and blood on their bodies is withering, as if some kind of mysterious Strength is pulling, all the flesh and blood on these magic beasts are taken away, leaving only the white bones in one place.

This mysterious and overbearing method made Yixis, the official wizard, can’t help but widen his eyes, and looked towards Adier’s eyes full of awe.

For the first time, she realized so clearly how terrifying the Strength was on her side.

“how come!!”

Under the distant city wall, at the moment when the Wizard Array was demolished, a dark elf wizard with a dark complexion and a simple black clothed eyes widened, and then several wounds suddenly appeared on his body. Cracked.

This is the backlash caused by the forcible destruction of the Wizard Array. As the strongest Wizard Array here, he is the core node of this Wizard Array, so after the Wizard Array is destroyed, some of them will backlash through the chain reaction and will instantly Penetrating into him was unavoidable.

It was only an instant that he was severely wounded. Most of the strength that could have briefly met the Level 2 wizard was destroyed, and in a short time it almost became a waste.

But at this time, he couldn’t care about that many, with gray eyes staring at the boss, his face was shocked: “Why, just for a moment, Wizard Array was broken.”

“This is definitely not a Level 2 wizard, or even a Level 3 wizard. Only a strong Strength like the High Priest can break through the Wizard Array in an instant.”

The thought flashed through my mind, and the dark elf wizard coughed a deep black blood again, but his eyes became brighter and brighter: “Moon King’s Sword !!”

In the face of Strength displayed by Adier at this time, he obviously misunderstood something. He mistakenly believed that the reason why Adier could have Strength at this time was all because of Moon King’s Sword.

However, it is no wonder that he would think so. After all, Adier’s strength that has been shown before is only about Level’s all around that’s all.

Even in the presence of King Kast and Kolar and the others, he only showed Level 2 Peak, which is about to reach Level 3 strength.

For this, it’s not that Adier wants to hide, but that his progress is too horrible.

How many years have passed since the Metamorphosis Stage Wizard to the Level 3 Wizard?

However, it is three or four years. For ordinary wizards, it may be a complicated experiment, but Adier has made him a Metamorphosis Stage wizard to the level of today’s Level 3 Peak.

This terrifying speed cannot be explained by Adier.

In fact, even just the progress he has shown is enough to make Kolar and the others exclaim Monster.

“This … is it really a Strength that a Level 2 Wizard can have?”

Looking at the horrifying scene of horrible bones in the distance, sitting in the carriage, Yixis was also a little dumbfounded and some couldn’t believe it.

She was the only person to meet Adier face to face.

Because of this, she clearly saw the whole process of Adier’s shot. From beginning to end, not at all took out Moon King’s Sword.

Thinking of this, she looked towards the Adier in front of her, just in contact with the sight that Adier looked into.

The two eyes crossed each other, and Yixis immediately lowered his head, his mind became blank until Adier’s voice sounded again.


Looking at Yixis’ bowed head, Adier said softly, “It’s time to enter the city.”

As the words fell, he stepped down from the carriage, holding the Bloodline Blade Edge in his hand, and walked forward.

At this point, after the witchcraft raids of several formal wizards, the corpses and debris that had obstructed the road ahead had been cleared, leaving only a clean and spacious road.

Around, Adier’s breath slowly spread, and a deep Bloodline majesty spread to you, in conjunction with the power of Moon Elf, which had not completely spread out, to expel the remaining magic beasts around.

In front, a silver door slowly opened, a white robe with red hair ornaments on her head, and a unique and quiet elf woman walked up from the city gate and came with a group of elf dancers. In front of Adier.

In front of Adier, they slowly knelt down, keeping one knee on their knees, and said hello to Adier, “Welcome, Your Highness Adier.”

“Prince Lince.” Looking at the elf female in white robes, Adier gently nodded, with a smile on her face, “Long time no see.”

