In the spacious quiet room, the silhouette of each and everyone elf sits in it, each wearing a plain white sacrifice robe, at this time with eyes closed and silent oaths, it looks dignified.

This is a very spacious church. It was supposed to be the place where Lince, the priest, was usually stationed. Now, after Adier’s arrival, it has been temporarily embezzled and temporarily used for the residence of Adier and his followers.

The faint sound of music came from all directions of the church, and the gentle and gentle song of the elf girl was softly whispering. It came through the vibration of the wall around all around, adding a little more mystery and mystery.

In the surroundings, a little silver light was gradually shining, a sacred, peaceful and warm light enveloped the whole church, covering all the bodies of everyone present.

Under the influence of this Strength, everyone feels warm all over, as if returning to the state when they were not born, the peace and peace of the mind are unprecedented, and the slight distortion caused by the two-month-long assassination has also been stroked. Flat, all repercussions are completely eliminated.

This ceremony was held for a long time, and it was not until a few hours later that the ceremony was gradually darkened before the ceremony was declared over.

“Stop here.”

The music stopped gradually, and in the center of the church Adier’s voice lightly sounded.

He stood up from where he was, looking at the dozens of people sitting around, with a smile on his face: “In recognition of your merits, tonight I have a rich banquet for you. Things, now it is over. “

As the voice fell, each and everyone elf opened his eyes and stepped back from the unique state before, a little bit lost.

Among them, there are young and old, male and female, Knight and wizard, most of them are native wizards or the Knight family was born, they have certain innate talent and Strength, so they can be active on the battlefield, even Seen by Lince.

Of course, there are also some people who are relatives of those killed in the war.

Although some people were brave in battle, they died because of bad luck or too strong rush. For these people, rewards are also required, but the rewards that originally belong to them will be passed on to these children or other relatives.

Of course, Adier also knows that among these dozens of people, if it is impossible to say without the slightest problem, a considerable number of people who have made contributions must be ignored, and even some of these people are full of water. It is a backward path, and even enters here with the merits of others.

But for these, Adier doesn’t care too much.

Fairness in the world is the most difficult to measure. After all is a wizard, it is impossible to manage everything.

What he can guarantee is that his commitment is valid.

Thinking of this, he turned and looked towards the Quartet.

All around, each and everyone elf looked respectfully to Adier saluted, and then led by the sacrifice, slowly retreated in order, and walked towards the banquet hall outside the church.

In that hall, in addition to these people, Adier also banqueted some local nobles, ready to take this opportunity to deal with these local forces and prepare for the next integration.

He felt his forehead and waited until everyone had gone out before he turned around and walked towards the outside banquet hall.

Outside at this time, a bunch of people were already waiting there.

As the actions continued, several days passed quickly.

In the past few days, while the underground creatures have not yet fully reacted, Adier has led his Knights several times to take the initiative, each time they have made a lot of gains and obtained many results.

Unfortunately, this World is not a stand-alone game. It is impossible to only allow you to hit others, and others have not yet done anything.

After discovering that Adier’s strength was beyond imagination, the commander outside Victorious Wind City was decisive and directly dispersed the originally gathered troops instead of siege. Instead, he retreated to the remaining cities, waiting for follow-up support from the underground world. .

The dark elf gave up the siege, and the news quickly spread throughout the Victorious Wind City, which made Adier’s reputation reach its peak.

But in the face of the situation, Adier felt more trouble.

Dark elf’s army retreated too decisively.

With his strength, if the dark elf’s army gathers together, give him a certain time, and sooner or later, they can destroy these dark elf.

But when these dark elfs chose to retreat, and even dispersed to various places, things became more troublesome.

Of course, it’s just trouble.

“Since you want to delay time, let it go slowly.”

In a quiet room, looking at the information on his hand, Adier shook his head, then picked up another letter from the desk on the side.

This is a secret letter sent to him by King Kast. The content is to let Adier preside over the relocation as soon as possible and relocate the residents of Victorious Wind City.

In addition, King Kast also asked Adier to hold for at least three months in order to allow time for other elf gathering places to move behind.

“Are you ready for a decisive battle under the King?”

Putting down the letter in his hand, thinking about the actions of elf King’s Courtyard, Adier thought.

As the successor of the next generation of elf King’s Courtyard, King’s Courtyard did not hide Adier from many actions.

From these actions, Adier can also speculate on the plans of King Kast and Kolar.

Relocate all elf and supplies around Silver Fog Forest, place them in a safe place, and then force Dark elf to fight in the Silver Mist King.

This is a dignified approach, and it is also the best way to take advantage of Silver Mist King’s Courtyard.

Among the Silver Mist Kings, the entire Silver Fog Forest is the strongest and most powerful guardian of the Wizard Array, and there are two powerful wizards, King Kast and Kolar, whose defense strength is extremely strong.

Placing the decisive battle place in the King of Silver Mist will not only prevent the already weak Strength from becoming more dispersed, but also maximize the geographical advantage.

Similarly, if the dark elf kingdom wants to destroy Silver Mist King’s Courtyard, it is necessary to capture the Silver Mist King, otherwise even if other cities occupy more, it will not be able to defeat Silver Mist King’s Courtyard.

And Adier’s current task is to block the forces of the dark elf kingdom from Victorious Wind City to make adequate preparations for the rear elf’s migration.

“Three months?”

Standing up from where I was, feeling this deadline, Adier felt at no pressure at all: “There should be no problem.”

If it is just these strengths on the surface of dark elf, let alone three months, even three years, Adier will not have any problems.

After all, his true strength is the limit of Level 3. Under ordinary circumstances, let alone the army of the dark elf kingdom, even if the high priest of the dark elf kingdom took the shot himself, there was nothing he could do.

However, since dark elf is so crazy attacking Silver Fog Forest, most of them will have a backhand.

After all, with the strength they now show, it is impossible to break through the Silver Mist King guarded by the King Wizard Array.

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