On a barren plain, a magnificent altar stands here, with shadows and black breath rising, gradually gathering into a huge horrible silhouette.

This silhouette looks very tall, covered with a black body, neither seeing the face nor catching the exact breath. Only the unique Strength fluctuations are unforgettable, and the instinct feels depression and fear.

“Welcome to you, Emperor of Shadows, Guardian of the Nine Demon Lord, Lord Arlan!”

Looking at the huge silhouette that appeared in front of him, Luciu smiled, looked at the huge silhouette in front of him, and bowed saluted.

“you are···”

Stepping out of the altar, the huge silhouette seems to be a little unclear, and hesitating to stand still.

It wasn’t until a while, with the continuous supply of sacrifice around him, that his consciousness gradually became clear, and the eyes of a pair of scarlets lit up, with an evil and violent atmosphere.

“I’m Luciu, the high priest of the dark elf kingdom.”

Luciu is not surprised at Arlan’s reaction. He still keeps that humble smile on his face, watching Allan’s self-introduced in front of him.

“The high priest of the dark elf kingdom.” Gently glanced at Luciu, the eyes of Arlan scarlet put a lot of pressure on him: “The strength is pretty good.”

“You have won the prize.” Luciu respectfully responded: “I don’t know His Excellency Arlan, remember the original agreement.”

“Agree? Of course I remember.” Arlan’s black gas was shaking around, as if talking: “Do you want my Strength?”

“Good,” Luciu respectfully said.

In front of Arlan, this is the spirit of this dark elf kingdom’s attack on Silver Mist King’s Courtyard.

This is an existence originating from the underground world. Its existence is very long. It already existed when the dark elf kingdom had not been established.

At first, the dark elf family was enslaved by Heart Seizing Devil, and they were able to rise afterwards.

There is no doubt that this is a Level 3 wizard far beyond, at least also a Level 4 wizard, and this can only exist until thousands of years have passed.

Of course, despite its strength, according to thousands of years of investigations in the dark elf kingdom, the true body of this Lord Arlan is not in the first layer of the underground world, but at a deeper level, and even the body is still mostly in the In the seal, this had to rely on the strength of the dark elf kingdom to hold a sacrifice for him to supplement the strength.

The underground world is a huge world, and its area is much larger than the surface world.

In the ancient times, the underground world discovered by ancient wizards had dozens of layers, and each layer was extremely wide, and could accommodate countless lives to reproduce in it.

Although dark elf lives in the underground world, most of them are only located in the First Layer that’s all of the underground world.

The current Arlan is obviously from the deeper level of the underground world, and is itself in a heavy seal.

If this is not the case, dark elf would not dare to engage with these powerhouses, and even actively negotiate a deal with them to restore the strength for them.

“I’m probably clear about your situation.”

In front of me, staying in place for a while, Arlan was enveloped in a dark atmosphere, leaving only a pair of scarlet eyes, no specific shape: “But here is the world on the surface, which is too far away from my body Far away, if you want me to make a shot, I’m afraid it will be very difficult … “

He looked at Luciu in front of him, and Andrew and the others, and said with a hint.

Luciu naturally knew what Arlan meant, so he took a step forward, with the brightest and most respectful smile on his face: “Please rest assured that the price of your shot this time is all supported by us. And in Afterwards, the entire world ’s souls can be cleansed by you. ”

“That being the case, I agree.” The indifferent voice sounded around, and then the scene in front of me began to change.

Under the gaze of Andrew and Luciu and the others, under the sacrifice in front of me, the pool of black liquid began to burn autonomously, and the silhouettes one by one emerged, his face crooked and distorted.

It didn’t take long for all of these faces to disappear, and then the black liquid in the pool was completely burned, leaving only a black crystal, lying quietly in the middle of the altar.

The crystal was black all over, and it looked crystal clear and beautiful, as pure as the most perfect black gemstone. At this moment, it was lying on the altar so quietly.

“This is my voucher. When you need my Strength, use the voucher to call out my avatar.”

“Of course, provided you are ready to call for the price I need.”

The sound slowly oscillated in the air, slowly passed to everyone’s ears, and then finally disappeared, leaving only the black crystal in place, still lying on the altar.

After all the natural phenomena disappeared, Luciu looked up and walked forward slowly, picking up the black crystal on the altar and setting it aside.

“Really want to summon this demon?”

Behind him, Andrew hesitated.

