A huge breath rose from afar.

In Adier’s induction, the distant breath is so powerful that it is as deep as a sea and never bottoms out. Even with his current strength, he can’t see the strength of the other side at all. He can only see a black, and the sky. Blood and sorrow of the soul.

By his side, King Kast’s body had been frozen for a long time, and his face looked towards that far distance. Although his face was still calm, his back was almost wet with sweat.

“This … this aura …”

He was sweating a lot. At this moment, he only felt as if several mountains were pressed on his body. Every inch of his flesh was tied with chains and squeezed by a tremendous pressure. It was extremely difficult to move his body. There is a horrible pressure.

“How could there be such a horrible existence in the world!”

He widened his eyes, looked at the huge silhouette that appeared outside the city wall in the distance, and felt the deep fear for the first time.

As a wizard of Level 2 Peak, King Kast still behaved so much, not to mention the other people present. At this time, everyone was lying on the ground, his face filled with fear.

“He … they are coming …”

Yixis’ face was frightened, and her face became a bit distorted by fear: “Unstoppable, unstoppable, we all die …”

“Shut up!” King Kast scolded loudly, just looking at the silhouette like a demon in the distance, and a feeling of powerlessness rose in his heart.

This is beyond the mortal Strength, not Level 2, nor is it the so-called Level 3, but the real Level 4 exists.

In the face of this existence, the number has lost its meaning. Even if it is the elf king capital, there are a full number of hunted thousand troops in the army, I am afraid that they can’t bear the opponent’s blow at all.

For this, Adier feels particularly deep.

In the field, his strength is the strongest, so the more things he can feel, the more complete the coercion he can feel.

If he had not been mentally determined, and had experienced several times against Silencer in the Cursed World at that time, I was afraid that his heart would be covered by shadows, and he would not be able to courageously move forward.

In the distance, under the watchful eyes of countless people in the city, the giant demon began to take a step.

Bang … Bang … Bang …

The sound of heavy footprints permeates the place. Outside the city wall, the devil walks forward. With each step, a new footprint is formed under the foot, with a unique black mark attached to it. In this land.

“Fresh flesh …”

Looking at the huge elf capital that occupies a great distance, the devil raised his head, and the mist on his body gradually dispersed, revealing his true face in the eyes of the world for the first time.

This is a very tall demon, about several hundred meters tall. It looks similar to an ogre in appearance, but it is very different. It is covered by a thick layer of armor.

It seems that because summon is only a clone, the demon’s body appears a bit futile and looks a little unstable.

But as this demon continued to advance, the countless demonized beasts around it began to sorrow, and then the flesh and blood melted directly, swallowed up by this demon to strengthen the demon’s body.

By the time this demon walked to the city wall, his body was completely solid, and he didn’t seem to be floating in the slightest, like a real flesh body.

He looked towards the elf king in front of him. Scarlet’s eyes were full of blood and greed, and he directly stretched out a ten-meter-wide palm toward the city wall.

oh la la ···

On the city wall, a light silver enchantment began to emerge, and the pure force of Moon Elf was rippling. At this moment, they all converged and directly collided with the arm out of the demon.

boom! !

An astonishing collision sounded in place, as if two mountains of steel collided with each other, a terrifying shock erupted.

The surrounding energy particles were spreading wildly. Two different Strengths collided with each other at this moment. The aftermath of the eruption swept towards the surrounding earth, and forcibly swept a mountain outside the king city to plunder all the vitality above.

puci ···

In the city of Kings, in a high tower, Kolar, who originally hosted Wizard Array, spit out black blood.

“The High Priest!”

The surrounding sacrifice was shocked, and hurried forward to prepare to come and check the situation.

“I’m fine!” Shook the head, Kolar gently opened the mouth and said, then stretched out his hand.

On his right hand, the little by little black texture began to spread, like a small black dot with a small glance on each and everyone growing densely packed on it, looking a little scary.

This is caused by the Strength of the Devil outside the city wall.

The Devil’s Strength collided with the Guardian Array. Kolar, the core of the Wizard Array, was the first to be affected directly by the Devil’s Strength. At this time, he reacted to his body and his body began to be infected.

However, Kolar hasn’t waited for time to deal with it. Outside, at this point, the second strike of the demon has arrived.

Looking at the envelops surrounding the city, the tall ogre roared, a twisted smile appeared on his face, and the muscles of his right arm stood out, exposing a giant sharp bone, like a sharp long Like the sword, cut it down fiercely.

boom! !

The earth began to turbulence, and the enchantment on the periphery of the city wall began to shake. The power of Moon Elf shrouded above was constantly erupting. It was used to resist the ogre’s Strength and barely blocked the attack.

But this is not the end. Looking at the solid Wizard Array in front of me, the ogre directly looks up.

Roar! !

A roar erupted from the place, and a demonized beast exploded, flesh and blood became pure Strength and was absorbed by the devil.

Then in the mid-air, one after another, the black gas was permeating, slowly condensing into an incomparable gigantic ogre phantom in the mid-air, and then directly hit the front.

boom! !

As if the comets collided with each other, the mountains and rivers smashed to each other, and the earth began to sink in. The gravel inside splashed and directly sunk the earth in the range of 1000 meters.

