“it has started.”

On the spacious and majestic city wall, feeling the vibration of the surrounding earth, Adier squinted looking towards the distance, faintly opened the mouth and said.

Outside the city wall, a black enchanted enchantment has been set up. Among them, a large number of enchanted beasts are going crazy, covering the unique black viciousness of the underground creatures, and constantly facing towards the elf in the rear City wall came.

In fact, the threat of these demonized beasts is not great.

The huge city wall that stands on the periphery of the city is the first obstacle. In the chaotic way of these demonized beasts, it is a huge problem to climb the city wall, let alone to guard the city wall. What damage was caused.

The only purpose of these enchanted beasts is to consume the Strength that guards the Wizard Array, and to deposit a lot of debris under the city wall, or their own bodies.

Over time, the debris piled up under the city wall will become thicker and thicker, until it finally accumulates to the height of the city wall, it is time for the slave troops to come on the field.

This process lasted for half a month.

Standing on the city wall, Adier watched the dark elf siege outside the city wall, but not at all reacted in the slightest.

This war may be difficult for others, and may not even be sure that they can win, including King Kast and Kolar.

But for Adier, the end of this war, if not too much of a surprise, is actually doomed from the beginning.

Kolar alone is okay to say, but today Adier is already a wizard who has reached the limit of Level 3. On the strength of the championship, he can’t find any rivals at all.

This strength is the best guarantee. If you actively collide with the entire dark elf kingdom, you may not win, but if you just want to defend the city, there is absolutely no problem.

What’s more, in addition to his Strength, there is Moon King’s Sword.

Although Adier has never actively used Moon King’s Sword since the Bloodline trial, in fact, the strength of this magic weapon cannot be ignored by anyone.

Holding this magic weapon with the ultimate strength of Level 3, even if the real Level 4 appears, Adier can compete with it, let alone these people in front of it.

In fact, to this day, the reason why he has not shot, is just waiting for the dark elf to make a move, proactively revealing his layout that’s all.

“I didn’t expect it to turn out like this.”

Standing on the city wall, Adier heard footsteps from behind him, and the fatly discernable heavy breath.

Behind Adier, a handsome elf in armor came from behind Adier, wearing a light silver elf long sword on his waist.

Behind this elf, several elf wearing sacrifice robes followed him, among them there were a few acquaintances of Adier.

“His Royal Highness Adier …” A soft voice sounded around him, appearing soft.

“Kulu much …” Adier turned back, looking at the handsome young man behind him, and his complexion suddenly seemed a little complicated: “Why are you.”

Standing in front of Adier, Kulu seemed a little silent, but still said, “I’m sorry, I have to have such a reason.”

Kulu Duo, this is a very famous name in the Silver Fog Forest, and enjoys a high reputation and status in the mind of silver fog elf.

He was the eldest son of King Kast and the most favorable heir to the original throne. It was only because mother was born too low, and King Kast didn’t like him that made inheritance ultimately fall on Edice.

In the past few years, Adier has also interacted with him and appreciates his talents and talents.

“In your character, even if the right to inheritance is taken away, you won’t reach this point.”

Looking at Kulu, Adier said softly, “Someone forced you?”

“Don’t say anything.” Without knowing what was happening, Kuludu’s face gradually became indifferent: “Adier, surrender.”

“I know your strength is far more than those on the surface, but in your current state, how much Strength can you leave?”

“The water of the deep spring is not so delicious. Even if you are close to a Level 3 wizard now, as long as you drink this, you will still lose most of the Strength in a short time.”

The voice dropped, Adier’s expression did not change, but his eyes shifted silently, looking towards Kulu.

Next to Kulu, a young girl in a green coat stood there a little uneasy. At this moment, facing Adier’s gaze, she lowered her head a little.

That’s Yixis, just like Kulu, and one of Adier’s few close people in the Silver Fog Forest.

During the half-year of Victorious Wind City, Yixis had been dedicated to assisting various matters beside Adier. Therefore, over time, he also gained the trust of Adier and was responsible for taking care of Adier’s daily life.

Looking at the situation at hand, it is clear that not only Kulu is too much, but even Yixis has been countered by the other party. This can secretly put the food with the medicine in front of Adier.

Seeing Yixis’s expression of bowing his head in shame, Adier’s gaze shifted, and she continued to look towards Kulu and many others.

