“Adier, long time no see.” The indifferent voice sounded from a distance, and although it was faint, it passed to Adier’s ears accurately.

Listening to the sound, Adier didn’t move much, and there was no unexpected expression on his face, but he turned sideways calmly, looking towards a certain distance in the distance.

In that direction, behind a wall, an old elf wearing a gray robe with a scepter in his hand came out of it, with a plain smile on his face, and looked at Adier quietly there.

“I don’t want to meet you.” Looking at Luciu who came in front of him, Adier looked indifferent, and did not welcome the arrival of the other party.

“Hehe ···” Looking at Adier’s reaction, Luciu didn’t mind it either, just laughed, opened the mouth and said: “How did you think about the original proposal now?”

“Choose to surrender, I surrender Moon King’s Sword, and my original promise is still valid.”

“Not only will your family be preserved, but even your treatment will not be reduced in the slightest.”

“In the kingdom of dark elf, you are still the successor of the next generation of high priests. After my death, I will take over my position and become the guardian of dark elf.”

He looked at Adier and persuaded, “This person around you must be your wife and child.”

“Even if it’s not for yourself, but for them, you have to think about it.”

The voice fell, and the place suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Looking at Luciu in front of him, Edice complexion greatly changed, Solana in her arms quickly walked to Adier, for fear that Luciu in front of him suddenly attacked.

For her movements, Luciu saw in her eyes, just laughed, not at all to stop, but just looked towards the Adier in front of her: “So, what is your choice?”

He looked at Adier and asked seriously.

There was a moment of dead silence in place. It wasn’t long before Adier lifted his head and a smile appeared on his face: “I can’t see any sincerity from your body.”

Listening to this, Luciu froze, looked at Adier in front of him, and finally lightly sighed: “You found it.”

That’s right, he never intended to fulfill the conditions promised to Adier from beginning to end.

In this regard, as Moon Elf Bloodline and as a powerful wizard near Level 4, Adier feels particularly clear.

From beginning to end, in Luciu’s body, that deep maliciousness has always existed, full of a feeling of greed and longing, clearly felt by Adier.

As Moon Elf Bloodline, Adier has always been weak in this aspect, and naturally will not really be fooled.

What’s more, even if the other party is really sincere, he can never answer the party’s conditions.

Hand over Moon King’s Sword, and then transform itself into a dark elf. No matter which of these conditions, Adier will not agree.

“Keen perception … Unfortunately, it may not bring you a good end.”

After being told by Adier, Luciu’s face gradually became indifferent, no longer covering his purpose: “Since you don’t want to take the initiative, then I have to do it myself.”

“Adier, you Bloodline, please obey me!”

As the voice dropped, he gently stretched out a skinny arm with flashes of fluorescent light on it, turning into an invisible spell hand, rushing towards Adier.

“You know, why should I wait until now?”

Looking at Luciu rushing forward, Adier was not surprised, but just said with a smile: “Because only now, I can confirm all your trump cards.”

As the voice dropped, he waved his hand gently, and then a change began to breed in place.

The surrounding energy particles are buzzing, next moment, a phantom swept across the place, with a bit of red blade glow.

A long knife suddenly slashed, the huge Life Energy was burning, and the power of the pure and holy Moon Elf erupted at this moment, converging into an unstoppable strength.

Silver Flower! !!

boom! !

With a tremor, in place, a silhouette was blown off fiercely, leaving a city wall aside, leaving a large hole in it.


Struggling to stand up from a piece of gravel, looking at the distance in the same place, as if he had never moved the ordinary Adier, Luciu opened his eyes wide as if he had seen a ghost.

At this moment, he was only aware of something, with an incredible expression on his face: “You even …”

This sentence hasn’t been spoken yet, in front of me, there is a shining silver light flashing wildly, shining this area.

In the air, a giant silver hand quickly condensed, and then was photographed by fiercely.

boom! !

Only a moment later, Luciu’s protective force field was completely broken, and the remaining Strength opened several holes in him, knocking him away from a distance.

At this point, the gap between the two is already very clear.

Although both are Level 3 wizards, they are obviously not a specification.

Compared to the ordinary Level 3 wizard, Adier has already reached the limit level of the Level 3 wizard, even if it is far away from the seemingly out of reach Level 4 level, it’s only a jump that’s all.