“Why not?” Luciu calmly said: “Our strength is not enough to directly break through the Guardian Array of the Silver Mist King Capital. Since this is the case, give something, please ask this devil to shoot, what’s the problem?”

“It’s too costly,” Andrew frowned. “We came to the underground world so as not to completely occupy this fertile land, so that the dark elf can escape from the underground world and live and settle in this land. “

“But if we let the demon shoot, let’s not say that the price he has to pay once is the consequences of his shot, and we may not be able to bear it.”

He frowned: “We came to the surface of the World for the intact land, not for the ruins.”

“Your worries do have some truth, but you don’t have to worry too much.” On the side, listening to Andrew’s words, Luciu was also nodded: “However, as far as you can think, I can understand as well as your father.”

“The price of this devil’s request is indeed greater, but as long as we can finally capture this beautiful land, everything is worth it.”

“As for the damage caused by the demon’s shot, don’t worry too much.”

Luciu’s face gradually became indifferent: “It’s just the creatures, but if this devil is still thinking about the idea of ​​this land, we naturally have a way to send him home!”

He was coldly said, apparently not completely reassured by the demon god Arlan.

This is no wonder.

In the history of dark elf, it is not that this demon hasn’t been summoned, and the nature of this devil has long enough understood.

This is a greedy demon, and every time the avatar of this demon is summoned, the avatar will definitely depend on not leaving, and it will not be a good thing to not swallow all the surrounding life.

If that’s the case, it’s fine. After all, the dark elf invaded the Silver Fog Forest, so it wouldn’t care much about the life and death of the silver mist elf, and even wished that the same people on the surface would die more, so that the dark elf could have more space and space.

But the real seriousness lies in the greed of this demon.

With this devil’s character, after coming to the surface World, the land under his feet will not let go, he will devour the element nodes of the earth under his feet, making this originally fat land gradually barren.

This is what the dark elf kingdom can’t bear.

What’s the reason to work so hard to escape the underground world? It is not to occupy a land rich in elemental particles, so as to get rid of the harsh environment of the underground world.

However, if this demon is engaged in such a way, I am afraid that half of the Silver Fog Forest will be destroyed, and directly from the good land suitable for the growth of high-energy creatures, it will become an ordinary place for mortals to live.

This is naturally not allowed by dark elf.

Thinking of this, Luciu’s face gradually became indifferent, glanced at the altar in front of him, and then walked to Andrew’s side.


Standing next to Andrew, he looked up and looked towards somewhere in the distance: “The things that should be prepared are all ready, and it’s time that we get on the field.”

“Kolar, my old friend, it’s time to meet you.”

He murmured in the distance, not knowing what he thought of, and his expression became colder.



A few days later, in a courtyard, listening to Andela’s poster, Adier stunned.

“Yes.” In front of Adier, Andela said respectfully: “The dark elf high priest personally sent a letter of challenge to Lord Kolar and asked Lord Kolar to fight outside the city.”

“Teacher he promised?” Adier frowned, looking back at Andela.

“No.” Andela shook her head. “Master Kolar sent the letter directly without the slightest challenge.”

Listen here, Adier is nodded.

This is the normal choice.

The wizard is not a fighting freak. Kolar itself is an elf high priest. In the current situation, it is impossible to keep the good Wizard Array unattended, but he has to run outside the city to fight against the dark elf high priest.

Staying in the city and relying on the Wizard Array on the city wall is the most correct choice at present.

“But this time, I am afraid that it is not too far away from the time when Dark elf launched his main attack.”

Standing up from the ground, feeling a Dao Aura outside the city, Adier flashed this thought in his mind.

The dark elf’s army has already gone outside the city. During this time, it has tried several times to attack the city wall, but in the end, it was no exception. It was directly defeated by the Wizard Array, the guardian of the Silver Mist King, and there were no waves.

This is also normal.

The Wizard Array of the Silver Mist King City is arranged by the last King Moon Elf in ancient times. Once the Strength engraved in it erupts, it is comparable to the Level 4 wizard.

Even now, after thousands of years, part of the Wizard Array has begun to wear out, but under the auspices of Kolar, a Level 3 wizard, it also has a strong Strength. Unless it is a real Level 4 wizard, it is impossible to be A head-on break.

Because of this, those dark elfs wanted Kolar to take the initiative to get out of the city to avoid the losses caused by the frontal siege.

But up to now, since this road doesn’t work, then there is only the last choice left on the dark elf side.

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