A total of eight people, in addition to Kulu and Yixis, a few are also known to Adier, but did not expect to meet in this way at this time.

“Although it is here, I still want to ask.”

Sighed lightly, looking at Kulu in front of him, Adier still opened the mouth and said, “What are you doing this for?”

Faced with his inquiry, Kulu expressed silence and did not respond positively.

On the other hand, Yixis opened his mouth: “The dark elf high priest promised that as long as we surrender and send you out, we are willing to let the countless elf civilians behind the king …”

“Just for that?” Adier listened for a moment, listening to this answer.

He had thought about why Kulu and Yixis and the others betrayed King’s Courtyard of Silver Mist, perhaps for power or strength, and the only reason I didn’t expect was this.

For the safety of the local civilians, he actively offered out his important Strength. This behavior gave Adier a full sense of sight.

“You do not understand!”

Seeming to be partially aware of Adier’s thoughts, Yixis turned pale, with despair in his eyes: “You don’t understand how terrible the Strength of those underground creatures is.”

“That’s the absolutely terrible Strength. With our Strength, we can’t stop it!”

“Because you can’t stop it, so you choose to surrender?” In the distance, a voice suddenly sounded.

At this moment, Kulu was shocked, his eyes widened, and he looked fiercely towards a certain distance.

In that direction, a middle-aged elf wearing a silver robe with a strong majesty was standing there, and the fluctuations in his mana were enough to shock people.

He stood there, as firm and firm as a mountain, his eyes staring at Kuludo now, his face full of disappointment.

“father ···”

Looking at this silhouette, after a long silence, Kulu still spoke, with a strong bitterness in his words.

“You are still the same as before.” Looking at Kulu, King Kast directly yelled: “As weak as your mother, there is no courage and responsibility!”

“I …” In the face of King Kast, Kulu felt a bit more painful, his mouth opened, and he seemed to want to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

But at this time, he had no time to say anything.

Because in front of him, a horrible Strength had been depressed, turned into a silver giant in the air, and suddenly took a picture of them.

boom! !

The violent Strength erupted and smashed several holes in the city wall.

Just a few moments, several more people in Kulu spit out blood, and they were instantly invaded by countless energy particles, eroding their mana within the body, causing them to explode with intense pain.

“Fight back!”

In front of him, the voice of King Kast came and stood next to Kulu. He looked angrily at the son who fell to the ground, his face full of anger: “I have the ability to betray, why can’t I do it!”

The words fell, a silver suddenly fell, and fiercely hit Kulu’s head.

“His Royal Highness!” Seeing this, Yixis issued cry out in surprise, and subconsciously wanted to go up to help, but the magic of within the body was completely suppressed, and no matter how hard he could, he could not use a spell.

She watched King Kast’s hand fall, and the silver light slammed down quickly, swinging with huge mana.

This is the wrathful blow of King Kast, without any reservation at all. Strength near the limit of Level 2 broke out, not to mention that there are many Kulus. Even a real Level 2 wizard can barely stop it. Killed instantly.

But in the end, the blow didn’t fall completely.

Because at the last moment, an arm suddenly extended from one side. At the moment when silver light was about to focus on Kulu, he immediately grasped the hand of King Kast.

Feeling the huge Strength from the arm, and the majestic Bloodline majesty, King Kast’s eyes narrowed and he subconsciously looked towards the side.

Adier stood beside him silently, his face looked calm at this moment, one arm grabbed King Kast’s wrist, and stopped the blow at a critical moment.


Looking at the side Adier, King Kast sighed lightly, glanced at the child who fell to the ground, and finally let go.

In fact, he didn’t originally plan to kill Kulu much, after all is his own child, even if he doesn’t like the character of the other person very much, but also has emotions.

Fang Caizhi’s heavy hand, on the one hand, is angrily, on the other hand, it is shown to Adier.

Now that his anger has subsided and Adier has taken the initiative to block, he has no reason to continue.

“Edice, she’s fine.”

A glance at Kulu, who fell to the ground, Kast King opened the mouth and said: “Your mother and clansman are all right. I was hiding in the palace at this time, and there was no accident.”

“That’s good.” Adier gently nodded, the big rock in his heart fell.

Looking at King Kast, he was trying to say something.

boom! !

In the distance, a violent vibration erupted, attracting Adier’s attention.

I saw in the distance of the city, a huge shadow began to emerge, accompanied by a thrilling horror.

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