In contrast, although Luciu’s Strength is also not weak, it is close to Peak in Level 3, but in the face of such existence as Adier, it is still beaten down within a few strokes, and there is not much resistance against Strength.

Looking at Adier standing in the distance, Luciu struggled to get up from the ground, never dare to stay in place, turned directly, dragged his wolf body out of here.

Adier did not chase after his departure.

Not that he didn’t want to, but at this time, he had no time to ignore it.

Because on the city wall in front, the demon is killing and killing at this time, and almost every step will take away countless lives.

“Let’s go back.”

Looking at the raging demon in the distance, Adier turned to face Edice, and watched her gently say, “Go to the palace and stay well.”

As the words fell, he didn’t say more, but turned around and slowly walked towards the far away demon.

Behind him, staring at Adier’s back, Edice was stunned for a long time, until Solana in her arms began to cry, and then she got up in a hurry and ran quickly in one direction.

Ahead, the devil is still raging.

After breaking the Wizard Array, the guardian of the capital, there is no longer any Strength here to stop this raging demon. The entire city of elf is open to this demon, and the flesh and blood in it emits a delicious breath of life.

For this demon, this is the best food.

Freed from the underground world, it was difficult for the avatar to enter the surface world. For this demon, this is a grand eating.

Before this avatar is completely dissipated, he is afraid that he will continue to kill, accumulate as many Strength as possible, and feed it back to the body to break the seal deep in the ground as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, his eating has just begun and he has to be interrupted.

In mid-air, I don’t know when, a silver moon suddenly emerged from the sky, and there was a thick wave of energy particles, which almost instantly attracted everyone’s attention.

“That is···”

Looking at the silver moon condensing in mid-air, at this moment, no matter the dark elf or the silver mist elf, the wizards on both sides could not help but feel a deep Bloodline coercion rising from a distance.

Under the gaze of these people, the silver moon hung above the sky gradually fell, and in the eyes of countless people, fiercely hit the devil.

Yueyao! !!

The frantic explosion sounded, and began to vibrate with the explosion of energy particles.

On the earth, soft moonlight shields everything around, as if covered with a beautiful layer of silver frost.

A heavy Bloodline blooms majesticly, and a silhouette slowly emerges from a silver paved road.

It was a handsome boy with silver hair and silver eyes, his hair was loose, and he had a holy and peaceful temperament, accompanied by a Bloodline atmosphere that belonged to Moon Elf alone, so that everyone present could not ignore his eyes.

The young man held a blood-colored long knife, and an emerald-colored mark began to manifest on his forehead. The horrible Bloodline majesty on his body was no longer covered, and it was so directly exposed in front of all elf, bringing to all beings present. A heavy pressure.

He just walked on the road like this. The strength of Moon Elf was so strong that he couldn’t spend it, and it turned into a thick silver feather coat covering him, so that his breath and strength were filled with it for a long time.

Roar! !

Angry roar erupted from a distance, making the roar sound of earth-shaking sound like the most terrifying and primitive reckless beast.

The demon climbed from the ground, looked at the Quartet angrily, and finally looked exactly towards the direction in which Adier was.

He had previously received a blow from Adier, but he didn’t seem to have much damage. Most of his body was still intact, but there was a deep depression in his chest, and a bit of black blood remained.

“Is it just that much?”

Walking on the road, looking at the scar in front of the demon’s chest, Adier frowned.

Just before that blow, he did not stay at all, but shot as hard as he could. Level 3’s Strength broke out in a single blow. The burst of Strength surprised Adier himself, but he still couldn’t wreck the demon in front of him, leaving only a scar on the opponent.

The gap between the Level 3 limit and Level 4 is much larger than Adier imagined, so that Adier’s full shot could not seriously hurt the demon in front of him.

However, this was also expected by Adier, so despite his disappointment, he was not too surprised.

Quietly watching the demon roaring in situ, Adier’s face remained unchanged, but he quietly took out a silver long sword and slowly pulled it out.

“That’s … Moon King’s Sword …” On the city wall, watching Adier’s movement, King Kast had a shock in his eyes and stared at Adier tightly, not afraid to shift in the slightest.

Under the eyes of countless elf wizards, a bit of silver light flashed slowly, and then a long sword was pulled out by Adier.

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