The voice fell, and a gentle Spirit force, like a breeze, passed over the people, causing an upward force in an instant, lifting up many elfs who were originally kneeling on the ground.

“This is not a place to talk.”

Adier turned around, looking at the magic beast everywhere, and a large number of dark elf troops: “Go in.”

“Come here this time and I want to know a lot.”

“Yes, obey your will.” Lince nodded, looking at Adier respectfully, slowly leading him forward.

After a while, they walked into the city and, upon Adier’s request, came to the city wall.

“It’s really terrible.”

Came to the city wall, watching the troops stationed in the city, Adier sighed lightly.

In front of his eyes, the elf warrior wearing the emerald elf armor patrolled the city wall. All around came from time to time. While all around was carrying various materials, he was also responsible for cleaning the surrounding garbage and debris.

It’s just that under the influence of Adier, these people are very weak. Even the miscellaneous auxiliary soldiers are not required, but the elf guards wearing armor, the breath of each and everyone is only the degree of ordinary person, not even trained by Knight.

These are just Knight, and the situation is equally grim for wizards.

After two months of fighting, the Victorious Wind City Wizard ’s Strength has almost been exhausted, and his mana has been overdrawn, leaving only the pure Strength to fight with others.

Even Lince, the Victorious Wind City’s strongest Metamorphosis Stage wizard, is not only full of mana, but also has many serious injuries on his body, but his appearance is invisible.

“In the previous battles, the underground creatures arranged a blocked Wizard Array to lock up the energy particles in this area. Our mana cannot be restored by meditation. We can only rely on absorbing magic stones to restore the Strength.”

Seeing the doubts in Adier’s mind, Lince said: “However, the Wizard Array guarding the city wall also needs a lot of magic stones, so in the two months, without the follow-up supplies, our Strength are all It’s exhausted. “

“You’ve done a good job.” Adier nodded affirmed, then waved slightly.

On his body, a little silver moonlight flickered, followed by Adier’s action, poured directly into Lince’s body.

“This is …” Lince froze, watching Adier’s actions, subconsciously trying to avoid, but in the end did nothing.

As Yuehua poured into her body, a bit of warm Strength instantly poured into her heart, slowly nourishing her injuries, and even faintly boiling her Bloodline, feeling the opportunity for transformation.

“This is the power of the moon god!” Feeling this feeling from her body, she finally realized what she was shouting subconsciously.

“Good.” Adier nodded.

This is the strength of Luna baptism, and also a unique ability of Moon Elf Bloodline.

Even in the ancient times when powerhouses were everywhere, the power of Moon Elf is also very famous. If you bathe Moon Elf for a long time, you can not only understand the various negative states on your body, but also get baptism and strengthen your own soul qualification.

The only drawback is that this baptism consumes too much Strength. Each baptism requires a lot of time to recover.

However, Adier’s baptism is better this time.

He didn’t fully baptism for Lince, he just cured her injury, so the Strength consumed was not much, and it could still support it.

“Baptism with the power of these Moon Elf, your injury should soon heal.”

Looking at Lince with a surprise on his face, Adier opened the mouth and said: “By the way, during this time, you can count the losses of various families and the list of fighters who have performed well in the past two months. “

“For these people, in addition to the usual compensation, I will perform an additional baptism for them in recognition of their achievements.”

This is to win over the local families.

Adier came to Victorious Wind City this time to suppress the dark elf army outside the city.

But before this can be achieved, the various forces in the city must be soothed and unified as much as possible.

In normal times, these local families have their own ideas, to some extent they are each and everyone independent forces, and at some times they are opposed to King’s Courtyard and openly oppose the decree. But at this time, these people are also heroes.

Victorious Wind City can survive to this day without the support of these families, and therefore, as a representative of King’s Courtyard, Adier more or less also needs to express his attitude in order to unite as much Strength as possible.

Uh, a little late. But it ’s okay to break out, so I ’ll have another chapter later. I ’ll try to update it before two.

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