Facing such a terrible blow on the front, under the watchful eye of Adier and the others, a City Wall section began to collapse directly, symbolizing that the Guardian Wizard Array of the King City began to collapse.

“No … this is impossible …”

Looking at this scene, King Kast was still shocked on his face, as if he saw something unbelievable, and murmured there: “This is not true … How can the King’s Guardian Wizard Array be possible? Will be broken … “

“This is the Wizard Array arranged by King Moon Elf himself.” He murmured, but his voice began to get lower and lower, and his long-standing belief was broken, which caused him to lose his usual shrewdness and start to lose his mind.

“Look …” Aside, Yixis’ face was a bit distorted, looking at the tall devil in the distance, the whole body was shaking: “This is the strength of the dark elf, we can’t stop it …”

“Wizard Array was completely broken !!” Inside the tower of Wang Cheng, all around seemed panic.

each and everyone The wizard was walking in it, with anxiety and fear on his face, and many people were crying in the corner, as if the faith in their minds had completely collapsed.

Once the City Shield Wizard Array is broken, the impact of it is beyond ordinary imagination.

Over the past thousands of years, Silver Mist King’s Courtyard has not encountered a crisis, but every time it has been spent safely in the guardian of the powerful Wizard Array in King City, for which it has spent a long time.

It can be said that this Wizard Array in King City is the greatest confidence in many elf hearts, and even many elf regard it as the most sacred belief in their hearts.

To this day, King City’s Wizard Array has been broken, which not only represents the last heavy barrier of Silver Mist King’s Courtyard being broken, but also means the destruction of faith. The double blow brought by it is enough to cause collapse.

“Quick, add magic stones now! Let’s restart Wizard Array!”

“No, Wizard Array has crashed, and I want to restart it for at least half an hour!”


Silhouettes shuttled through the towers. At this moment, the originally calming towers of wizards seemed to have become a vegetable market, full of the anxious and vocal voices of the wizards.

“No more effort.” A weak voice sounded around, making the noisy tower instantly quiet.

In the middle of the tower, Kolar struggled to get up from the ground, looking at all around with a sullen expression.

At this time, his condition was very bad. Most of his body became black, covered with densely packed black spots, and his skin was cracked, like a fragile porcelain doll, which may collapse at any time. destroy.

As an important node in the operation of the Wizard Array, he forcibly followed the crash of the Wizard Array and the aftermath of the Devil Strength, which was directly hit by these two Strength.

But even so, he did not die, forcibly stood up by his strength close to Level 3 Peak. At this time, although he was unprecedentedly weak, his mind was still sober: “no need to waste your strength.”

“Wizard Array, since it can be broken once, can be broken a second time.”

He said weakly, with a dead silence in his words: “Open the standby hiding Wizard Array, start the follow-up filing, and let some people leave.”

When the words fell, he stood up and used the side staff as a scepter. He stumbled toward the door, but eventually fell to the ground and lost all his strength.

“Did you still come this far !!!”

On the city wall, looking at the ogre that was raging outside the city, Adier’s face also changed.

There is no doubt that this situation is definitely the worst situation he expected.

A true Level 4 demon, which Adier had never thought of beforehand.

What’s more, the Strength of the demon in front of him is beyond his imagination, and a little stronger than the Silencer he has seen in the past.

“Adier!” There was a cry from afar, and then a shadow came quickly from afar.

It was a beautiful girl in a white dress, with black hair behind her, and a little girl was in her arms, with anxiety on her face: “The king can’t hold it anymore, let’s go!”

“Go, where you are now, where else can you go.” Listening to Edice’s voice behind him, Adier didn’t look back, only the voice came.

“Master Kolar has opened the Hidden Wizard Array, which can temporarily cover our breath.” Looking at Adier’s back, Edice took a deep breath: “Latina elder sister and Curtis Aunt have entered the palace, just waiting for us Leaving together! “

“As long as you leave here and you are there, we can go to other places and even re-open in unknown areas, and come back in the future!” She looked at Adier anxiously opened the mouth and said.

This is indeed an option.

Dark elf’s Strength is limited after all. Even if it breaks the king city, it will occupy the most area of ​​Silver Fog Forest.

As long as Adier and the others leave, escape from this area, enter other wizarding areas, and even those unknown areas, may not be able to restart.

When Adier’s Bloodline is fully mature in the future and truly possesses the power of King Moon Elf, he may not be able to kill King Silver’s Courtyard with Silver Mist again and recapture Silver Fog Forest.

But, listening to Edice’s words, Adier just sighed: “It’s too late.”

He looked at the raging devil in the distance and sighed softly.

How could dark elf not know the reliance of Silver Mist King’s Courtyard.

As a pure-blood Moon Elf, his goal is too big to be detached from the vortex in front of him.

Just now, he could sense that in the distance, a familiar atmosphere was locking him, at this moment he was lurking not far away, and he might jump at any time.

That’s Luciu. As an elf high priest, not only did he not organize a dark elf army attack on this occasion, but took advantage of the collapse of the Wizard Array to go directly to the city wall, and came to Adier’s side, showing his emphasis on Adier.

Someone stared here, in fact, Adier had no more choices.

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